‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr

 ‘Ali is the best of creation
March 4, 2019
 ‘Ali: his scale and mines are equal in justice
March 4, 2019

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 ‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr


علي خير البشر فمن أبى فقد كفر

‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr.


This narration is mawdu’. Muhammad ibn Kathir is the problem.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar stated, “Ibn ‘Adi transmitted from many chains, all of which are da’if.”[1]

Hassan ibn Muhammad Abu Tahir al Nassabah (the genealogist) from Ishaq al Dabari.

Al Dhahabi commented, “This is a munkar hadith.”

Al Dhahabi also labelled it, “Evidently batil.”[2]

Al Khatib al Baghdadi concurred, “This hadith is munkar, and not thabit (established).”[3]

Al Suyuti and Ibn al Jawzi declared it mawdu’.[4]

It appears in al Mughni fi al Duafa’, “It is reported from al Hurr ibn Sa’id al Nakha’i from Sharik.” The verdict then appears, “This hadith is a lie.”[5]

Hussain Ashqar, the shia mukhadram[6], is also present in the isnad

I found its tashih in ‘Ilal al Daraqutni[7], but this is one of his errors since he cited the narration of Muhammad ibn Kathir as proof not realising that the man is mutakallam fih (criticised). Al Bukhari said about him, “Munkar al hadith.”[8]

Majority of the scholars have expressed similar feelings, besides Ibn Ma’in who classified him Hassan.

Obviously, the Rawafid authenticate the hadith and claim that it is mutawatir, as stated by Muhammad ibn Tahir al Shirazi and Muhammad ibn Jarir ibn Rustum al Tabari.[9]

Owing to the significance of this hadith in their sight, they have dedicated a book to it with the heading: Nawadir al Athar fi ‘Ali Khayr al Bashar (Phenomenon of hadith in ‘Ali being the best human).[10]

Al Ghifari asserts that the Ahlus Sunnah reported it from seven chains.[11]

Ahmed al Mahmudi the muhaqqiq of al Mustarshad claims that the hadith is exceptionally mutawatir.[12]

Their deception and bankruptcy is evident from their statement, “Hafiz Ibn Hajar narrated it in Tahdhib al Tahdhib[13] and Lisan al Mizan[14], and al Dhahabi did in Mizan al I’tidal[15].”

This is deception and misrepresentation from their side. They feigned ignorance of the fact that these books were written to identify weak narrators and fabricators. Some of their narrations are listed as examples of their lies and concoctions. Hafiz cited the narration in al Tahdhib in the biography of Muhammad ibn Kathir one of the problematic narrators in this narration and then follows it by saying, “Abu Hatim said, “Da’if al hadith.”

In both al Lisan and al Mizan, Ibn Hajar and al Dhahabi have labelled the hadith batil like the sun, i.e. evidently batil. They affirmed that the narrator shamelessly narrated it, thus disclosing his rafd and falsehood. Al Dhahabi clarified that Sharik did not believe that Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu was the best human unconditionally. Had this statement been sahih, it would mean that he was the best human in his time. But saying it unconditionally will not be done by any Muslim.[16]

The list of their lies:

‘Ali ibn Yunus al ‘Amili claims that Ahmed narrated it in al Musnad.[17]

I have not located it there. Probably this is one of his lies. However, it does appear in the margins of al Musnad[18] which is a selected book Kanz al ‘Ummal. However, it has no connection with Musnad Ahmed.

Ahmed al Mahmudi the muhaqqiq of al Mustarshad claims, “The hadith is exceptionally mutawatir as stated by:

  • Al Kanji al Shafi’i in Kifayat al Talib 245
  • Ibn ‘Asakir in Tarikh Dimashq 2 pg. 444
  • Al Qunduzi al Hanafi in Yanabi’ al Mawaddah 246.
  • Al Muttaqi al Hindi in Kanz al ‘Ummal 11 pg. 625
  • Al Khatib al Baghdadi in Tarikh Baghdad 2 pg. 154.

Amazing indeed is the level of their falsehood! Have a look at al Khatib’s statement after quoting this hadith, “This is a munkar hadith. It is not thabit (established).”

Yet, these liars think that he classified it mutawatir! May the curse of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala be on the liars!


Next⇒  ‘Ali: his scale and mines are equal in justice

[1] Tasdid al Qaws vol. 3 pg. 89.

[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 1 pg. 521 Ta: 1943; Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 252.

[3] Vol. 7 pg. 421.

[4] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 328; al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 348.

[5] Al Mughni fi al Du’afa’ vol. 1 pg. 155 Ta: 1362.

[6] One who witnessed both the eras of ignorance and Islam, but did not have the fortune of seeing Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

[7] ‘Ilal al Daraqutni vol. 4 pg. 124.

[8] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 1 pg. 217 Biography: 683.

[9] Al Arba’in fi Imamat al A’immah al Tahirin pg. 456; al Mustarshad pg. 281.

[10] Published in Tehran 1369 A.H.

[11] Margins of Man La Yahduruhu al Faqih vol. 3 pg. 493.

[12] Al Mustarshad pg. 273.

[13] Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 9 pg. 419.

[14] Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 252.

[15] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 2 pg. 214, 273; vol. 3 pg. 374; vol. 4 pg. 77.

[16] Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 8 pg. 205.

[17] Al Sirat al Mustaqim ila Mustahiqqi al Taqdim vol. 2 pg. 68.

