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Our contention with the Rawafid began halfway through the 1st century Hijri. Our pious predecessors had several encounters with the founders of the Shia creed.
Imam Malik rahimahu Llah was asked about the Rafidah. He said:
لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فانهم يكذبون
Do not speak with them and do not narrate from them as they are liars.[1]
Imam al Shafi’i rahimahu Llah said:
ما رأيت في أهل الأهواء قوما أشهد بالزور من الرافضة
I have not seen amongst the innovators, a people more dishonest than the Rafidah.[2]
Hammad ibn Salamah rahimahu Llah said:
حدثني شيخ لهم . يعني الرافضة . قال : كنا اذا اجتمعنا فاستحسنا شيئا جعلناه حديثا
One of the Rafidah leaders said to me, “When we converge and take a liking to something, we transmit it as a hadith.”[3]
The scholars are unanimous that lying is much more common and normalized amongst the Rawafid compared to any other sect. Many of the early scholars and hadith masters took to refuting the Shia falsities and uncovering their lies. Amongst them was Ibn Taymiyyah in al Minhaj, al Dhahabi in al Muntaqa’, Ibn al Qayyim in most of his works, Ibn Kathir in his Tarikh, and Ibn Hazm in al Fasl.
The books of history are filled with evidence that proves the treachery of the Rawafid, their baiting ‘Ali, and disgracing al Hussain ibn ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhuma.
NEXT⇒ The Shia Of Today Pose a Greater Danger To Islam Than The Shia Of The Past
[1] Minhaj al Sunnah with the annotations of Dr Muhammad Rashad Salim, vol. 1 pg. 37.
[2] Minhaj al Sunnah, vol. 1 pg. 39; Al Ba’ith al Hathith, pg. 109.
[3] Al Dhahabi: Al Muntaqa’ min Minhaj al I’tidal, pg. 22.