Hadith 183: “O ‘Ali, verily you and your shia (followers) will soon appear before Allah well-pleased and pleasing to Him. And your enemy will appear before Him enraged with their heads (kept) aloft.” Then ‘Ali gathered his on his neck to show them how…

Hadith 182: Jibril descended and said, “O Muhammad, verily Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala sends his salam (greetings) and says to you, ‘Every one of the Ummah will come on the Day of Resurrection thirsty, except for that person who loves Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman, and ‘Ali.’”
February 5, 2019
Hadith 184: By Him in Whose hand my soul is! Had it not been that groups from my Ummah say regarding you what the Christians say regarding ‘Isa ibn Maryam….
February 5, 2019

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Hadith 183

يا علي، إنك ستقدم على الله، وشيعتك راضين مرضيين، ويقدم عليه عدوك غضاب مقمحين، ثم جمع علي يده إلى عنقه يريهم كيف الإقماح.

“O ‘Ali, verily you and your shia (followers) will soon appear before Allah well-pleased and pleasing to Him. And your enemy will appear before Him enraged with their heads (kept) aloft.” Then ‘Ali gathered his on his neck to show them how…


This hadith is narrated from ‘Ali and Abu Rafi’ radiya Llahu ‘anhuma.


The Hadith of ‘Ali

Al Tabarani narrates this version of the hadith:

‘Ali ibn Sa’id al Razi narrated to us — Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaid al Muharibi narrated to us — ‘Abdul Karim Abu Ya’fur narrated to us — from Jabir — from Abu al Tufayl — from ‘Abdullah ibn Nujayy, “Verily ‘Ali came on the Day of Basrah (i.e. before the Battle of Jamal) with some gold or silver. He made a mark in it and said, ‘Become white and yellow and dazzle other than me (i.e. do not deceive me). Dazzle the people of al Sham (i.e. at the Battle of Siffin) tomorrow when they come to know of you.” His statement troubled everyone. This was mentioned to him and so he called for the people. They entered his presence and he said, “Verily my khalil (bosom friend) said…” And then he mentioned the hadith.

This chain is sakit (wholly unreliable). It contains the following defects:

‘Abdul Karim ibn Yafur Abu Ya’fur al Jufi. Ibn Hibban said he is unknown but still mentioned him among the reliable narrators as is his habit (to deem unknown narrators reliable).

‘Ali ibn Sa’id al Razi is among the Huffaz of hadith but he is da’if.

Jabir is Jabir al Ju’fi, who is accused of forging hadith.

Al Haythami in discrediting this narration sufficed on citing Jabir al Ju’fi as the reason.


The Hadith of Abu Rafi’

Al Tabarani narrates this version of the hadith with a chain of transmission that is batil (false).[1] It contains the narrator Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn Abi Rafi’. He is matruk (suspected of forgery), as mentioned previously.

It also contains the narrator Harb ibn al Hassan al Tahhan. He is laysa bi dhak (not worth much).

It also contains the narrator Yahya ibn Ya’la al Aslami. As mentioned, he is da’if (weak).

Al Albani ruled this hadith a fabrication.[2]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 184

[1] Al Tabarani: al Mujam al Kabir, 1/948.

[2] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 12/5589.