Imam Muhammad al Baqir

Section Two: The Issue of Arbitration between Sayyidina ‘Ali and Sayyidina Muawiyah
November 30, 2020
December 7, 2020

Much falsehood has been falsely attributed to the illustrious Imam Muhammad al Baqir, the deviants using his name to propagate their falsities and misguidance. These fabrications were then transmitted to the unsuspecting minds and hearts of the Muslims after being embossed with the logo of the Ahlul Bayt, tarnishing the name of al Baqir—as well as the other Imams of the Ahlul Bayt.

The author in this treatise presents the true life and achievements of one of the great scholars of the Muslims and Ahlus Sunnah: Imam Muhammad al Baqir ibn ‘Ali ibn Husayn radiya Llahu ‘anhum, free from the exaggerations and distortions, giving us the correct depiction into the beliefs and creed of this distinguished descendant of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. May Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala unite us with them in the Gardens of Paradise.


Imam Muhammad al Baqir

By: Badr Muhammad Baqir


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Click one of the sections below:






Imam Muhammad al-Baqir


Tafsir of the Noble Qur’an

Imam al-Baqir’s Method of Tafsir

False commentaries attributed to Imam al Baqir

Examples of Batini commentaries attributed to Imam al Baqir


Narrations of Imam al Baqir

Narrations of Imam al Baqir in other Books of Hadith


Teachers of Imam al Baqir


Students of Imam al Baqir

Narrators who have been severely impugned

Narrators who have been severely impugned Continued


Imam al Baqir’s unwavering adherence to Tawhid


The Respect of Imam al Baqir for the Companions and the People of Knowledge


Imam al Baqir as a Jurisprudent


Words of Wisdom


The Baseless Statements That Are Attributed to Imam al Baqir




The translation of the book is complete, by the grace of Allah, the pdf. file too has been updated.