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أي بنية هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك .. فدعا بنار فأحرقها
O daughter, bring me the ahadith that are in your possession. … He asked for fire and burnt them.
Al Hakim reported this hadith:
حدثني بكر بن محمد الصيرفي بمرو أنا محمد بن موسى البريري أنا المفضل بن غسان أنا علي بن صالح أنا موسى بن عبد الله بن حسن بن حسن عن إبراهيم بن عمر بن عبيد الله التيمي حدثني القاسم بن محمد قالت عائشة جمع أبي الحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم و كانت خمسمائة حديث فبات ليلته يتقلب كثيرا قالت اعدلوا فقلت أتتقلب لشكوى أو لشيء بلغك فلما أصبح قال أي بنية هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك فجئته بها فدعا بنار فحرقها فقلت لم أحرقتها قال خشيت أن أموت و هي عندي فيكون فيها أحاديث عن رجل قد ائتمنته و وثقت و لم يكن كما حدثني فأكون قد نقلت ذاك
Bakr ibn Muhammad al Sayrafi narrated to me in Marw―Muhammad ibn Musa al Bariri informed us―al Mufaddal ibn Ghassan informed us―’Ali ibn Salih informed us―Musa ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan informed us from―Ibrahim ibn ‘Umar ibn ‘Ubaidullah al Taymi―al Qasim ibn Muhammad narrated to me―’Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha reports:
My father gathered ahadith from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. They were 500 ahadith in number. He passed the night, turning and tossing profusely.
She said, “Be at ease!”
I asked, “Are you tossing and turning due to some pain or due to something that reached you?”
When he woke up, he said, “O daughter! Bring me the ahadith that are in your possession.”
Accordingly, I brought them to him. He asked for some fire and burnt them. I asked, “Why have you burnt them?”
He explained, “I feared that I pass away while I have them in my possession whereas there are some ahadith therein which I heard from someone I trusted and approved while probably they were not as he narrated. And I will be the one responsible for narrating them.”
The verdict on this hadith: I could not locate this narration in any book of hadith.
Al Dhahabi comments, “Therefore, this is not sahih. And Allah knows best!”[1]
I saw Musa ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan in the sanad.
Next⇒ Which of you will assist me in this matter and be my brother, wasi, and khalifah
[1] Tadhkirat al Huffaz vol. 1 pg. 5.
[2] Al Mughni fi al Du’afa’ vol. 2 pg. 682; Lisan al Mizan vol. 6 pg. 123.
[3] Al Du’afa’ vol. 4 pg. 159.
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أي بنية هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك .. فدعا بنار فأحرقها
O daughter, bring me the ahadith that are in your possession. … He asked for fire and burnt them.
Al Hakim reported this hadith:
حدثني بكر بن محمد الصيرفي بمرو أنا محمد بن موسى البريري أنا المفضل بن غسان أنا علي بن صالح أنا موسى بن عبد الله بن حسن بن حسن عن إبراهيم بن عمر بن عبيد الله التيمي حدثني القاسم بن محمد قالت عائشة جمع أبي الحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم و كانت خمسمائة حديث فبات ليلته يتقلب كثيرا قالت اعدلوا فقلت أتتقلب لشكوى أو لشيء بلغك فلما أصبح قال أي بنية هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك فجئته بها فدعا بنار فحرقها فقلت لم أحرقتها قال خشيت أن أموت و هي عندي فيكون فيها أحاديث عن رجل قد ائتمنته و وثقت و لم يكن كما حدثني فأكون قد نقلت ذاك
Bakr ibn Muhammad al Sayrafi narrated to me in Marw―Muhammad ibn Musa al Bariri informed us―al Mufaddal ibn Ghassan informed us―’Ali ibn Salih informed us―Musa ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan informed us from―Ibrahim ibn ‘Umar ibn ‘Ubaidullah al Taymi―al Qasim ibn Muhammad narrated to me―’Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha reports:
My father gathered ahadith from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. They were 500 ahadith in number. He passed the night, turning and tossing profusely.
She said, “Be at ease!”
I asked, “Are you tossing and turning due to some pain or due to something that reached you?”
When he woke up, he said, “O daughter! Bring me the ahadith that are in your possession.”
Accordingly, I brought them to him. He asked for some fire and burnt them. I asked, “Why have you burnt them?”
He explained, “I feared that I pass away while I have them in my possession whereas there are some ahadith therein which I heard from someone I trusted and approved while probably they were not as he narrated. And I will be the one responsible for narrating them.”
The verdict on this hadith: I could not locate this narration in any book of hadith.
Al Dhahabi comments, “Therefore, this is not sahih. And Allah knows best!”[1]
I saw Musa ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan in the sanad.
Next⇒ Which of you will assist me in this matter and be my brother, wasi, and khalifah
[1] Tadhkirat al Huffaz vol. 1 pg. 5.
[2] Al Mughni fi al Du’afa’ vol. 2 pg. 682; Lisan al Mizan vol. 6 pg. 123.
[3] Al Du’afa’ vol. 4 pg. 159.