The status of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan in Society

The Tolerance of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan and his Good Character
August 2, 2019
Honouring the scholars
August 2, 2019

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The status of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan in Society


Sayyidina ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan was held in high esteem by the Khalifah Sulaiman ibn ‘Abdul Malik and the Righteous Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, who both acknowledged his virtue and status.


Ibn Asakir reports that ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz said to ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan:


إن رأيت أن لا تأتي إلا في الساعة التي ترى أنه يؤذن لك فيها فافعل، فإني أخاف أن تقف ببابي فلا يؤذن لك

If you could only come to me during those times when you think you will be permitted [an audience] then please do so, as I fear that you will wait at my door and not given permission.[1]


‘Abdullah ibn Hassan was also told:


إن أمير المؤمنين -يعني سليمان بن عبد الملك- قد بلغه أن في العسكر مطعوناً فالحق بأهلك، أضن بك

The Amir al Mu’minin—Sulaiman ibn ‘Abdul Malik—has been informed that a plague has afflicted the army, so remain with your family, he wishes to protect you [from getting infected].[2]


Illustrating his status during the reign of al Saffah al ‘Abbasi is the report that one day al Saffah was touring the granaries, accompanied by ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan, impressing upon him the stores they had collected. ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan said to him:

بيوتاً نفعها لبني نفيلة

ألم تر حوشباً أمسى يبني

وأمر الله يحدث كل ليلة

يؤمل أن يعمر عمر نوح

Do you not see that Hawshab has started to build houses from which the Banu Nufaylah will benefit.

He aspires to be granted the lifespan like the lifespan of Nuh ‘alayh al Salam, whereas the decree of Allah occurs every night.


Abu al ‘Abbas al Saffah replied, “This is not what I intended.”

‘Abdullah ibn Hassan replied, “I intended to make you indifferent to this paltry gains which you have shown me.”[3]


His sincere stance and courage when advising others and stating the truth is revealed to us.

Al Mizzi has reported in Tahdhib al Kamal:


أن أبا العباس السفاح قد خص عبد الله (المحض) ابن الحسن بن الحسن بالمجالسة والمحادثة ومزيد من الإكرام؛ ولكنه كان دائم السؤال له عن ابنيه محمداً وإبراهيم (وذلك لسعي الوشاة بأنهما يعزمان الخروج عليه) فقال له ما خلفهما عني فلم يفدا علي مع من وفد عليّ من أهلهما وكان يعيد عليه المسألة دائما، فشكا ذلك عبد الله بن الحسن إلى أخيه الحسن بن الحسن (المثلث) فقال له: إن أعاد عليك المسألة عنهما، فقل له: علمهما عند عمهما، فلما سأله أبو العباس قال: علمهما يا أمير المؤمنين عند عمهما، فبعث أبو العباس إلى الحسن فسأله عنهما، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين أكلمك على هيئة الخلافة أو كما يكلم الرجل ابن عمه، فقال أبو العباس: بل كما يكلم الرجل عمه، فقال له الحسن: أنشدك الله يا أمير المؤمنين إن قدر الله لمحمد وإبراهيم يليا من هذا الأمر شيئاً فجهدت، وجهد أهل الأرض معك أن تردوا ما قدر لهما أيردونه، قال: لا، قال: فما تنغيصك على هذا الشيخ النعمة التي أنعمت بها عليه، فقال أبو العباس: لا أذكرها بعد اليوم، فما ذكرها حتى فرّق الموت بينهما

Abu al ‘Abbas al Saffah gave special attention to sitting and conversing with ‘Abdullah al Mahd ibn Hassan ibn Hassan and honouring him, but he would continue questioning ‘Abdullah about his two sons, Muhammad and Ibrahim, due to spies informing him that they intended to rise against him. He said to al Mahd, “What is keeping them away from me, they did not come to me with those of their family that came to me.” He would ask this question all the time. So ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan complained of this to his brother Hassan (al Muthallath) ibn Hassan who said to him, “If he asks you this again then tell him that their uncle knows more about them.”

The next time Abu al ‘Abbas asked al Mahd, he replied, “Their uncle knows about them.” So Abu al ‘Abbas summoned Hassan to ask him about them. Hassan said, “I implore you by Allah, O Amir al Mu’minin, if Allah has preordained that Muhammad and Ibrahim should take charge of this affair and you in return endeavour along with all the people on the earth to prevent it, will you all be able to prevent it?” Abu al ‘Abbas replied, “No, [we will not be able to].” Hassan then said, “Then why this embitterment towards this Sheikh for the bounties he has been granted?” Abu al ‘Abbas replied, “I will never bring it up after today.” And he did not mention it again until they were separated by death.[4]


NEXT⇒ Honouring the scholars

[1] Ibid, 27/367.

[2] Ibid, 27/366.

[3] Tarikh Baghdad, 9/421.

[4] Al Mizzi: Tadhib al Kamal, biography of Hassan ibn Hassan al Muthanna, #6/85; Tarikh Baghdad, 7/293.

