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(Molana) Muhammad Nafi’ (May Allah overlook his shortcomings) son of Molana ‘Abdul Ghafur.
The father of Molana Muhammad Nafi’, Molana ‘Abdul Ghafur performed hajj in the year 1332 A.H corresponding to 1914 C.E. In those days the pilgrims would travel between Makkah al Mukarramah and al Madinah al Munawwarah by camel. The name owner of the camel that was hired by Molana ‘Abdul Ghafur was Nafi’, who was also a resident of al Madinah al Munawwarah. Molana ‘Abdul Ghafur really liked this name. Therefore, after he returned from hajj, approximately in the year 1335 A.H-1915 C.E. when he was blessed with a son, he named him Nafi’ and added Muhammad before it as a source of barakah (blessings).
According to estimation, he was born in the year 1335 A.H-1915 C.E. in the village Muhammadi Sharif, in the district of Jhang (Punjab). This is an estimated date, the actual date has not been recorded anywhere.
He completed memorisation of the Qur’an under the tutelage of his father in the year 1352 A.H-1922 C.E. thereafter he studied a few elementary books under Molana Allah Jawaya Shah (d. 1362 A.H.), as well as his elder brother, Molana Muhammad Dhakir. Thereafter he proceeded to Madrasah Isha’at al ‘Ulum at Jami’ Masjid Kachehri Bazar Laylpur Faisalabad, where he studied Fusul Akbari, ‘Ilm al Sighah, Nahw Mir, Sughra, Kubra etc., under Molana Muhammad Muslim ‘Uthmani and Molana Hakim ‘Abdul Majid.
At around the same time, the foundation of Dar al ‘Ulum Jami’ Muhammadi Sharif was being laid by his elder brother, Molana Muhammad Dhakir in the village Muhammadi Sharif, in the district of Jhang. Molana Ahmed Shah, a graduate of Dar al ‘Ulum Deoband was the first person to arrive at this institution and he was granted the post of dean of all faculties. Therefore, Molana Muhammad Nafi’ returned to his hometown and continued his studies at the local Dar al ‘Ulum of Muhammadi Sharif.
He studied the following books;
When Molana Qutb al Din Uchalwi arrived at this Madrasah, he studied the remainder of Qutbi, Mebzi, Sharh al Wiqayah Akhirayn (Fiqh), Mukhtasar al Ma’ani (a book on eloquence) and a few other books under him. He studied Nur al Anwar, Sharh al Wiqayah Awalayn and other books under Molana Muhammad Sher rahimahu Llah. After the year 1359 A.H – 1940 C.E. the famous student of Molana Ghulam Ahmed Lahori, Molana Ahmed Bakhsh from Gudai (Derah Ghazi Khan) arrived at Jami’ah Muhammadi Sharif. Molana Muhammad Nafi’ studied Hidayah Akhirayn, Jalalayn, Sharh Nukhbat al Fikar, Diwan al Mutanabbi and other books under him.
Thereafter he travelled to Dan Bhajran in the district of Miyanwali where he spent approximately seven months in the company of Molana Ghulam Yasin studying Mishkat, Hamd Allah ‘Abdul Ghafur (footnotes of Sharh Jami) and other books. In the year 1360 A.H-1941 C.E. he was blessed with the companionship of the famous teacher, Molana Waliullah Gujarati (d. Shawwal 1393 A.H – November 1973 C.E.). This took place in a village called Ani in the district of Gujrat. Under his guidance Molana Nafi’ studied many books in different sciences including, al Tawdih wa al Talwih, Musallam al Thubut, Mir Zahid Mulla Jalal, Mir Zahid Risalah Qutbiyyah, Mir Zahid Umur ‘Ammah, Qadi Mubarak, Sharh al ‘Aqa’id al Nasafiyyah and Matawwal.
