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كنا مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في مسجده في يوم مطير، ذي سحائب ورياح، ونحن ملتفون حوله، فسمعنا صوتا لا نرى شخصه، وهو يقول: السلام عليك يا رسول الله. فرد: عليك السلام، وقال: ردوا على أخيكم السلام. قال: فرددنا عليه. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من أنت؟ قال: أنا عرفطة، أظهر لنا {رحمك الله} في صورتك. قال سلمان: فظهر لنا شيخ أزب أشعر، قد لبس وجهه شعر غليظ متكاثف قد واراه، وإذا عيناه مشقوقتان طولا، وله فم في صدره، فيه أنياب بادية طوال، وإذا له في موضع الأظفار من يديه مخالب كمخالب السباع، فلما رأيناه اقشعرت جلودنا، ودنونا من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. فقال الشيخ: يا نبي الله، أبعث معي من يدعو جماعة قومي إلى الإسلام، وأنا أرده إليك سالما إن شاء الله. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحابه: أيكم يقوم فيبلغ الجن عني، وله علي الجنة. فما قام أحد. وقال الثانية، والثالثة، فما قام أحد. فقال علي كرم الله وجهه: أنا يا رسول الله. فالتفت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الشيخ، فقال: وافني إلى الحرة، في هذه الليلة، أبعث معك رجلا، يفصل بحكمي، وينطق بلساني، ويبلغ الجن عني. قال سلمان: فغاب الشيخ، وأقمنا يومنا، فلما صلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم العشاء الآخرة، وانصرف الناس من المسجد، قال: يا سلمان سر معي. فخرجت معه، وعلي بين يديه، حتى أتينا الحرة. فإذا الشيخ على بعير كالشاة، وإذا بعير آخر على ارتفاع الفرس، فحمل عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عليا، وحملني خلفه، وشد وسطي إلى وسطه بعمامة، وعصب عيني؛ وقال: يا سلمان لا تفتحن عينيك حتى تسمع عليا يؤذن، ولا يروعك ما تسمع، فإنك آمن إن شاء الله. ثم أوصى عليا بما أحب أن يوصيه، ثم قال: سيروا، ولا قوة إلا بالله. فثار البعير سائرا يدف كدفيف النعام، وعلي يتلو القرآن؛ فسرنا ليلتنا حتى إذا طلع الفجر أذن علي، وأناخ البعير، وقال: انزل يا سلمان. فحللت عيني ونزلت، فإذا أرض قوراء، لا ماء ولا شجر، ولا عود، ولا حجر، فلما بان الفجر، أقام علي الصلاة، وتقدم وصلى بنا أنا والشيخ. ولا أزال أسمع الحس حتى إذا سلم علي التفت، فإذا خلق عظيم، لا يسمعهم إلا الخطيب الصيت الجهير، فأقام علي يسبح ربه، حتى طلعت الشمس، ثم قام فيهم خطيبا، فخطبهم، فاعترضه منهم مردة، فأقبل علي عليهم، فقال: أبالحق تكذبون، وعن القرآن تصدفون، وبآيات الله تجحدون؟ ثم رفع طرفه إلى السماء، فقال: بالكلمة العظمى، والأسماء الحسنى، والعزائم الكبرى، والحي القيوم، محيي الموتى، ورب الأرض والسماء؛ يا حرسة الجن، ورصدة الشياطين، خدام الله الشرهباليين، ذوي الأرواح الطاهرة، اهبطوا بالجمرة التي لا تطفأ، والشهاب الثاقب، والشواظ المحرق، والنحاس القاتل، بآلمص، والذاريات، وكهيعص، والطواسين، ويس، و)ن والقلم وما يسطرون(، (والنجم إذا هوى(، )والطور. وكتاب مسطور. في رق منشور. والبيت المعمور(، والأقسام والأحكام، ومواقع النجوم؛ لما أسرعتم الانحدار إلى المردة المتولعين المتكبرين، الجاحدين لآيات رب العالمين. قال سلمان: فحسست الأرض من تحتي ترتعد، ثم نزلت نار من السماء، صعق لها كل من رآها من الجن، وخرت على وجوهها مغشيا عليها، وخررت أنا على وجهي، ثم أفقت فإذا دخان يفور من الأرض، يحول بيني وبين النظر إلى عبثة المردة من الجن، فأقام الدخان طويلا بالأرض. قال سلمان: فصاح بهم علي: ارفعوا رؤوسكم: فقد أهلك الله الظالمين، ثم عاد إلى خطبته، فقال: يا معشر الجن والشياطين والغيلان، وبني شمراخ وآل نجاح، وسكان الآجام والرمال، والأقفار، وجميع شياطين البلدان: اعلموا أن الأرض قد ملئت عدلا، كما كانت مملوءة جورا. هذا هو الحق،)فماذا بعد الحق إلا الضلال فأنى تصرفون). قال سلمان: فعجبت الجن لعلمه، وانقادوا مذعنين له، وقالوا: أمنا بالله وبرسوله، وبرسول رسوله، لا نكذب وأنت الصادق والمصدق. قال سلمان: فانصرفنا في الليل على البعير الذي كنا عليه، وشد علي وسطي إلى وسطه، وقال: اعصب عينيك، واذكر الله في نفسك. وسرنا يدف بنا البعير دفيفا، والشيخ الذي قدم على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أمامنا، حتى قدمنا الحرة، وذلك قبل طلوع الفجر، فنزل علي ونزلت، وسرح البعير فمضى، ودخلنا المدينة فصلينا الغداة مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فلما سلم رآنا، فقال لعلي: كيف رأيت القوم؟ قال: أجابوا وأذعنوا. وقص عليه خبرهم. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أما إنهم لا يزالون لك هائبين إلى يوم القيامة.
We were with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in his masjid on a rainy day. It was very windy and cloudy. We were assembled around him. Suddenly, we heard a voice, but we did not see the person (from where the voice emanated). He said, “Al Salam ‘alayk, O Messenger of Allah.’ The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam responded, “‘Alayk al Salam.” And he said, “Respond to your brother’s salam.” We responded to him. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Who are you?” He said, “I am ‘Urfutah.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Show us your appearance—may Allah have mercy upon you.” Salman said, “A hairy and shaggy elderly man (sheikh) appeared before us. Thick and dense hair—which he tried to conceal—dressed his face. His eyes were vertically positioned. He had a mouth in his chest with protruding long teeth. Where his nails were supposed to be, he had claws like the claws of a predatory animal. When we saw him, our skin began shivering. We went closer to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”
The sheikh said, “O Prophet of Allah, send someone with me who will call a group of my people (i.e. the jinn) to Islam. I will return him back to you fully intact, in sha Allah.” The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to his companions, “Who of you will stand up and convey on my behalf; and for him will be, upon me (i.e. I take it upon myself), Jannat?” No one stood up. He repeated a second and a third time, and still, no one stood up. Then ‘Ali (may Allah honour his face) said, “I (am ready), O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam turned towards the sheikh and said, “Meet me at al Harrah tonight, I will send a man with you. He will decide according to my ruling, speak with my tongue, and convey to the jinn on my behalf.” Salman said, “The sheikh disappeared. We stayed the day. When the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam prayed ‘ishaʾ and the people left from the masjid, he said, ‘O Salman, come with me.’ And so I went with him. ‘Ali was in front of him, until we (eventually) reached al Harrah. We found the sheikh on a camel that was like (the size of) a sheep. Then there was another camel the size of a horse. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mounted ‘Ali onto it and mounted me behind him. He tied my waist to his waist with a turban, blindfolded me and said, ‘O Salman, do not open your eyes until you hear ‘Ali giving the adhan. And what you hear should not frighten you, for you are safe, in sha Allah.’ Thereafter, he advised ‘Ali regarding whatever he wanted to advise him with. Then he said, ‘Go forth, wa la quwwatah illa biLlah (there is no strength except with Allah).’