[18] Al Musnad vol. 5 pg. 35.

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 ‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr


علي خير البشر فمن أبى فقد كفر

‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr.


This narration is mawdu’. Muhammad ibn Kathir is the problem.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar stated, “Ibn ‘Adi transmitted from many chains, all of which are da’if.”[1]

Hassan ibn Muhammad Abu Tahir al Nassabah (the genealogist) from Ishaq al Dabari.

Al Dhahabi commented, “This is a munkar hadith.”

Al Dhahabi also labelled it, “Evidently batil.”[2]

Al Khatib al Baghdadi concurred, “This hadith is munkar, and not thabit (established).”[3]

Al Suyuti and Ibn al Jawzi declared it mawdu’.[4]

It appears in al Mughni fi al Duafa’, “It is reported from al Hurr ibn Sa’id al Nakha’i from Sharik.” The verdict then appears, “This hadith is a lie.”[5]

Hussain Ashqar, the shia mukhadram[6], is also present in the isnad

I found its tashih in ‘Ilal al Daraqutni[7], but this is one of his errors since he cited the narration of Muhammad ibn Kathir as proof not realising that the man is mutakallam fih (criticised). Al Bukhari said about him, “Munkar al hadith.”[8]

Majority of the scholars have expressed similar feelings, besides Ibn Ma’in who classified him Hassan.

Obviously, the Rawafid authenticate the hadith and claim that it is mutawatir, as stated by Muhammad ibn Tahir al Shirazi and Muhammad ibn Jarir ibn Rustum al Tabari.[9]

Owing to the significance of this hadith in their sight, they have dedicated a book to it with the heading: Nawadir al Athar fi ‘Ali Khayr al Bashar (Phenomenon of hadith in ‘Ali being the best human).[10]

Al Ghifari asserts that the Ahlus Sunnah reported it from seven chains.[11]

Ahmed al Mahmudi the muhaqqiq of al Mustarshad claims that the hadith is exceptionally mutawatir.[12]

Their deception and bankruptcy is evident from their statement, “Hafiz Ibn Hajar narrated it in Tahdhib al Tahdhib[13] and Lisan al Mizan[14], and al Dhahabi did in Mizan al I’tidal[15].”

This is deception and misrepresentation from their side. They feigned ignorance of the fact that these books were written to identify weak narrators and fabricators. Some of their narrations are listed as examples of their lies and concoctions. Hafiz cited the narration in al Tahdhib in the biography of Muhammad ibn Kathir one of the problematic narrators in this narration and then follows it by saying, “Abu Hatim said, “Da’if al hadith.”

In both al Lisan and al Mizan, Ibn Hajar and al Dhahabi have labelled the hadith batil like the sun, i.e. evidently batil. They affirmed that the narrator shamelessly narrated it, thus disclosing his rafd and falsehood. Al Dhahabi clarified that Sharik did not believe that Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu was the best human unconditionally. Had this statement been sahih, it would mean that he was the best human in his time. But saying it unconditionally will not be done by any Muslim.[16]

The list of their lies:

‘Ali ibn Yunus al ‘Amili claims that Ahmed narrated it in al Musnad.[17]

I have not located it there. Probably this is one of his lies. However, it does appear in the margins of al Musnad[18] which is a selected book Kanz al ‘Ummal. However, it has no connection with Musnad Ahmed.

Ahmed al Mahmudi the muhaqqiq of al Mustarshad claims, “The hadith is exceptionally mutawatir as stated by:

  • Al Kanji al Shafi’i in Kifayat al Talib 245
  • Ibn ‘Asakir in Tarikh Dimashq 2 pg. 444
  • Al Qunduzi al Hanafi in Yanabi’ al Mawaddah 246.
  • Al Muttaqi al Hindi in Kanz al ‘Ummal 11 pg. 625
  • Al Khatib al Baghdadi in Tarikh Baghdad 2 pg. 154.

Amazing indeed is the level of their falsehood! Have a look at al Khatib’s statement after quoting this hadith, “This is a munkar hadith. It is not thabit (established).”

Yet, these liars think that he classified it mutawatir! May the curse of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala be on the liars!


Next⇒  ‘Ali: his scale and mines are equal in justice

[1] Tasdid al Qaws vol. 3 pg. 89.

[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 1 pg. 521 Ta: 1943; Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 252.

[3] Vol. 7 pg. 421.

[4] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 328; al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 348.

[5] Al Mughni fi al Du’afa’ vol. 1 pg. 155 Ta: 1362.

[6] One who witnessed both the eras of ignorance and Islam, but did not have the fortune of seeing Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

[7] ‘Ilal al Daraqutni vol. 4 pg. 124.

[8] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 1 pg. 217 Biography: 683.

[9] Al Arba’in fi Imamat al A’immah al Tahirin pg. 456; al Mustarshad pg. 281.

[10] Published in Tehran 1369 A.H.

[11] Margins of Man La Yahduruhu al Faqih vol. 3 pg. 493.

[12] Al Mustarshad pg. 273.

[13] Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 9 pg. 419.

[14] Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 252.

[15] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 2 pg. 214, 273; vol. 3 pg. 374; vol. 4 pg. 77.

[16] Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 8 pg. 205.

[17] Al Sirat al Mustaqim ila Mustahiqqi al Taqdim vol. 2 pg. 68.

[18] Al Musnad vol. 5 pg. 35.