In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox

Ask ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib about it since he is more knowledgeable than me.
March 4, 2019
There will be fitnah after me. When this transpires, then cling firmly to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
March 4, 2019

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In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox


سيخرج في ثاني عشر قرنا في وادي بني حنيفة رجل كهيئة الثور

In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox.


This narration has no basis. In fact, no existence. It is nothing but the false production of the kadhab Ahmed ibn Zini Dahlan.[1]

He claims that he is shafi’i. So it gives me great pleasure to quote al Shafi’i’s statement:


مثل الذي يطلب الحديث بلا إسناد كمثل حاطب ليل يحمل حزمة حطب و فيه أفعى و هو لا يدري

The example of the one who seeks a hadith without an isnad is like the one who gathers a bundle of firewood in the darkness of night, unaware that a serpent lies in the bundle.[2]


Dahlan’s report of this narration throws away his truthfulness and puts him in the ranks of the liars against Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. We do not believe that he narrated it without knowledge especially when he appoints himself as the Mufti of Makkah. Yet at the same time, he lies against Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


Next⇒ There will be fitnah after me. When this transpires, then cling firmly to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib

[1] Al Durar al Saniyyah fi al Radd ‘ala al Wahhabiyyah pg. 55.

[2] Al Madkhal ila al Sunan al Kubra vol. 1 pg. 211; Fayd al Qadir vol. 1 pg. 433; Fath al Mughith vol. 3 pg. 4.

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In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox


سيخرج في ثاني عشر قرنا في وادي بني حنيفة رجل كهيئة الثور

In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox.


This narration has no basis. In fact, no existence. It is nothing but the false production of the kadhab Ahmed ibn Zini Dahlan.[1]

He claims that he is shafi’i. So it gives me great pleasure to quote al Shafi’i’s statement:


مثل الذي يطلب الحديث بلا إسناد كمثل حاطب ليل يحمل حزمة حطب و فيه أفعى و هو لا يدري

The example of the one who seeks a hadith without an isnad is like the one who gathers a bundle of firewood in the darkness of night, unaware that a serpent lies in the bundle.[2]


Dahlan’s report of this narration throws away his truthfulness and puts him in the ranks of the liars against Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. We do not believe that he narrated it without knowledge especially when he appoints himself as the Mufti of Makkah. Yet at the same time, he lies against Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


Next⇒ There will be fitnah after me. When this transpires, then cling firmly to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib

[1] Al Durar al Saniyyah fi al Radd ‘ala al Wahhabiyyah pg. 55.

[2] Al Madkhal ila al Sunan al Kubra vol. 1 pg. 211; Fayd al Qadir vol. 1 pg. 433; Fath al Mughith vol. 3 pg. 4.