‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body

 ‘Ali: his scale and mines are equal in justice
March 4, 2019
 ‘Ali is from me and I am from him. No one will settle my debt besides myself and ‘Ali and none will convey from me except ‘Ali
March 5, 2019

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 ‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body


علي مني بمنزلة رأسي من بدني

‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body.


Al Majlisi the liar claims that the Ahlus Sunnah have documented this hadith in their al Sihah.[1]

Al Khatib reports it saying, “I have not written it except through this chain.”[2]

The sanad is dark as al Albani called it.[3] All those after Isra’il are majhul as ibn al Jawzi pointed out in al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah fi al Ahadith al Wahiyah. He mentioned that Abu Bakr ibn Mardawayh reported it from Hussain al Ashqar.[4]


Hussain al Ashqar

  • Al Dhahabi remarks, “Hussain al Ashqar is munkar al hadith (contradicts reliable narrators). It is not permissible to use him as proof.”[5]
  • Al Bukhari comments, “There is scepticism about him.”[6]
  • Al Bukhari also states, “He has manakir.”[7]
  • Abu Zur’ah says, “Munkar al hadith.”
  • Al Jawzjani remarks, “Radical. Insults the chosen.”[8]
  • Al Nasa’i comments, “He is not qawi (reliable).”[9]
  • Al Daraqutni made similar comments.[10]


Qais ibn al Rabi’

  • Da’if
  • Al Bukhari states, “Waki’ would label him da’if.”[11]
  • In fact, al Bukhari says, “Qais ibn al Rabi’: I neither write his ahadith nor report from him.”[12]
  • Abu Dawood comments, “I heard Yahya ibn Ma’in saying, ‘He is worthless.’”[13]


Next⇒  ‘Ali is from me and I am from him. No one will settle my debt besides myself and ‘Ali and none will convey from me except ‘Ali

[1] Bihar al Anwar vol. 35 pg. 269.

[2] Tarikh Baghdad vol. 7 pg. 12.

[3] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah Hadith: 3913.

[4] Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah fi al Ahadith al Wahiyah vol. 1 pg. 212.

[5] Hashiyat al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.

[6] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 2 pg. 2862.

[7] Al Tarikh al Saghir vol. 2 pg. 319.

[8] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 1 pg. 531.

[9] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun 146.

[10] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun 195; Silsilat al Da’ifah Hadith: 3913.

[11] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 7 pg. 704.

[12] Al Tarikh al Saghir vol. 2 pg. 172

[13] Su’alat Abi Dawood vol. 3 pg. 117.

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 ‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body


علي مني بمنزلة رأسي من بدني

‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body.


Al Majlisi the liar claims that the Ahlus Sunnah have documented this hadith in their al Sihah.[1]

Al Khatib reports it saying, “I have not written it except through this chain.”[2]

The sanad is dark as al Albani called it.[3] All those after Isra’il are majhul as ibn al Jawzi pointed out in al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah fi al Ahadith al Wahiyah. He mentioned that Abu Bakr ibn Mardawayh reported it from Hussain al Ashqar.[4]


Hussain al Ashqar

  • Al Dhahabi remarks, “Hussain al Ashqar is munkar al hadith (contradicts reliable narrators). It is not permissible to use him as proof.”[5]
  • Al Bukhari comments, “There is scepticism about him.”[6]
  • Al Bukhari also states, “He has manakir.”[7]
  • Abu Zur’ah says, “Munkar al hadith.”
  • Al Jawzjani remarks, “Radical. Insults the chosen.”[8]
  • Al Nasa’i comments, “He is not qawi (reliable).”[9]
  • Al Daraqutni made similar comments.[10]


Qais ibn al Rabi’

  • Da’if
  • Al Bukhari states, “Waki’ would label him da’if.”[11]
  • In fact, al Bukhari says, “Qais ibn al Rabi’: I neither write his ahadith nor report from him.”[12]
  • Abu Dawood comments, “I heard Yahya ibn Ma’in saying, ‘He is worthless.’”[13]


Next⇒  ‘Ali is from me and I am from him. No one will settle my debt besides myself and ‘Ali and none will convey from me except ‘Ali

[1] Bihar al Anwar vol. 35 pg. 269.

[2] Tarikh Baghdad vol. 7 pg. 12.

[3] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah Hadith: 3913.

[4] Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah fi al Ahadith al Wahiyah vol. 1 pg. 212.

[5] Hashiyat al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.

[6] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 2 pg. 2862.

[7] Al Tarikh al Saghir vol. 2 pg. 319.

[8] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 1 pg. 531.

[9] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun 146.

[10] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun 195; Silsilat al Da’ifah Hadith: 3913.

[11] Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 7 pg. 704.

[12] Al Tarikh al Saghir vol. 2 pg. 172

[13] Su’alat Abi Dawood vol. 3 pg. 117.