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جعلتك علما فيما بيني وبين أمتي، فمن لم يتبعك فقد كفر.
I made you a sign for what is between me and my Ummah; whoever does not follow you has disbelieved.
Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim al Nasib informed us — Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Khatib informed us — Abu al Faraj al Tanajiri informed me — ‘Umar ibn Ahmed al Wa’iz informed me — Muhammad ibn Mahmud al Anbari informed us in Basrah — Muhammad ibn al Qasim ibn Hashim informed us — my father informed me — ‘Abdul Samad ibn Sa’id Abu ‘Abdul Rahman informed us — al Fadl ibn Musa informed us — from Waki’ — from al A’mash — from Abu Waʾil — from Hudhayfah who said, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali…”[1]
Ibn ‘Asakir said, “Everyone between al Fadl and al Wa’iz is majhul (unknown) and unidentified.”
I know one of them: Muhammad ibn Mahmud al Anbari. Al Khatib mentions him without referencing anything regarding his status (positive or negative) as a narrator.[2] Therefore, he is majhul (unknown).
The hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie that has been (falsely) attributed to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
[1] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/387.
[2] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 3/261.
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جعلتك علما فيما بيني وبين أمتي، فمن لم يتبعك فقد كفر.
I made you a sign for what is between me and my Ummah; whoever does not follow you has disbelieved.
Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim al Nasib informed us — Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Khatib informed us — Abu al Faraj al Tanajiri informed me — ‘Umar ibn Ahmed al Wa’iz informed me — Muhammad ibn Mahmud al Anbari informed us in Basrah — Muhammad ibn al Qasim ibn Hashim informed us — my father informed me — ‘Abdul Samad ibn Sa’id Abu ‘Abdul Rahman informed us — al Fadl ibn Musa informed us — from Waki’ — from al A’mash — from Abu Waʾil — from Hudhayfah who said, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali…”[1]
Ibn ‘Asakir said, “Everyone between al Fadl and al Wa’iz is majhul (unknown) and unidentified.”
I know one of them: Muhammad ibn Mahmud al Anbari. Al Khatib mentions him without referencing anything regarding his status (positive or negative) as a narrator.[2] Therefore, he is majhul (unknown).
The hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie that has been (falsely) attributed to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
[1] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/387.
[2] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 3/261.