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عنوان صحيفة المؤمن حب علي
The title of the believer’s book (of deeds) will read: Love for ‘Ali.
The narration has a batil sanad as clarified by al Albani.[1]
Al Munawi explains, “Abu al Farj Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn Juri al ‘Akbari is present therein. The documentor of the hadith al Khatib comments, ‘There are manakir in his ahadith.’ Al Dhahabi says, ‘I commented on it: a mawdu’ hadith.”
Ibn al Jawzi said, “The hadith is baseless.”[2]
Next⇒ Fatimah is a part of me; whoever angers her has definitely angered me
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah Hadith: 789.
[2] Fayd al Qadir vol. 4 pg. 365.
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عنوان صحيفة المؤمن حب علي
The title of the believer’s book (of deeds) will read: Love for ‘Ali.
The narration has a batil sanad as clarified by al Albani.[1]
Al Munawi explains, “Abu al Farj Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn Juri al ‘Akbari is present therein. The documentor of the hadith al Khatib comments, ‘There are manakir in his ahadith.’ Al Dhahabi says, ‘I commented on it: a mawdu’ hadith.”
Ibn al Jawzi said, “The hadith is baseless.”[2]
Next⇒ Fatimah is a part of me; whoever angers her has definitely angered me
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah Hadith: 789.
[2] Fayd al Qadir vol. 4 pg. 365.