Narrations of Imam al Baqir in other Books of Hadith

Narrations of Imam al Baqir
December 7, 2020
Teachers of Imam al Baqir
December 7, 2020

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Narrations of Imam al Baqir in other Books of Hadith

Majority of the ahadith in this section are extremely weak reported by liars and those suspected of forgery; please refer to the footnote for further details on its grading.


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:

Du’a is a weapon of a Muslim, a Pillar of Din, and the light of the skies and earth.[1]


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from his father — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:

Amongst the supplications of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was:

O Allah, let me enjoy my sight and hearing, and make them remain sound until I die, and sustain me both spiritually and physically. Assist me over those who oppress me until you enable me to overcome them. O Allah, I surrender myself to you, and to you do I hand over my affairs, I lay myself down depending upon You, and turn my face exclusively to You. There is no refuge from You except to You; I bring faith in the Messenger You have sent and the Book You have revealed.[2]


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Sa’id ibn Abi Hilal who said: I heard Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain reciting the verse:

وَاللَّهُ يَدْعُو إِلَىٰ دَارِ السَّلَامِ وَيَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ

And Allah invites to the Home of Peace and guides whom He wills to a straight path.[3]


And then saying, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah narrated to me:

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam came out to us one day and said, “I saw in a dream Jibril standing at my head and Mika’il at my feet, one saying to the other, ‘Make a parable for him.’ So, the other said, ‘Listen so that your ears may hear. Hearken, so that your heart may understand! The parable of you and your Ummah is but the parable of a king who conquers a land, then he constructs a house in it. Then he places a table-spread in it, then he sends a messenger to call the people to eat from it. Among them are those who answer the call of the Messenger, and among them are those who forsake it. So, Allah is the king and the land is Islam, and the house is Paradise, and you, O Muhammad, are the Messenger; so, whoever responds to you he enters Islam, and whoever enters Islam he enters Paradise, and whoever enters Paradise shall eat from it.’”[4]


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Musa ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali — from his grandfather, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from his father — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:

After the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam passed away, Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha would say, “O my father, how close he is now to his Lord! O my father, Everlasting Gardens is now his abode! O my father, his Rabb will tend to Him when he arrives! O my Father, the Rabb and the angels will greet him when they meet him.” Later, when Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha passed away ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said:

Every two friends are bound to be met with separation, and scarce are those who never part.

My own loss of one after the other is proof in itself that a friend cannot live forever.[5]


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from his father:

‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdul Muttalib came to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and he was clad in a robe with two plaits in his hair; he was white in complexion. When the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saw him, he smiled.

‘Abbas asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what makes you smile, may Allah always keep you smiling?”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The beauty of my uncle amazed me.”

‘Abbas asked, “What is [true] beauty for man?”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam answered, “Eloquence.”[6]


Imam al Hakim rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain:

We said to ‘Abdullah ibn Jafar ibn Abi Talib, “Narrate to us what you heard from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and what you saw him doing, but not from anyone else even if he may be reliable.”

He said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying, “That which is between the navel and the knees is the ‘Awrah (portions of the body which are necessary to conceal).”[7]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain ibn ‘Ali:

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrated to me, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Do not prevent your women from coming to the Masjid.’”[8]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar:

I said to Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah, “Narrate to me what you heard from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

He said, “I heard him saying, ‘The daughter of one’s foster brother or foster sister is not permissible [to marry].”[9]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from Abu Yusr:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “He who gives respite to someone who is in straitened circumstances, or grants him remission, Allah will shelter him in the shade of His Throne [on the Day of Qiyamah].”[10]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Harb ibn Surayj al Bazzaz:

I said to Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain, “May I be sacrificed for you, have you heard what the people of Iraq are saying about intercession, is it true?”

He said, “What intercession?”

