Hadith 169: A man asked Muawiyah a question and he responded by saying, “Ask ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib regarding it, for he is more knowledgeable than me.”….

Hadith 168: ‘Ali is the protector/vessel of my knowledge.
February 4, 2019
Hadith 170: Verily the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said in his illness, “Call my brother for me.”…
February 4, 2019

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Hadith 169

سأل رجل معاوية عن مسألة، فقال: سل عنها علي بن أبي طالب، فهو أعلم مني. قال: قولك يا أمير المؤمنين أحب إلي من قول علي. قال: بئس ما قلت، ولؤم ما جئت به، لقد كرهت رجلا كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يغره بالعلم غرا، ولقد قال له: أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، إلا أنه لا نبي بعدي، وكان عمر بن الخطاب يسأله، ويأخذ عنه، ولقد شهدت عمر إذا أشكل عليه أمر، قال: ها هنا علي بن أبي طالب؟ ثم قال للرجل: قم لا أقام الله رجليك، ومحا اسمه من الديوان.

A man asked Muawiyah a question and he responded by saying, “Ask ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib regarding it, for he is more knowledgeable than me.” The man said, “Your statement, O Amir al Muʾminin, is more beloved to me than the statement of ‘Ali.” He said, “What an evil thing to say! What a vile thing to bring forth! You dislike a man whom the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to ‘feed him’ with knowledge. Verily he said to him, ‘You are unto me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no Prophet after me.’ ‘Umar ibn al Khattab used to ask him and take from him. I witnessed ‘Umar, whenever an issue proved difficult for him, he would say, ‘Is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib around?’” Then (Muawiyah) said to the man, “Stand—may Allah not make your legs stand.” And then he erased his name from the Diwan (Register).”


Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — Abu al Qasim Zahir ibn Tahir informed us — Abu Sa’id al Janzarudi informed us — al Sayed Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn al Hussain informed us — Hamzah ibn Muhammad al Dihqan informed us — Muhammad ibn Yunus informed us — Wahb ibn ‘Uthman al Basri informed us — Ismail ibn Abi Khalid informed us — from Qais ibn Abi Hazim…[1]

This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).

Muhammad ibn Yunus al Kudaymi is suspected of lying.

His teacher and Abu Sa’id al Janzarudi could not be traced.

Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith with a chain of transmission that is wah (feeble).[2] It contains the following defects:

  • Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
  • I could not trace Abu al Qasim ‘Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Ali ibn al ‘Abbas al Bazzar and Abu al Qasim ‘Ubaidullah ibn Asad al Bazzar.
  • I think Ahmed ibn Yunus is Muhammad ibn Yunus, mentioned in the previous chain of transmission.
  • I do not know who his teacher is. I think the correct version is with Wuhayb, as mentioned previously.


‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed narrates this hadith with a chain of transmission that contains the narrator Muhammad ibn Yunus.[3] He is al Kudaymi, the da’if (weak) narrator. He has also been accused of lying.

It also contains the narrator Wahb. The correct name is, however, Wuyahb. Only Ibn Hibban regarded him as a thiqah (reliable).

I could not trace his father.

There is a shahid[4] (supporting witness report) for this hadith narrated by Abu Nuaim and others.[5] The chain of transmission (also) contains al Kudaymi, the one accused of lying.

It also contains the narrator Hurmuz ibn Hawran. He could not be traced.

It can be noticed that the the ‘pivot’ of the hadith is al Kudaymi. He has been accused of lying, and narrates from one who is unidentified. The wording of the hadith is munkar (unacceptable). The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would not single out one Sahabi for giving knowledge to; the proof of which is ‘Ali’s own testament in this regard, as mentioned many times before. Some of this will be mentioned shortly. Based on this, the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie attributed to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


NEXT⇒ Hadith 170

[1] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/170.

[2] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 52.

[3] ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed: Zawaʾid Fadaʾil al Sahabah, 2/1153.

