Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm

 ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib will shine in Jannat like the stars at morning
March 4, 2019
 ‘Ali is the best of creation
March 4, 2019

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Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm


علي حبه حسنة لا تضر معها سيئة

Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm.


The Shia classify this narration as sahih.

إن حب علي حسنة لا تضر معها سيئة و بغضه سيئة لا تنفع معها حسنة

Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm, and hatred for ‘Ali is an evil deed which no good will benefit.[1]


Al Mahuzi[2] goes to the extent of grading it Mustafid (famous) while al Namazi[3] goes one higher and classifies it mutawatir.

This narration supports the belief of Irja’ to an unsurmountable level. The Rawafid have now gathered rafd, nasb, qadr, and nifaq in relation to the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. They have further perpetrated shirk resembling the shirk of the mushrikin of the first era.

They determine the core pillar of their din ‘Ali and not Allah. This is because they declare simply loving him a good deed (securing salvation) although one commits all types of major sins and hating him a destroyer of all virtues. So why do they not spare us the trouble and say that love for Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu is the first fundamental of Islam.


Next⇒  ‘Ali is the best of creation

[1] Bihar al Anwar vol. 38 pg. 249.

[2] Kitab al Arba’in pg. 105.

[3] Mustadrak Safinat al Bihar vol. 2 pg. 157.

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Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm


علي حبه حسنة لا تضر معها سيئة

Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm.


The Shia classify this narration as sahih.

إن حب علي حسنة لا تضر معها سيئة و بغضه سيئة لا تنفع معها حسنة

Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm, and hatred for ‘Ali is an evil deed which no good will benefit.[1]


Al Mahuzi[2] goes to the extent of grading it Mustafid (famous) while al Namazi[3] goes one higher and classifies it mutawatir.

This narration supports the belief of Irja’ to an unsurmountable level. The Rawafid have now gathered rafd, nasb, qadr, and nifaq in relation to the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. They have further perpetrated shirk resembling the shirk of the mushrikin of the first era.

They determine the core pillar of their din ‘Ali and not Allah. This is because they declare simply loving him a good deed (securing salvation) although one commits all types of major sins and hating him a destroyer of all virtues. So why do they not spare us the trouble and say that love for Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu is the first fundamental of Islam.


Next⇒  ‘Ali is the best of creation

[1] Bihar al Anwar vol. 38 pg. 249.

[2] Kitab al Arba’in pg. 105.

[3] Mustadrak Safinat al Bihar vol. 2 pg. 157.