I answered, “The intercession of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

He said, “It is true, by Allah. I take an oath by Allah, my uncle—Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn al Hanafiyyah—narrated to me from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib that the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘I will intercede for my Ummah until my Rabb will draw me close and ask, ‘Are you pleased, O Muhammad?’ and I will say, ‘Yes, I am pleased.’”[11]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Whoever eats from this plant [garlic or onions] should not come close to our Masjid.”[12]


Imam al Bayhaqi rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam faced the Mushrikin on the Day of Badr, which was a Friday morning, 17 Ramadan.[13]


Imam al Bayhaqi rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam sent ‘Amr ibn Umayyah al Damri to al Najashi, who wed Umm Habibah bint Abi Sufyan [to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] and gave her 400 Dinars (gold coins) on behalf of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[14]


Imam al Bayhaqi rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from his father, Hussain ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhum:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The people of Jannat will not be given any agnomens with the exception of Adam, as he will be given the agnomen Abu Muhammad (Father of Muhammad) as an honour and distinction.”[15]


Imam al Bayhaqi rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ibn Abi Hazim and Ibn Darawardi:

We were sitting with Jafar ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhum when Sufyan sought permission to enter. He was permitted and after greeting took a seat.

Jafar ibn Muhammad said, “O Sufyan.”

Sufyan replied, “Yes, I am here.”

Jafar ibn Muhammad then said, “You are a person who seeks authority while I fear authority. So, stand [and leave] without being banished.”

Sufyan said, “Narrate and I will stand.”

Jafar ibn Muhammad said, “My father informed me from my grandfather that the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Whoever Allah favours with a bounty should praise Allah, whoever finds that his sustenance has been slowed should seek forgiveness from Allah, and whoever is faced with an affliction should say, ‘There is no Power or Might except with Allah.’”

Sufyan then stood, but Jafar called him and when he answered, Jafar said, “Take these three or any of the three,” gesturing with his hand.[16]


Imam Ibn Hibban rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar al Baqir — from Abu Hurairah:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The best of actions in Allah’s sight is faith with no doubt, attacking without treachery, and a virtuous Hajj.”[17]


Imam Abu Nuaim al Asbahani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain al Baqir — from his father:

The total number of women wed by the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam were fifteen, all of whom were previously married with the exception of Aisha. The first woman he married was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid from the Quraysh, [then] Saudah bint Zam’ah from the Quraysh, then Aisha bint Abi Bakr, then Hafsah bint ‘Umar, then Umm Habibah bint Abi Sufyan, then Zainab bint Jahsh from the Banu Asad ibn Khuzaymah, then Maymunah bint al Harith from the Banu Hilal, then Umm Salamah bint Ubi Umayyah from the Quraysh, then Zainab bint Khuzaymah from Banu Hilal, then Safiyyah bint Huyayy from the Bani Isra’il, then ‘Umrah bint Mu’awiyah from the Kindah, then Juwayriyyah bint al Harith from the Khuza’ah, then Qaylah bint Qays—sister of al Ash’ath ibn Qays al Kindi, then Umm Sharik al Ansariyyah—who gifted herself to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then Layla bint al Hatim al Ansariyyah—who was shy and feared for herself from him, so she separated from him and he separated from her.[18]


Imam al Tabarani rahimahu Llah has reported with his chain of narration from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from ‘Ubaidullah ibn Abi Rafi’:

Abu Hurairah would narrate from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “A group from my Companions will come to me on the Day of Qiyamah and will be driven away from my Pond. I will say, ‘My Rabb, my Companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they had innovated after you. They turned apostate on their heels.’”[19]


Imam al Quda’i has reported with his chain of narration from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain:

I said to ‘Abdullah ibn Jafar, “Narrate to us something you heard from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

He said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying, ‘Charity given in secret extinguishes the anger of the Rabb.’”[20]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father:

When the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would look into the mirror he would say, “All praise belongs to Allah, who has created me, beautified my character and appearance, and beautified for me what has been sullied for others.[21]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father:

A beggar came to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and asked, “O Messenger of Allah, give me something.”

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, “Who has with him something to loan him?”

A man from the Ansar said, “I have.”

The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Give him four Wasaqs.”[22]

Later the Ansar was in need of his loan and came back a number of times. Each time he was in need of it, he came to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “It will come to pass, Allah willing.”

