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Hadith 199
جاءني جبريل من عند الله بورقة آس خضراء، مكتوب فيها ببياض: إني افترضت محبة علي بن أبي طالب على خلقي، فبلغهم ذلك عني.
Jibril came to me from Allah with a green leaf from a myrtle plant. Written in it with white (was), “Verily I have enjoined the love of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib upon My creation. So convey that to them on My behalf.”
Al Daylami narrates this hadith — my father informed us — Abu al Hassan al Maydani informed us — Abu Muhammad al Khallal informed us — Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Muttalib narrated to us — Abu Muhammad al Hassan ibn ‘Ali ibn Nuaim narrated to me in Taʾif — ‘Uqbah ibn al Minhal ibn Bahr Abu Ziyad narrated to us — ‘Abdullah ibn Humaid narrated to us — Musa ibn Ismail ibn Musa narrated to me — from his father — from his grandfather — from his father, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from Jabir who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”
Al Suyuti mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[1]
Ibn ‘Iraq said, “He did not explain the defect in the hadith. It contains (the narrator) Musa ibn Ismail ibn Musa ibn Jafar al Sadiq and others whom I could not find a biography about. And Allah knows best.”[2]
Abu Muhammad al Hassan ibn ‘Ali ibn Nuaim is not a thiqah (reliable).[3]
‘Uqbah ibn al Minhal ibn Bahr, ‘Abdullah ibn Humaid, and Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Muttalib could not be traced.
[1] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/252.
[2] Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/397.
[3] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 7/386.