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لا تسبوا عليا، فإنه كان ممسوسا في ذات الله سبحانه وتعالى.
Do not curse ‘Ali; for he was touched in the dhat (essence) of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.
Al Tabarani narrates (and Abu Nuaim in a similar manner) — from Sufyan ibn Bishr al Kufi (Abu Nuaim’s version has the name Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi) — ‘Abdul Rahim ibn Sulaiman narrated to us — from Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad — from Ishaq ibn Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah — from his father who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
This hadith is batil (false). It contains the following defects:
Al Haythami writes:
Al Tabarani narrates this hadith in al Mujam al Kabir and al Mujam al Awsat. It contains the narrator Sufyan ibn Bishr (or Bashir). He comes later; he is not the one to narrate from Abu ‘Abdul Rahman al Hubuli. Additionally, I do not know who he is. The remaining narrators have been regarded as thiqat (reliable). Some (however) have elements of weakness.[2]
Al Albani writes:
From what has been mentioned previously, you should know that al Haythami’s statements regarding the hadith are inadequate; he did not fully expound upon the defects by which the hadith is rendered extremely weak, if not free from actually being a fabrication—something which the heart testifies to and inclines towards. And Allah knows best.[3]
[1] Al Tabarani: al Mujam al Kabir, 19/324 and al Mujam al Awsat, 9/9361.
[2] Nur al Din al Haythami: Majma’ al Zawaʾid, 9/130.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Da’ifah, 2/300.
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لا تسبوا عليا، فإنه كان ممسوسا في ذات الله سبحانه وتعالى.
Do not curse ‘Ali; for he was touched in the dhat (essence) of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.
Al Tabarani narrates (and Abu Nuaim in a similar manner) — from Sufyan ibn Bishr al Kufi (Abu Nuaim’s version has the name Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi) — ‘Abdul Rahim ibn Sulaiman narrated to us — from Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad — from Ishaq ibn Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah — from his father who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
This hadith is batil (false). It contains the following defects:
Al Haythami writes:
Al Tabarani narrates this hadith in al Mujam al Kabir and al Mujam al Awsat. It contains the narrator Sufyan ibn Bishr (or Bashir). He comes later; he is not the one to narrate from Abu ‘Abdul Rahman al Hubuli. Additionally, I do not know who he is. The remaining narrators have been regarded as thiqat (reliable). Some (however) have elements of weakness.[2]
Al Albani writes:
From what has been mentioned previously, you should know that al Haythami’s statements regarding the hadith are inadequate; he did not fully expound upon the defects by which the hadith is rendered extremely weak, if not free from actually being a fabrication—something which the heart testifies to and inclines towards. And Allah knows best.[3]
[1] Al Tabarani: al Mujam al Kabir, 19/324 and al Mujam al Awsat, 9/9361.
[2] Nur al Din al Haythami: Majma’ al Zawaʾid, 9/130.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Da’ifah, 2/300.