The third time he came =, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, “Who has with him something to loan?”

A man stood and said, “I have.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam enquired, “How much?”

He replied, “As much as you want.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam instructed, “Give him eight wasaqs.”

The man responded, “I only have four.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Four then.”[23]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Muhammad ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather — from ‘Ali ibn Hussain — from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib:

When the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam passed away a person came, who could be heard but wasn’t seen; he said, “Peace be upon you all, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Verily in Allah is a replacement for every difficultly, substitute for every loss, and recompense for every deficit. So, place your confidence in Allah and have hopes in Him, for verily the one who is truly deprived is the one deprived of reward. Peace be upon you all.[24]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father:

Durrah bint Abi Lahab passed by a man who said, “This is the daughter of the enemy of Allah.”

She in turn turned to him and said, “Allah mentioned my father due to his eminence and nobility, while your father was not mentioned due to his stupidity.”

This was then mentioned to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam who then said, “A Muslim will not be harmed on account of a Disbeliever.”[25]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather — from ‘Ali:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said me, “O ‘Ali, be generous for verily Allah loves those who are generous; be brave, for verily Allah loves those who are brave; be solicitous, for verily Allah loves those who are solicitous; and if anyone asks of you to fulfil his need then do so, even if he is not worthy of it then still you be most worthy of fulfilling it.”[26]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather:

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “There is no believer who brings happiness to another except that Allah creates from that happiness an angel who continues to worship Allah, praise Him, and glorify Him. Later when that person is placed in his grave, the happiness he brought to another comes to him and says, ‘Do you not recognise me?” He will ask, ‘Who are you?’ He then replies, ‘I am the happiness that you brought to so-and-so. Today I will accompany you in your loneliness, support your testimony, bolster you with the firm word, testify for you on plains of Qiyamah, intercede for you before your Lord, and show you your abode in Paradise.’”[27]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from ‘Abdullah ibn Jafar — from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father:

The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The child is to be named on the seventh day.”[28]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather:

‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said, “A time will come upon people when nothing will remain of Islam except its name and nothing of the Qur’an except its script. Their Masjids will be filled but vacant of guidance. Their scholars will be the worst of those beneath the skies, from them will fitnah emerge and to them will it return.”[29]


Imam Ibn Abi al Dunya has reported with his chain of narration from Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father:

When Hassan ibn ‘Ali was on his deathbed he wept profusely.

Hussain said to him, “What makes you weep, my brother, when you are going to meet the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ‘Ali, Fatimah, Khadijah, who are your ancestors? And verily Allah has praised you on the tongue of his Prophet that you are the leader of the youth of Paradise. You distributed all your wealth in the path of Allah on three occasions and performed Hajj walking fifteen times.”

He wished thereby only to placate him but, by Allah, this only increased his weeping and lamentation.

Hassan then said, “O my brother, I am about to face a huge and dreadful matter the likes of which I have never faced before.”[30]



NEXT⇒ Teachers of Imam al Baqir

[1] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 1/492. Muhammad ibn Hassan al Hamdani appears in the chain who was suspected of lying by Ibn Ma’in and al Nasa’i labelled him Matruk (suspected of forgery).

[2] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 1/527. The narrators are all sound except that there is a break in the chain between ‘Ali ibn Hussain and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhuma.

[3] Surah Yunus: 25.

[4] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 2/339. This chain of narration is Da’if on account of the weakness of ‘Abdullah ibn Salih, but it has been corroborated, as highlighted by al Albani in Silsilat al Ahadith al Sahihah, # 3595.

[5] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 3/163. There is a break in the chain of narration between ‘Ali ibn Hussain and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhuma in addition to the weakness of Isma’il ibn Abi Uways. The first portion of the narration [the poem of Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha] is corroborated by the narration in Sahih al Bukhari (# 4193) from Anas ibn Malik radiya Llahu ‘anhu.

[6] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 3/330. Al Dhahabi ruled this narration to be Mursal, while Ibn Tahir said its chain is Majhul.