[4] For an explanation of this term, Click Here. [translator’s note]

[5] Abu Nuaim: Hilyat al Awliyaʾ, 1/65.

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Hadith 169

سأل رجل معاوية عن مسألة، فقال: سل عنها علي بن أبي طالب، فهو أعلم مني. قال: قولك يا أمير المؤمنين أحب إلي من قول علي. قال: بئس ما قلت، ولؤم ما جئت به، لقد كرهت رجلا كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يغره بالعلم غرا، ولقد قال له: أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، إلا أنه لا نبي بعدي، وكان عمر بن الخطاب يسأله، ويأخذ عنه، ولقد شهدت عمر إذا أشكل عليه أمر، قال: ها هنا علي بن أبي طالب؟ ثم قال للرجل: قم لا أقام الله رجليك، ومحا اسمه من الديوان.

A man asked Muawiyah a question and he responded by saying, “Ask ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib regarding it, for he is more knowledgeable than me.” The man said, “Your statement, O Amir al Muʾminin, is more beloved to me than the statement of ‘Ali.” He said, “What an evil thing to say! What a vile thing to bring forth! You dislike a man whom the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to ‘feed him’ with knowledge. Verily he said to him, ‘You are unto me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no Prophet after me.’ ‘Umar ibn al Khattab used to ask him and take from him. I witnessed ‘Umar, whenever an issue proved difficult for him, he would say, ‘Is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib around?’” Then (Muawiyah) said to the man, “Stand—may Allah not make your legs stand.” And then he erased his name from the Diwan (Register).”


Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — Abu al Qasim Zahir ibn Tahir informed us — Abu Sa’id al Janzarudi informed us — al Sayed Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn al Hussain informed us — Hamzah ibn Muhammad al Dihqan informed us — Muhammad ibn Yunus informed us — Wahb ibn ‘Uthman al Basri informed us — Ismail ibn Abi Khalid informed us — from Qais ibn Abi Hazim…[1]

This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).

Muhammad ibn Yunus al Kudaymi is suspected of lying.

His teacher and Abu Sa’id al Janzarudi could not be traced.

Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith with a chain of transmission that is wah (feeble).[2] It contains the following defects:

  • Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
  • I could not trace Abu al Qasim ‘Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Ali ibn al ‘Abbas al Bazzar and Abu al Qasim ‘Ubaidullah ibn Asad al Bazzar.
  • I think Ahmed ibn Yunus is Muhammad ibn Yunus, mentioned in the previous chain of transmission.
  • I do not know who his teacher is. I think the correct version is with Wuhayb, as mentioned previously.


‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed narrates this hadith with a chain of transmission that contains the narrator Muhammad ibn Yunus.[3] He is al Kudaymi, the da’if (weak) narrator. He has also been accused of lying.

It also contains the narrator Wahb. The correct name is, however, Wuyahb. Only Ibn Hibban regarded him as a thiqah (reliable).

I could not trace his father.

There is a shahid[4] (supporting witness report) for this hadith narrated by Abu Nuaim and others.[5] The chain of transmission (also) contains al Kudaymi, the one accused of lying.

It also contains the narrator Hurmuz ibn Hawran. He could not be traced.

It can be noticed that the the ‘pivot’ of the hadith is al Kudaymi. He has been accused of lying, and narrates from one who is unidentified. The wording of the hadith is munkar (unacceptable). The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would not single out one Sahabi for giving knowledge to; the proof of which is ‘Ali’s own testament in this regard, as mentioned many times before. Some of this will be mentioned shortly. Based on this, the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and a lie attributed to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


NEXT⇒ Hadith 170

[1] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/170.

[2] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 52.

[3] ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed: Zawaʾid Fadaʾil al Sahabah, 2/1153.

[4] For an explanation of this term, Click Here. [translator’s note]

[5] Abu Nuaim: Hilyat al Awliyaʾ, 1/65.