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The Rawafid believe that Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha is the source and cause of fitnah. They substantiate this claim of theirs with a hadith of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam reported by Sayyidina Ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma. There are two reports of this hadith which appear in the books of the Ahlus Sunnah.
1. It appears in Sahih al Bukhari that Sayyidina ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma reports:
قام النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم خطيبا فأشار نحو مسكن عائشة فقال هنا الفتنة ثلاثا من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam stood up to deliver a lecture. He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha and pronounced, “Here is fitnah – thrice – where Shaitan’s horn rises.”[2]
2. It appears in Sahih Muslim:
خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من بيت عائشة فقال رأس الكفر من هاهنا من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان يعني المشرق
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam exited from Aisha’s house and said, “The head of kufr is here where Shaitan’s horn rises,” i.e. the East.[3]
They use the following words as proof:
“He pointed towards the dwelling of Aisha” and “Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam exited from Aisha’s house and said that the head of kufr is here.”
They deduce that Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam objective was to declare that fitnah originates from Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house. Therefore, according to them, she is the source and cause of fitnah.[4]
Firstly, the purport of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was that the source of fitan[5] is the East, not Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house. The reports are unanimous that the direction of the fitnah is the East considering Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam position in Madinah. The place where Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said the hadith has no connection with the fitnah, be it upon his pulpit, in front of his wife Sayyidah Hafsah’s radiya Llahu ‘anha home, when leaving the house of Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha, or while atop one of the high buildings[6] of Madinah, etc., as appears in various authentic traditions.
The presence of Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house between Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the East in some reports does not mean that she was indicated towards in Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam statement, “Fitnah is here.”
Mention of the place or time does not affect the meaning of the hadith, nor does it create contradiction therein as its mention is not the objective of the hadith. The object of the hadith is to educate that the direction of fitnah is the East. Majority of the Muhaddithin are unanimous upon this point.[7]
This is supported by numerous traditions of Sayyidina Ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma. Some mention the East, while others clarify that it refers to Iraq. We will suffice on some of these narrations, as indication is sufficient for the intelligent.
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يشير إلى المشرق فقال ها إن الفتنة هاهنا إن الفتنة هاهنا من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان
I saw Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam pointing towards the East and declaring, “Harken! Indeed, fitnah is here. Indeed, fitnah is here, where Shaitan’s horn rises.”[8]
عن النبي صلى الله عليه سلم أنه كان قائما عند باب عائشة فأشار بيده نحو المشرق فقال الفتنة هاهنا حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was standing at the door of Aisha. He indicated with his hand towards the East and warned, “Fitnah is here, where Shaitan’s horn rises.”[9]
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يشير بيده يؤم العراق ها إن الفتنة هاهنا ها إن الفتنة هاهنا ثلاث مرات من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان
I saw Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam pointing with his hand towards Iraq and saying, “Harken. Over there is Fitnah. Harken. Over there is fitnah – thrice – where Shaitan’s horn rises.”[10]
و عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال ذكر النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فقال اللهم بارك لنا في شامنا اللهم بارك لنا في يمننا قالوا و في نجدنا قال اللهم بارك لنا في شامنا اللهم بارك لنا في يمننا قالوا يا رسول الله و في نجدنا فأظنه قال الثالثة هناك الزلازل و الفتن و بها يطلع قرن الشيطان
Ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma reports that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam supplicated, “O Allah, bless our Sham. O Allah, bless our Yemen.”
They submitted, “And our Najd?”
He said, “O Allah. Bless our Sham. O Allah, bless our Yemen.”
“O Messenger of Allah,” they submitted, “and our Najd?”
I suppose he said on the third time, “Earthquakes and fitan are there and Shaitan’s horn will rise there.”[11]
عن سالم بن عبد الله بن عمر انه كان يقول يا أهل العراق ما أسألكم عن الصغيرة و أركبكم للكبيرة سمعت أبي عبد الله بن عمر يقول سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول إن الفتنة تجيء من هاهنا و أومأ بيده نحو المشرق من حيث يطلع قرنا الشيطان و أنتم يضرب بعضكم رقاب بعض
Salim[12] ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma would say, “O people of Iraq! I am not going to ask you about something trivial and allow you to perpetrate something major. I heard my father ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar saying that he heard Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam declaring, ‘Certainly, fitnah will emerge from here, and he indicated with his hand towards the East, where Shaitan’s horns rise.’ And here you are slaying one another.”[13]
و عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال الإيمان هاهنا و أشار بيده إلى اليمن و الجفاء و غلظ القلوب في الفدادين عند أصول أذناب الإبل من حيث يطلع قرنا الشيطان ربيعة و مضر
Ibn Mas’ud[14] radiya Llahu ‘anhu narrates that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam declared, “Iman is there – and he pointed with his hand towards Yemen. Harshness and hard-heartedness are in the shepherds[15] by the tails of camels where the horns of Shaitan rise, Rabi’ah and Mudar.[16]
These prove beyond doubt that Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha is not intended in any of these ahadith.