The camel suddenly set out travelling like an ostrich flapping his wings. ‘Ali was reciting the Qurʾan. We spent our night travelling until the sun rose. ‘Ali gave adhan and made the camel kneel down. He said, ‘Come down, O Salman.’ I untied the blindfold from my eyes and came down. The ground was very vast; there were no water, trees, wood, and stones. When the time for fajr became clear (to pray), ‘Ali made iqamah and then stepped forward and led myself and the sheikh in salah. (While in salah) I continued to hear a sound until ‘Ali completed salah and made salam (i.e. he completed his salah). He turned and suddenly there was a huge gathering of people; no one would be able to make them hear (because of how large the gathering was) except for a khatib with a loud and audible voice. ‘Ali remained making tasbih of his Lord until the sun rose. Then he stood up as a khatib and addressed them. A group of evil demons from them objected (to what ‘Ali said). ‘Ali approached them and said, ‘Are you disbelieving in the truth? Are you turning away from the Qurʾan? And are you rejecting the verses of Allah?’ Then he raised his eyes to the skies and said, ‘With the Great Kalimah (word), and the Most Beautiful Names (al Asmaʾ al Husna), and the Great Resolutions, and al Hayy al Qayyum (the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting), the Reviver of the Dead, the Lord of the earth and skies, O protectors of the jinn and the watchers of the Shayateen, the evil foolish servants of Allah, possessors of the pure souls, descend onto the ember that does not go out, and the burning flame (star), and the burning flame, and the nuhas qatil of Alif Lam Mim Sad, and al Dhariyat (the Scattering Winds), and Kaf Ha Ya ‘Ayn Sad, and the Ta Sins, and Ya Sin, and Nun wa al qalam wa ma yasturun (Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe), and Wa al najm idha hawa (By the star when it descends), and Wa al Tur. Wa kitab mastur. Fi raqq manshur. Wa al Bayt al Ma’mur (By the mount. And [by] a Book inscribed. In parchment spread open. And [by] the frequented House.), and the aqsam (oaths) and the ahkam (rulings), and mawaqi’ al nujum (by the setting of the stars), why do you hasten to incline towards the evil demons who are hell-bent on, and arrogantly reject the verses of the Lord of the worlds?’” Salman said, “I felt the earth from beneath me tremble. Then, fire descended from the skies. Everyone who saw it from the jinn was stupefied and fell unconscious on their faces. I (too) fell on my face (unconscious). Then I regained my consciousness. Suddenly, there was smoke that profusely began emanating from the earth. It caused a barrier to be made in-between me and (being able to see) the foolishness of the evil demons from the jinn. The smoke remained in the ground for some time. ‘Ali shouted to them, ‘Raise your heads, for Allah has destroyed the oppressors.’ Then ‘Ali returned to his khutbah (sermon) and said, ‘O community of jinn, shayateen, desert demons, Bani Shimrakh and Al Najah, and dwellers of forts/castles, sand-houses, desolate/deserted places, and all the shayateen of the lands, know that the earth was filled with justice, just as it was filled with injustice. This is the truth (And what can be beyond truth except error? So how are you averted?)[1]’” Salman said, “The jinn were amazed at his knowledge. They completely submitted to him and said, ‘We bring iman in Allah, His Messenger, and the messenger of his Messenger. We do not disbelieve. You are true and trustworthy.’” Salman said, “We left at night on the (same) camel that we were on. ‘Ali tied my waist to his waist and said, ‘Cover your eyes and remember Allah inside your self (i.e. in your heart).’ We set out; the camel was flapping (his wings) while the sheikh that came to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was in front of us until we arrived at al Harrah. This was before sunrise. ‘Ali came down (from the camel) and so did I. ‘Ali freed the camel and he departed. We entered Madinah and prayed fajr with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When he made salam (i.e. completed his salah), he saw us. He said to ‘Ali, ‘How did you find the group of people (i.e. the jinn)?’ He said, ‘They responded (positively) and submitted.’ He narrated to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam their story. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Verily they will continue fearing you until the Day of Resurrection.’”
Al Kharaʾiti narrates this hadith (and Ibn ‘Asakir in a similar manner) — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Balawi narrated to us — ‘Umarah ibn Zaid narrated to us — Abu al Bakhtari Wahb ibn Wahb narrated to me — Muhammad ibn Ishaq narrated to me — from Yahya ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Harith — from his father who said, “Salman al Farisi narrated to me…”[2]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). It contains the following defects:
[1] Surah Yunus: 32.
[2] Al Kharaʾiti: Hawatif al Jinan, 32; Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/338.
[3] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 2/491.
[4] Ibid., 3/177.
[5] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 7/63; al ‘Uqayli: al Du’afaʾ al Kabir, 4/324; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 6/231, 232.
