A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it

Fatimah would visit her uncle Hamzah’s grave, pray and cry at his graveside
August 21, 2018
His Kursi extends over the heavens and earth and He sits on it
August 21, 2018

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A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it


إن قردة زنت فرجموها

A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it to death.


This is the narration of ‘Amr ibn Maymun who is not a Sahabi. He was alive during the era of ignorance but did not enjoy the fortune of meeting Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He reports something he saw during the era of ignorance. There is nothing wrong with this since this is what he saw and supposes. It appears in a narration that he saw a male and female monkey mating. Another male monkey came and took her from him. Thereafter, many other monkeys gathered and stoned both of them. This is the story which he supposed as stoning due to adultery. However, he did not learn this story from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Had Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam informed him of it and had the sanad been sahih, we would have accepted it. We have believed it in much greater matters.

If this story is correct, it proves that monkeys are cleaner that the Rawafid who allow lending of the female private organ and anal sex―which is the practice of animals!


فقد روى الطوسي عن محمد عن أبي جعفر قال قلت الرجل يحل لأخيه فرج قال نعم لا بأس به له ما أحل له منها

Al Tusi reports from Muhammad ibn Abi Jafar:

I said, “A man permits his wife’s private organ for his brother.”

He replied, “Yes, there is no sin in this. Whatever section of hers he permits for him is permissible for him.”[1]


عن أبي الحسن الطارئ أنه سأل أبا عبد الله عن عارية الفرج فقال لا بأس به

Abu al Hassan al Tari’ reports that he asked Abu ‘Abdullah regarding lending the female private organ. He replied, “There is no problem with that.”[2]


Al Jaza’iri reports:

قال أبو عبد الله والله لقد نبئت أن بعض البهائم تنكرت له أخته فلما نزا عليها و نزل كشف له عنها و علم أنها أخته أخرج غرموله (ذكره) ثم قبض عليه بأسنانه ثم قلعه ثم خر ميتا

Abu ‘Abdullah said, “By Allah, I was informed that about an animal whose sister disguised herself for him. After he jumped on her and ejaculated, she was unveiled and he realised that she is his sister. He took out his genitals, grabbed it with his teeth, and tore it out which resulted in his immediate death.”[3]


Next⇒ His Kursi extends over the heavens and earth and He sits on it

[1] Kitab al Istibsar vol. 3 pg. 136.

[2] Ibid vol. 3 pg. 141.

[3] Al Jaza’iri: Qisas al Ambiya’ pg. 71. Dar al Balaghah.

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A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it


إن قردة زنت فرجموها

A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it to death.


This is the narration of ‘Amr ibn Maymun who is not a Sahabi. He was alive during the era of ignorance but did not enjoy the fortune of meeting Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He reports something he saw during the era of ignorance. There is nothing wrong with this since this is what he saw and supposes. It appears in a narration that he saw a male and female monkey mating. Another male monkey came and took her from him. Thereafter, many other monkeys gathered and stoned both of them. This is the story which he supposed as stoning due to adultery. However, he did not learn this story from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Had Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam informed him of it and had the sanad been sahih, we would have accepted it. We have believed it in much greater matters.

If this story is correct, it proves that monkeys are cleaner that the Rawafid who allow lending of the female private organ and anal sex―which is the practice of animals!


فقد روى الطوسي عن محمد عن أبي جعفر قال قلت الرجل يحل لأخيه فرج قال نعم لا بأس به له ما أحل له منها

Al Tusi reports from Muhammad ibn Abi Jafar:

I said, “A man permits his wife’s private organ for his brother.”

He replied, “Yes, there is no sin in this. Whatever section of hers he permits for him is permissible for him.”[1]


عن أبي الحسن الطارئ أنه سأل أبا عبد الله عن عارية الفرج فقال لا بأس به

Abu al Hassan al Tari’ reports that he asked Abu ‘Abdullah regarding lending the female private organ. He replied, “There is no problem with that.”[2]


Al Jaza’iri reports:

قال أبو عبد الله والله لقد نبئت أن بعض البهائم تنكرت له أخته فلما نزا عليها و نزل كشف له عنها و علم أنها أخته أخرج غرموله (ذكره) ثم قبض عليه بأسنانه ثم قلعه ثم خر ميتا

Abu ‘Abdullah said, “By Allah, I was informed that about an animal whose sister disguised herself for him. After he jumped on her and ejaculated, she was unveiled and he realised that she is his sister. He took out his genitals, grabbed it with his teeth, and tore it out which resulted in his immediate death.”[3]


Next⇒ His Kursi extends over the heavens and earth and He sits on it

[1] Kitab al Istibsar vol. 3 pg. 136.

[2] Ibid vol. 3 pg. 141.

[3] Al Jaza’iri: Qisas al Ambiya’ pg. 71. Dar al Balaghah.