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اللهم أقول كما قال أخي موسى اللهم اجعل وزيرا من أهلي علي أخي اشدد به أزري و أشركه في أمري
O Allah, I submit as my brother Musa submitted, “O Allah, appoint a minister from my family, ‘Ali my brother. Increase through him my strength and let him share my task.”
Another narration has the words
الله اشدد أزري علي أخي
O Allah increase my strength with ‘Ali, my brother.
The narration is a fabrication.
This hadith is narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas with the following two chains of transmission:
Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith — Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Talhah ibn Ghassan ibn al Nu’man al Kazaruni informed us ijazatan (he authorized us to transmit this hadith) — ‘Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Yusuf narrated to them — Abu Ishaq al Madini narrated to us — Ahmed ibn Musa al Harami narrated to us — al Hussain ibn Thabit al Madani narrated to us—the servant of Musa ibn Jafar — my father narrated to me — from Shu’bah from al Hakam — from ‘Ikrimah — from Ibn ‘Abbas…[1]
This hadith is undoubtedly mawdu’ (fabricated). Everyone beneath Shu’bah could not be traced. Definitely one of them is responsible for forging this report. Perhaps al Hussain ibn Thabit al Madani is the same person whose biography is mention in al Jarh wa al Ta’dil.[2] Abu Hatim says, “He is majhul (unknown) and his father is similarily majhul.”[3]
Al Tha’labi narrates this version of the hadith with a chain of transmission that is saqit (wholly unreliable).[4]
Everyone else in the chain of transmission could not be traced.
Al Albani cites Ibn Hajar saying, “Al Tha’labi narrates a lengthy version of this hadith from Abu Dharr. The chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable).”[6]
Al Albani ruled the hadith a fabrication even though he was unable to locate its chain of transmission. This is because the matn (text) is evidently munkar (unacceptable).
I was able to locate the chain of transmission and we are even surer that it is a fabrication. The chain of transmission is full of darkness.
In short the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie. It has a chain of transmission that is saqit (wholly unreliable).
Next⇒ O Allah, curse them for they have discarded the Sunnah out of hatred for ‘Ali
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 375.
[2] Abu Hatim: al Jarh wa al Ta’dil, 3/48.
[3] Ibid., 2/449.
[4] Al Tha’labi: Tafsir al Tha’labi, 4/80.
[5] Equipping existing hadiths with one’s own chains of transmission or constructing entirely new chains of transmission was known as saraqat al hadith (appropriating ahadith).
[6] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/673.
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اللهم أقول كما قال أخي موسى اللهم اجعل وزيرا من أهلي علي أخي اشدد به أزري و أشركه في أمري
O Allah, I submit as my brother Musa submitted, “O Allah, appoint a minister from my family, ‘Ali my brother. Increase through him my strength and let him share my task.”
Another narration has the words
الله اشدد أزري علي أخي
O Allah increase my strength with ‘Ali, my brother.
The narration is a fabrication.
This hadith is narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas with the following two chains of transmission:
Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith — Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Talhah ibn Ghassan ibn al Nu’man al Kazaruni informed us ijazatan (he authorized us to transmit this hadith) — ‘Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Yusuf narrated to them — Abu Ishaq al Madini narrated to us — Ahmed ibn Musa al Harami narrated to us — al Hussain ibn Thabit al Madani narrated to us—the servant of Musa ibn Jafar — my father narrated to me — from Shu’bah from al Hakam — from ‘Ikrimah — from Ibn ‘Abbas…[1]
This hadith is undoubtedly mawdu’ (fabricated). Everyone beneath Shu’bah could not be traced. Definitely one of them is responsible for forging this report. Perhaps al Hussain ibn Thabit al Madani is the same person whose biography is mention in al Jarh wa al Ta’dil.[2] Abu Hatim says, “He is majhul (unknown) and his father is similarily majhul.”[3]
Al Tha’labi narrates this version of the hadith with a chain of transmission that is saqit (wholly unreliable).[4]
Everyone else in the chain of transmission could not be traced.
Al Albani cites Ibn Hajar saying, “Al Tha’labi narrates a lengthy version of this hadith from Abu Dharr. The chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable).”[6]
Al Albani ruled the hadith a fabrication even though he was unable to locate its chain of transmission. This is because the matn (text) is evidently munkar (unacceptable).
I was able to locate the chain of transmission and we are even surer that it is a fabrication. The chain of transmission is full of darkness.
In short the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie. It has a chain of transmission that is saqit (wholly unreliable).
Next⇒ O Allah, curse them for they have discarded the Sunnah out of hatred for ‘Ali
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 375.
[2] Abu Hatim: al Jarh wa al Ta’dil, 3/48.
[3] Ibid., 2/449.
[4] Al Tha’labi: Tafsir al Tha’labi, 4/80.
[5] Equipping existing hadiths with one’s own chains of transmission or constructing entirely new chains of transmission was known as saraqat al hadith (appropriating ahadith).
[6] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/673.