Hafiz ibn Hajar explains:
كان أهل المشرق يومئذ أهل كفر فأخبر صلى الله عليه و سلم أن الفتنة تكون من تلك الناحية فكان كما أخبر و أول الفتن كان من قبل المشرق فكان ذلك سببا للفرقة بين المسلمين و ذلك مما يحبه الشيطان و يفرح به و كذلك البدع نشأت من تلك الجهة
The people of the East at that time were disbelievers. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam accordingly prophesised that fitnah will emerge from that direction and it transpired as he divined. The first fitnah was from the East which was the cause of disunity between the Muslims. And this is loved by Shaitan and excites him. Similarly, innovations surfaced from that direction.
Al Khattabi[17] says:
نجد من جهة المشرق و من كان بالمدينة كان نجده بادية العراق و نواحيها و هي مشرق أهل المدينة و أصل النجد ما ارتفع من الأرض و هو خلاف الغور فإنه ما انخفض منها و تهامة كلها من الغور و مكة من تهامة انتهى
Najd is towards the Eastern direction. For whoever is in Madinah, Najd will be the steppe of Iraq and its surroundings. And this is the East of the residents of Madinah. Najd originally refers to highland which is oppose to al ghawr: lowland. The entire Tihamah is lowland and Makkah is part of Tihamah.[18]
He comments on Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam statement, “the head of kufr is towards the East”[19]:
و في ذلك إشارة إلى شدة كفر المجوس لأن مملكة الفرس و من أطاعهم من العرب كانت من جهة المشرق بالنسبة إلى المدينة و كانوا في غاية القسوة و التكبر و التجبر حتى مزق ملكهم كتاب النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم
There is indication here to the intense kufr of the Majus (Magians) because the Persian Empire and those Arabs who obeyed them were in an Eastern direction from Madinah. They were extreme in hard-heartedness, arrogance, and haughtiness to the extent that their king tore Nabi’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam letter.[20]
Secondly, the Rawafid’s claim that he pointed towards Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha home is nothing but a lie and slander which does not appear in any of the chains of this hadith. What does appear is that he pointed in the direction of Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house.
This deception has been practiced mainly by ‘Abdul Hussain in al Muraja’at[21] and al Tijani al Simawi[22] in his book Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr.
Nevertheless, the Ahlus Sunnah counteracted their despicable plot.
‘Abdul Hussain, the passionate Shia, has dedicated many chapters in his book al Muraja’at to level allegations against her and prove her hadith false. He has shamelessly and daringly utilised every incident to indict her, relying mainly on da’if or mawdu’ (fabricated) ahadith, and misinterpreting sahih ahadith and applying such meanings to them which they cannot accept. For example, he – may his mouth be broken and his hands be paralysed – has misused this sahih hadith and applied it to Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha imagining that she is the fitnah mentioned in the hadith.
كَبُرَتْ كَلِمَةً تَخْرُجُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ
Grave is the word that comes out of their mouths[23]
He has relied on the previous two narrations for this. Firstly, the narration of al Bukhari:
فأشار نحو مسكن عائشة
He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha.
And secondly the narration of Muslim:
خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من بيت عائشة فقال رأس الكفر من هاهنا
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam exited from Aisha’s house and said, “The head of kufr is here.”
The author misunderstands the indication and believes that it was towards the house of Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha itself and the purport of fitnah is Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha herself.
This is the practice of the Jews who take words out of context. The Shia has misunderstood Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam statement in the first hadith:
فأشار نحو مسكن عائشة
He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha.
to mean:
فأشار إلى مسكن عائشة
He pointed to the dwelling of Aisha.
Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam usage of the word nahwa (in the direction of) and not ila (to) is emphatic evidence to debunk his false claim especially when majority of the narrations clearly mention that he indicated towards the East and towards Iraq in some. Historical events bear testimony to this as well.
Regarding ‘Ikrimah’s narration, it is shadh (odd) as explained previously. And if it is hypothetically agreed to be authentic, then it has been significantly condensed in such a way that it disrupts the meaning and gives leeway for the Shia to abuse it in a nasty way. When we look at all the narrations of this hadith, the meaning is apparent.
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam exited from Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house. He performed Salat al Fajr and then stood up to deliver a lecture while standing next to the pulpit – one narration says: at the door of Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha. He faced the sunrise and indicated with his hands in the direction of the East – and in al Bukhari’s narration: in the direction of Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house and in Ahmed’s other narration: he pointed with his hands towards Iraq.
If a fair-minded person, who is free from prejudice and malice, has to apply his mind to all these narrations, he will definitely declare the fallaciousness of the Shia’s criticism against Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha. May Allah deal with him appropriately.[24]
The authentic and established narration of Sahih al Bukhari which we quoted just now reads:
عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال قام النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم خطيبا فأشار نحو مسكن عائشة فقال هنا الفتنة ثلاثا من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان
Ibn ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma reports, “Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam stood up to deliver a lecture. He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha and pronounced, ‘There is fitnah – thrice – where Shaitan’s horn rises.’”[25]
The narrator’s words are:
فأشار نحو مسكن عائشة
He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha.
Al Tijani believes that it indicates towards Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha house and that she is the source of fitnah. Whereas, the hadith does not imply this in any way whatsoever and this text does not contain this understanding. Anyone who has the slightest of knowledge of speech and its meaning will realise this point.
The narrator said: He pointed in the direction of the dwelling of Aisha. And her house falls on the Eastern side of Nabi’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Masjid. Therefore, the indication is towards the direction of the house which is East, not to the house itself. Had the indication been towards the house, he would have said:
فأشار إلى مسكن عائشة
He pointed to the dwelling of Aisha.
The difference between the two is apparent and manifest.[26]
Thirdly, the same proof they used can be used against them by their enemies the Nawasib.
Sheikh ‘Abdul Qadir al Sufi says:
Regarding the Shia’s usage of Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam indication in the direction of Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house with his statement, “Here is fitnah,” as proof that Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha is the source of fitnah; is nothing but a worthless substantiation. It is debunked by the fact that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was standing on his pulpit which falls to the West of his wives’ houses and his daughter Fatimah’s radiya Llahu ‘anhunna house. This is due to the fact that all these houses were on the right hand side of his pulpit towards the East. And this fact is not disputable nor doubtful.
Just as the Rawafid have justified their interpretation of the eastern direction with Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house, they have given leeway to the Nawasib to justify their interpretation of it with Sayyidah Fatimah’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house. And this is nothing but irrationality from both sects.[27]
Fourthly, casting allegations on Sayyidah Aisha’s radiya Llahu ‘anha house is in reality an indictment on Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam since her house in his and he is buried therein.
This is as manifest as the sun in broad daylight for there is consensus on this fact by the Ahlus Sunnah and Shia. Therefore, this needs no further elucidation.
إذا احتاج النهار إلى دليل |
و ليس يصح في الأذهان شيء |
Nothing will make sense to the brain
When broad daylight requires substantiation
The ultimate result of the Rawafid’s claim is indictment of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam since criticising his house is criticising him. So ponder!
May Allah shower His mercy upon Abu al Wafa Ibn ‘Aqil al Hambali who said:
انظر كيف اختار لمرضه بيت البنت و اختار لموضعه من الصلاة الأب فما هذه الغفلة المستحوذة على قلوب الرافضة عن هذا الفضل و المنزلة التي لا تكاد تخفى عن البهيم فضلا عن الناطق
Ponder over Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam selection of the daughter’s house (Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha) for passing his sickness and his appointment of the father (Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu) to take his position in Salah (as Imam). So what is this disregard which has blinded the Rawafid’s hearts from seeing this lofty status and distinguished position which cannot be concealed from animals, let alone intellectuals?[28]
Fifthly, what will be the perception regarding a man who stands on the pulpit and insults and vilifies his wife publicly? By Allah, this is in absolute polarity to manhood, morality, and integrity. Due to your foolishness, you have again steeped down to condemning Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam noble personality. May Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala forbid!
