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يا علي إن لك كنزا في الجنة، وإنك ذو قرنيها، فلا تتبعن النظرة النظرة، فإنما لك الأولى، وليست لك الآخرة.
O ‘Ali, there is for you a treasure in Jannat; and verily you (alone) will be its owner. Do not give a second look (i.e. to a ghayr mahram), (because) while you are not blameworthy for the first, you have no right to the second.
Ibn Abi Shaybah and Imam Ahmed narrate — from Muhammad ibn Ishaq — from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim — from Salamah ibn Abi Tufayl — from ‘Ali that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…[1]
Ibn Khirash says that the narrator Salamah ibn Abi Tufayl is majhul (unknown). Ibn Hibban mentions him in his work Kitab al Thiqat.[2]
Ibn Ishaq is a mudallis (obfuscates when he transmits), and he is narrating with the word ‘an (from).
Al Hakim narrates — from Hammad ibn Salamah — from Muhammad ibn Ishaq — from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al Taymi, from Salamah ibn Abi al Tufayl, from his father (I think), from ‘Ali.[3]
Al Hakim regards the hadith as sahih (authentic) and al Dhahabi concurred.
The problem with this hadith has already been mentioned. Additionally, there is more doubt because of the statement ‘from his father (I think)’
Imam al Bukhari says — Khalifah narrated to me — ‘Abdul A’la narrated to us — from Ibn Ishaq — from the person who heard Abu al Tufayl ‘Amir ibn Wathilah — from Bilal, Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Verily, there is for you a treasure in Jannat.” It is not authentic.[4]
Al Daylami also narrates the hadith.[5] However, I have not come across its chain of transmission.
[1] Ibn Abi Shaybah: Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, 4/7; Imam Ahmed: Fada’il al Sahabah, hadith 1028.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Ta’jil al Manfa’ah, p. 160.
[3] Al Hakim: Mustadrak al Hakim, hadith 4623.
[4] Imam al Bukhari: al Tarikh al Kabir, 4/77.
[5] Al Daylami: Musnad al Firdaws, hadith no. 8312.
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يا علي إن لك كنزا في الجنة، وإنك ذو قرنيها، فلا تتبعن النظرة النظرة، فإنما لك الأولى، وليست لك الآخرة.
O ‘Ali, there is for you a treasure in Jannat; and verily you (alone) will be its owner. Do not give a second look (i.e. to a ghayr mahram), (because) while you are not blameworthy for the first, you have no right to the second.
Ibn Abi Shaybah and Imam Ahmed narrate — from Muhammad ibn Ishaq — from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim — from Salamah ibn Abi Tufayl — from ‘Ali that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…[1]
Ibn Khirash says that the narrator Salamah ibn Abi Tufayl is majhul (unknown). Ibn Hibban mentions him in his work Kitab al Thiqat.[2]
Ibn Ishaq is a mudallis (obfuscates when he transmits), and he is narrating with the word ‘an (from).
Al Hakim narrates — from Hammad ibn Salamah — from Muhammad ibn Ishaq — from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al Taymi, from Salamah ibn Abi al Tufayl, from his father (I think), from ‘Ali.[3]
Al Hakim regards the hadith as sahih (authentic) and al Dhahabi concurred.
The problem with this hadith has already been mentioned. Additionally, there is more doubt because of the statement ‘from his father (I think)’
Imam al Bukhari says — Khalifah narrated to me — ‘Abdul A’la narrated to us — from Ibn Ishaq — from the person who heard Abu al Tufayl ‘Amir ibn Wathilah — from Bilal, Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Verily, there is for you a treasure in Jannat.” It is not authentic.[4]
Al Daylami also narrates the hadith.[5] However, I have not come across its chain of transmission.
[1] Ibn Abi Shaybah: Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, 4/7; Imam Ahmed: Fada’il al Sahabah, hadith 1028.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Ta’jil al Manfa’ah, p. 160.
[3] Al Hakim: Mustadrak al Hakim, hadith 4623.
[4] Imam al Bukhari: al Tarikh al Kabir, 4/77.
[5] Al Daylami: Musnad al Firdaws, hadith no. 8312.