My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness

Muhassin the son of Sayyidina ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and Sayyidah Fatimah
March 5, 2018
My companions! My companions! It will be said: You do not know what they invented after you. Certainly, they remained apostates
March 5, 2018

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My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness


اسمي في القرآن وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا و اسم علي وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا و اسم الحسن و الحسين وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا و اسم بني أمية وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا

My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness. And `Ali’s name and [by] the moon when it follows it. And Hassan and Hussain’s name and [by] the day when it displays it. And the name of the Banu Umayyah and [by] the night when it covers it.[1][2]


The chain of the narration as recorded by Ibn al-Jawzi in his collection citing fabricated narrations:


من طريق الخطيب أنا الحسن بن أبي بكر أحمد بن إبراهيم بن شاذان حدثني أبو الحسن علي بن عمرو الحريري كان يكتب معنا الحديث وأنا سألته نا محمد بن إسماعيل الرقي نا محمد بن عمرو الحوضي البزاز نا موسى بن إدريس، عن أبيه عن جرير عن ليث عن مجاهد عن ابن عباس

Al-Khatib —Hassan ibn Abi Bakr Ahmed ibn Ibrahim ibn Shadhan — Abu al-Hassan `Ali ibn `Amr al-Hariri — Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Raqi — Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Hawdi al-BazzazMusa ibn Idrishis father — Jarir — Layth — Mujahid — Ibn `Abbas[3]


Al-Khatib then declared this an extremely munkar and in fact mawdu` (fabricated). There are three majhul (unknown) narrators therein, namely al-Hawdi, Musa, and his father”[4]

Amongst those who concurred with al-Khatib and Ibn al-Jawzi in declaring this narration a fabrication are:

  • Al-Dhahabi in Mizan[5]
  • Ibn Hajar in Lisan[6]
  • Al-Suyuti in al-La’ali[7]
  • Ibn `Iraq in Tanzih[8]
  • Al-Shawkani in al-Fawa’id.[9]

Next⇒ My companions! My companions! It will be said: You do not know what they invented after you. Certainly, they remained apostates

[1] Surah al-Shams: 1 – 4.

[2] Reported by Ibn `Asakir in Tarikh Dimishq, vol. 57 pg. 272.

[3] Al-Mawdu`at vol. 1 pg. 371

[4] Lisan al-Mizan vol. 5 pg. 329.

[5] Mizan al-I`tidal vol. 3 pg. 675

[6] Lisan al-Mizan vol. 5 pg. 329

[7] Al-La’ali al-Masnu`ah vol. 1 pg. 326

[8] Tanzih al-Shari`ah vol. 1 pg. 355

[9] AlFawa’id alMajmu`ah pg. 321

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My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness


اسمي في القرآن وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا و اسم علي وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا و اسم الحسن و الحسين وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا و اسم بني أمية وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا

My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness. And `Ali’s name and [by] the moon when it follows it. And Hassan and Hussain’s name and [by] the day when it displays it. And the name of the Banu Umayyah and [by] the night when it covers it.[1][2]


The chain of the narration as recorded by Ibn al-Jawzi in his collection citing fabricated narrations:


من طريق الخطيب أنا الحسن بن أبي بكر أحمد بن إبراهيم بن شاذان حدثني أبو الحسن علي بن عمرو الحريري كان يكتب معنا الحديث وأنا سألته نا محمد بن إسماعيل الرقي نا محمد بن عمرو الحوضي البزاز نا موسى بن إدريس، عن أبيه عن جرير عن ليث عن مجاهد عن ابن عباس

Al-Khatib —Hassan ibn Abi Bakr Ahmed ibn Ibrahim ibn Shadhan — Abu al-Hassan `Ali ibn `Amr al-Hariri — Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Raqi — Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Hawdi al-BazzazMusa ibn Idrishis father — Jarir — Layth — Mujahid — Ibn `Abbas[3]


Al-Khatib then declared this an extremely munkar and in fact mawdu` (fabricated). There are three majhul (unknown) narrators therein, namely al-Hawdi, Musa, and his father”[4]

Amongst those who concurred with al-Khatib and Ibn al-Jawzi in declaring this narration a fabrication are:

  • Al-Dhahabi in Mizan[5]
  • Ibn Hajar in Lisan[6]
  • Al-Suyuti in al-La’ali[7]
  • Ibn `Iraq in Tanzih[8]
  • Al-Shawkani in al-Fawa’id.[9]

Next⇒ My companions! My companions! It will be said: You do not know what they invented after you. Certainly, they remained apostates

[1] Surah al-Shams: 1 – 4.

[2] Reported by Ibn `Asakir in Tarikh Dimishq, vol. 57 pg. 272.

[3] Al-Mawdu`at vol. 1 pg. 371

[4] Lisan al-Mizan vol. 5 pg. 329.

[5] Mizan al-I`tidal vol. 3 pg. 675

[6] Lisan al-Mizan vol. 5 pg. 329

[7] Al-La’ali al-Masnu`ah vol. 1 pg. 326

[8] Tanzih al-Shari`ah vol. 1 pg. 355

[9] AlFawa’id alMajmu`ah pg. 321