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Khomeini vilifies the choicest of the ummah, undermines the dignity of its pioneers, and launches attacks on the Islamic caliphate. Yet we find him praising the heretics. For example, he applauds al Nasir al Tusi on his supposed services rendered to Islam. He states:
ويشعر الناس بالخسارة أيضا بفقدان الخواجه نصير الدين الطوسي وأمثاله ممن قدموا خدمات جليلة للاسلام
People felt a deep loss at the death of Khawajah Nasir al Din al Tusi and his like who rendered great services to Islam.[1]
This al Tusi he refers to is Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Hassan al Khawajah Nasir al Din al Tusi (597-672). Ibn al Qayyim says regarding him:
ولما انتهت النوبة إلى نصير الشرك والكفر وزير الملاحدة النصير الطوسي وزير هولاكو شفي نفسه من أتباع الرسول وأهل دينه فعرضهم على السيف حتى شفى اخوانه من الملاحدة واستشفى هو فقتل الخليفة والقضاة والفقهاء والمحدثين واستبقي الفلاسفة والمنجمين الطبائعيين والسحرة.. إلى أن قال وبالجملة فكان هذا الملحد هو واتباعه من الملحدين الكافرين بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر
When the turn of the helper of disbelief, the vizier of the heretics, al Tusi came, he served at the command of Hulagu Khan. He took revenge to his heart’s content against the followers of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and those of the faith. He put them to the sword and satisfied his heretic brothers. He was fulfilled when he killed the khalifah, the judges, the jurists, and the scholars of hadith. On the other end of the spectrum, he retained a close relationship with the philosophers, the astrologers, and the conjurers… This heretic and his followers disbelieved in Allah, His angels, His books, His prophets, and the Last Day. [2]
Khomeini applauds the spirit of al Tusi and the role he played in destroying the Islamic caliphate and eroding its pillars.
NEXT⇒ The Stance Of Khomeini Regarding The Islamic Caliphate
[1] Al Hukumah al Islamiyyah, pg. 128.
[2] Ighathah al Lahfan, vol. 2 pg. 263.