Finally, in the year 1362 A.H. he took admission at Dar al ‘Ulum Deoband and completed the Dawrat al Hadith. This was during the era when luminaries such as Sheikh al Adab Molana I’zaz ‘Ali Amrowhi, Molana Ibrahim Balyawi, Mufti Riyad al Din and Mufti Shafi’ were imparting the knowledge of din to thousands of students, whilst Molana Hussain Ahmed Madani was imprisoned in the jail of Farang. Molana Muhammad Nafi’ studied the Dawrat al Hadith under these luminaries. Thus, after graduating from Dar al ‘Ulum Deoband in the year 1362 A.H, he was awarded the certificate of graduation numbered 13045. This certificate was received in the year 1362-1943.
After returning to his home-town, in the year 1362-1943, he began teaching in the local Dar al ‘Ulum, Jami’ah Muhammadi.
After the formation of Pakistan in the year 1947 A.H, he got involved with Tanzim Ahlus Sunnah and contributed towards countering Shi’ism. Thereafter he dedicated his time to in-depth research and writing on the subject. Thus he would contribute regarding different matters to the weekly journal of Tanzim Ahl al Sunnat al Da’wah. His articles would appear under the title Tahqiqat Nafi’ah (Beneficial Findings). Concurrently, he would contribute to the monthly magazine of his teacher Molana Ahmed Shah Bukhari which was called al Faruq.
In the year 1373 A.H – 1953 C.E., when the Tahrik Khatme Nubuwwah rose in opposition to Qadianism, he also took an active role, which resulted in his arrest. He was imprisoned for three months, firstly in Jhang and thereafter in Borstil. Upon his release, he began gathering material for the book Ruhama’ Baynahum, which was done after consultation and guidance from his teacher Molana Ahmed Shah Bukhari.
In the year 1371 A.H – 1935 C.E., the Qadiyani printed a special edition of their famous journal, Al Fadl, which carried the title, The Continuation of Nubuwwah. In response to this Molana penned and published his book, Mas’alah Khatm Nubuwwah awr Salaf Salihin, which silenced the Qadiyani and discredited their arguments.
An in depth discussion of the famous hadith, “I left amongst you al Thaqalayn”. He gathered various chains and added excellent research regarding both versions of the narration, i.e. “the Book of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt” and “the Book of Allah and my Sunnah”. This book was authored in the year 1383-1963.
The book Ruhama’ Baynahum was authored in order to highlight the mutual love and respect possessed by the Sahabah for one another, especially the four Khalifas. The first volume of the book, regarding Abu Bakr al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu was written in the year 1391-1971, the second volume, regarding ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu was written in the year 1396-1976 and the third volume, regarding ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu was written in the year 1398-1978. In each one of these books, the love and brotherhood between the four Khalifas was highlighted, over and above the fact that they were related to one another.
This book was written in the year 1400-1980. It was written to refute the accusation of nepotism levelled against ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu. This book is in fact a supplement to the section of ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu of the book Ruhama’ Baynahum.
This treatise was written in the year 1403-1983. Along with brief biographies of Abu Sufyan radiya Llahu ‘anhu and his wife, it educates the reader about their services to Islam. Later on, a second edition was written, which included a section regarding Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan and Umm Habibah radiya Llahu ‘anhuma.
The Qur’an, Sunnah and reliable books of both the Shia and Ahlus Sunnah were quoted to prove that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had four daughters. This book was compiled in the year 1404-1984. It also includes biographies of the four noble women.
Besides the details regarding his lineage and background, this book presents an accurate version of his biography, leaving out all the exaggerated beliefs, positive and negative, regarding him. Many doubts and misconceptions were answered in this book. It was completed in the year 1409-1988.
This book was written in Safar 1411-1990 in two volumes. The first volume covers his biography as well as his services to Islam. The second volume disproves the accusations levelled against him by the opposition, which amounts to approximately forty-one accusations.
This book was written in two volumes in the year 1420-1999. The first volume is mostly a defence on behalf of the Sahabah. The second volume contains the biographies of Sayyidina Hassan and Sayyidina Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhuma as well as the correct versions of their martyrdom.