NEXT ⇒ Misconception: Sayyidah Aisha would not observe hijab from men
[1] Dissension, trial, discord, civil strife
[2] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3104
[3] Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2905
[4] Study the following Shia books: al Tara’if of Ibn Ta’us pg. 297; al Sirat al Mustaqim vol. 3 pg. 142, 164; al Kashkul of Haydar al Amili pg. 177, 178; Ihqaq al Haqq pg. 306, 308, 310; al Muraja’at pg. 268; Kitab al Sab’ah min al Salaf pg. 176; Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr pg. 105
[5] Plural of fitnah
[6] Utum: with a dammah: high building like forts, etc. Its plural is atam. (Gharib al Hadith of Abu ‘Ubaid vol. 2 pg. 73; Gharib al Hadith of Ibn Qutaybah vol. 2 pg. 286; al Nihayah fi Gharib al Hadith wa al Athar vol. 1 pg. 54)
[7] Al Sa’iqah fi Nasf Abatil al Shia pg. 147
[8] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3279; Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2905
[9] Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2905
عن ابن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قام عند باب حفصة فقال بيده نحو المشرق الفتنة هاهنا من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان قالها مرتين أو ثلاثا و قال عبيد الله بن سعيد في روايته قام رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم عند باب عائشة
Ibn ‘Umar reports that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam stood at Hafsah’s door and pointed towards the East saying, “Fitnah is there where Shaitan’s horn rises.” He said it twice or thrice.
‘Ubaidullah ibn Sa’id said in his narration, “Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam stood at Aisha’s door.”
[10] Musnad Ahmed vol. 2 pg. 143 Hadith: 6302. Ahmed Shakir has categorised its isnad as sahih in Tahqiq Musnad Ahmed vol. 9 pg. 105; Shu’ayb al Arna’ut has concurred and commented, “According to the standards of al Bukhari and Muslim.”
[11] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 7094
[12] Salim ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, Abu ‘Umar al Qurashi al ‘Adawi. The Faqih, Hujjah, Hafiz, ascetic Imam, and Mufti of Madinah. He is one of those who coupled knowledge, practice, abstemiousness, and nobility and is one of the seven Fuqaha’ of Madinah. He passed away in 106 A.H., and it is said: 107 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 4 pg. 457; Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 2 pg. 255
[13] Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2905
[14] ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Amr ibn Tha’labah, Abu Mas’ud al Badri, the eminent Sahabi. He was the youngest man to be present at ‘aqabah. He participated in Uhud and the battles that followed. He was among the supporters of Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu and was also made governor of Kufah at one stage. He passed away in 40 A.H. and it is said thereafter. (al Isti’ab vol. 1 pg. 330; al Isabah vol. 4 pg. 524)
[15] Al Faddadun: those whose voices are raised in their farms and among their animals. (al Nihayah fi Gharib al Hadith wa al Athar vol. 3 pg. 419)
[16] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 4387; Sahih Muslim Hadith: 51
[17] Hamd ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, Abu Sulaiman al Khattab. The Imam, ‘Allamah, Hafiz, Linguist, Muhaddith, and explorer. He has authored many books and was a leader in the sciences of Arabic, Fiqh, and Literacy. Some of his books are: Ma’alim al Sunan and Sha’n al Du’a’. He passed away in 388 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 17 pg. 23; Tabaqat al Shafi’iyyah of Ibn Qadi Shuhbah vol. 1 pg. 156)
[18] Fath al Bari vol. 13 pg. 47
[19] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3301; Sahih Muslim Hadith: 52 – the narration of Sayyidina Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anha
[20] Fath al Bari vol. 6 pg. 352
[21] Al Muraja’at pg. 237
[22] Muhammad al Tijani al Simawi al Tunisi. He was a Sufi and then became an inviter towards Twelver Shi’ism. He was born in 1362 A.H. Some of his books are: Thumma Ihtadayt and al Shia Hum Ahlus Sunnah.
[23] Surah al Kahf: 5
[24] Silsilat al Ahadith al Sahihah vol. 5 pg. 656, 657
[25] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3104
[26] Al Intisar li al Sahb wa al Al min Iftira’at al Simawi al Dall of al Rahili pg. 321
[27] Al Sa’iqah pg. 151
[28] Al Ijabah li Irad ma Istadrakathu Aisha ‘ala al Sahabah of al Zarkashi pg. 54