[7] Al Mustadrak ‘ala al Sahihayn, 3/568. Asram ibn Hawshab appears in the chain of narration and he has been declared Matruk al hadith (suspected of forgery in Hadith).

[8] Mu’jam al Kabir, 12/253. ‘Abdul Ghaffar ibn Qasim Abu Maryam appears in the chain and he has been accused of forgery. Abu Hatim said, “Matruk al Hadith (suspected of forgery in Hadith).”

[9] Mu’jam al Kabir, 19/154. Jabir al Ju’fi appears in the chain who is Matruk (suspected of forgery).

[10] Mu’jam al Kabir, 19/166. The Hadith of Abu Yusr appears in Sahih Muslim. ‘Abdul Ghaffar ibn Qasim Abu Maryam appears in the chain and he has been accused of forgery. Abu Hatim said, “Matruk al Hadith (suspected of forgery in Hadith).”

[11] Mu’jam al Awsat, 2/307. Al Haythami said, “[Appearing in the chain is] Muhammad ibn Yazid al Madhari, I do not know his condition [as a narrator]; however, the intercession of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is established.”

[12] Mu’jam al Awsat, 5/347. Appearing in the chain is Jabir al Ju’fi who is Matruk (suspected of forgery); however, the hadith has been narrated with an alternate authentic chain.

[13] Dala’il al Nubuwwah, 2/5. The narration is Mursal.

[14] Dala’il al Nubuwwah, 4/44. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[15] Dala’il al Nubuwwah, 6/119. Appearing in the chain is Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Ash’ath al Kufi who was suspected of lying by al Daraqutni and Ibn Ma’in suspected him of forgery.

[16] Shu’ab al Iman, 2/213. In the chain is Sa’id ibn Dawud al Zubayri who narrates Munkar (uncorroborated reports) and has been deemed Da’if by Abu Zur’ah.

[17] Sahih Ibn Hibban, 10/458. Al Arna’ut said it is Sahih according to the conditions of al Bukhari and Muslim.

[18] Ma’rifat al Sahabah, 22/240. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[19] Musnad al Shamiyin, 3/16. Hamdi al Salafi, researcher of Musnad al Shamiyin says, “Ibn Hajar ruled the chain to be Sahih.” Some have been misled in their understanding of this narration. For further clarification on its implication and meaning please refer to Thumma Absartu al Haqiqah by Shaykh Muhammad Salim al Khidr, Al Intisar of al Rahili, Ma Qala al Thaqalan fi Awliya’ al Rahman of ‘Abdullah ibn Juran al Khadir, from the publications of Mabarrat al Al wa al Ashab. [A detailed discussion on this is available in English on the website under the title Accusation Regarding the Hadith of the Pond.]

[20] Musnad al Shihab al Quda’i, 1/159. Appearing in the chain is Asram ibn Hawshab who is Matruk al Hadith (suspected of forgery in Hadith); however, the Hadith itself is corroborated by al Tabarani in Mu’jam al Kabir from Bahz ibn Hakim — from his father — from his grandfather, Musnad al Harith from Abu Sa’id al Khudri. One can refer to Talkhis al Habir, 3/114; and Silsilat al Ahadith al Sahihah, # 1908.

[21] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al Shukar, 1/61. There is a break in the chain of narration between Ibn Abi Fudayk, in addition to the break between al Baqir and the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

[22] Wasaq: A unit of measurement equivalent to approximately 130kg.

[23] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Makarim al Akhlaq, 1/122. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[24] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al Hawatif, 1/21. There is a break in the chain of narration

[25] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al Hilm, 1/72. The narration is Mursal.

[26] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Qada’ al Hawa’ij, 1/52. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[27] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Qada’ al Hawa’ij, 1/97. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[28] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al ‘Iyal, 1/195. The Hadith is Mursal, but it has been corroborated.

[29] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al ‘Uqubat, 1/23. There is a break in the chain of narration.

[30] Ibn Abi al Dunya: Al Muhtadirin, 1/173. There is a break in the chain of narration between al Baqir and Hassan ibn ‘Ali.