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The status of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan in Society


Sayyidina ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan was held in high esteem by the Khalifah Sulaiman ibn ‘Abdul Malik and the Righteous Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, who both acknowledged his virtue and status.


Ibn Asakir reports that ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz said to ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan:


إن رأيت أن لا تأتي إلا في الساعة التي ترى أنه يؤذن لك فيها فافعل، فإني أخاف أن تقف ببابي فلا يؤذن لك

If you could only come to me during those times when you think you will be permitted [an audience] then please do so, as I fear that you will wait at my door and not given permission.[1]


‘Abdullah ibn Hassan was also told:


إن أمير المؤمنين -يعني سليمان بن عبد الملك- قد بلغه أن في العسكر مطعوناً فالحق بأهلك، أضن بك

The Amir al Mu’minin—Sulaiman ibn ‘Abdul Malik—has been informed that a plague has afflicted the army, so remain with your family, he wishes to protect you [from getting infected].[2]


Illustrating his status during the reign of al Saffah al ‘Abbasi is the report that one day al Saffah was touring the granaries, accompanied by ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan, impressing upon him the stores they had collected. ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan said to him:

بيوتاً نفعها لبني نفيلة

ألم تر حوشباً أمسى يبني

وأمر الله يحدث كل ليلة

يؤمل أن يعمر عمر نوح

Do you not see that Hawshab has started to build houses from which the Banu Nufaylah will benefit.

He aspires to be granted the lifespan like the lifespan of Nuh ‘alayh al Salam, whereas the decree of Allah occurs every night.


Abu al ‘Abbas al Saffah replied, “This is not what I intended.”

‘Abdullah ibn Hassan replied, “I intended to make you indifferent to this paltry gains which you have shown me.”[3]


His sincere stance and courage when advising others and stating the truth is revealed to us.

Al Mizzi has reported in Tahdhib al Kamal:


أن أبا العباس السفاح قد خص عبد الله (المحض) ابن الحسن بن الحسن بالمجالسة والمحادثة ومزيد من الإكرام؛ ولكنه كان دائم السؤال له عن ابنيه محمداً وإبراهيم (وذلك لسعي الوشاة بأنهما يعزمان الخروج عليه) فقال له ما خلفهما عني فلم يفدا علي مع من وفد عليّ من أهلهما وكان يعيد عليه المسألة دائما، فشكا ذلك عبد الله بن الحسن إلى أخيه الحسن بن الحسن (المثلث) فقال له: إن أعاد عليك المسألة عنهما، فقل له: علمهما عند عمهما، فلما سأله أبو العباس قال: علمهما يا أمير المؤمنين عند عمهما، فبعث أبو العباس إلى الحسن فسأله عنهما، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين أكلمك على هيئة الخلافة أو كما يكلم الرجل ابن عمه، فقال أبو العباس: بل كما يكلم الرجل عمه، فقال له الحسن: أنشدك الله يا أمير المؤمنين إن قدر الله لمحمد وإبراهيم يليا من هذا الأمر شيئاً فجهدت، وجهد أهل الأرض معك أن تردوا ما قدر لهما أيردونه، قال: لا، قال: فما تنغيصك على هذا الشيخ النعمة التي أنعمت بها عليه، فقال أبو العباس: لا أذكرها بعد اليوم، فما ذكرها حتى فرّق الموت بينهما

Abu al ‘Abbas al Saffah gave special attention to sitting and conversing with ‘Abdullah al Mahd ibn Hassan ibn Hassan and honouring him, but he would continue questioning ‘Abdullah about his two sons, Muhammad and Ibrahim, due to spies informing him that they intended to rise against him. He said to al Mahd, “What is keeping them away from me, they did not come to me with those of their family that came to me.” He would ask this question all the time. So ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan complained of this to his brother Hassan (al Muthallath) ibn Hassan who said to him, “If he asks you this again then tell him that their uncle knows more about them.”

The next time Abu al ‘Abbas asked al Mahd, he replied, “Their uncle knows about them.” So Abu al ‘Abbas summoned Hassan to ask him about them. Hassan said, “I implore you by Allah, O Amir al Mu’minin, if Allah has preordained that Muhammad and Ibrahim should take charge of this affair and you in return endeavour along with all the people on the earth to prevent it, will you all be able to prevent it?” Abu al ‘Abbas replied, “No, [we will not be able to].” Hassan then said, “Then why this embitterment towards this Sheikh for the bounties he has been granted?” Abu al ‘Abbas replied, “I will never bring it up after today.” And he did not mention it again until they were separated by death.[4]


NEXT⇒ Honouring the scholars

[1] Ibid, 27/367.

[2] Ibid, 27/366.

[3] Tarikh Baghdad, 9/421.

[4] Al Mizzi: Tadhib al Kamal, biography of Hassan ibn Hassan al Muthanna, #6/85; Tarikh Baghdad, 7/293.