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كنا مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في مسجده في يوم مطير، ذي سحائب ورياح، ونحن ملتفون حوله، فسمعنا صوتا لا نرى شخصه، وهو يقول: السلام عليك يا رسول الله. فرد: عليك السلام، وقال: ردوا على أخيكم السلام. قال: فرددنا عليه. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من أنت؟ قال: أنا عرفطة، أظهر لنا {رحمك الله} في صورتك. قال سلمان: فظهر لنا شيخ أزب أشعر، قد لبس وجهه شعر غليظ متكاثف قد واراه، وإذا عيناه مشقوقتان طولا، وله فم في صدره، فيه أنياب بادية طوال، وإذا له في موضع الأظفار من يديه مخالب كمخالب السباع، فلما رأيناه اقشعرت جلودنا، ودنونا من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. فقال الشيخ: يا نبي الله، أبعث معي من يدعو جماعة قومي إلى الإسلام، وأنا أرده إليك سالما إن شاء الله. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحابه: أيكم يقوم فيبلغ الجن عني، وله علي الجنة. فما قام أحد. وقال الثانية، والثالثة، فما قام أحد. فقال علي كرم الله وجهه: أنا يا رسول الله. فالتفت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الشيخ، فقال: وافني إلى الحرة، في هذه الليلة، أبعث معك رجلا، يفصل بحكمي، وينطق بلساني، ويبلغ الجن عني. قال سلمان: فغاب الشيخ، وأقمنا يومنا، فلما صلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم العشاء الآخرة، وانصرف الناس من المسجد، قال: يا سلمان سر معي. فخرجت معه، وعلي بين يديه، حتى أتينا الحرة. فإذا الشيخ على بعير كالشاة، وإذا بعير آخر على ارتفاع الفرس، فحمل عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عليا، وحملني خلفه، وشد وسطي إلى وسطه بعمامة، وعصب عيني؛ وقال: يا سلمان لا تفتحن عينيك حتى تسمع عليا يؤذن، ولا يروعك ما تسمع، فإنك آمن إن شاء الله. ثم أوصى عليا بما أحب أن يوصيه، ثم قال: سيروا، ولا قوة إلا بالله. فثار البعير سائرا يدف كدفيف النعام، وعلي يتلو القرآن؛ فسرنا ليلتنا حتى إذا طلع الفجر أذن علي، وأناخ البعير، وقال: انزل يا سلمان. فحللت عيني ونزلت، فإذا أرض قوراء، لا ماء ولا شجر، ولا عود، ولا حجر، فلما بان الفجر، أقام علي الصلاة، وتقدم وصلى بنا أنا والشيخ. ولا أزال أسمع الحس حتى إذا سلم علي التفت، فإذا خلق عظيم، لا يسمعهم إلا الخطيب الصيت الجهير، فأقام علي يسبح ربه، حتى طلعت الشمس، ثم قام فيهم خطيبا، فخطبهم، فاعترضه منهم مردة، فأقبل علي عليهم، فقال: أبالحق تكذبون، وعن القرآن تصدفون، وبآيات الله تجحدون؟ ثم رفع طرفه إلى السماء، فقال: بالكلمة العظمى، والأسماء الحسنى، والعزائم الكبرى، والحي القيوم، محيي الموتى، ورب الأرض والسماء؛ يا حرسة الجن، ورصدة الشياطين، خدام الله الشرهباليين، ذوي الأرواح الطاهرة، اهبطوا بالجمرة التي لا تطفأ، والشهاب الثاقب، والشواظ المحرق، والنحاس القاتل، بآلمص، والذاريات، وكهيعص، والطواسين، ويس، و)ن والقلم وما يسطرون(، (والنجم إذا هوى(، )والطور. وكتاب مسطور. في رق منشور. والبيت المعمور(، والأقسام والأحكام، ومواقع النجوم؛ لما أسرعتم الانحدار إلى المردة المتولعين المتكبرين، الجاحدين لآيات رب العالمين. قال سلمان: فحسست الأرض من تحتي ترتعد، ثم نزلت نار من السماء، صعق لها كل من رآها من الجن، وخرت على وجوهها مغشيا عليها، وخررت أنا على وجهي، ثم أفقت فإذا دخان يفور من الأرض، يحول بيني وبين النظر إلى عبثة المردة من الجن، فأقام الدخان طويلا بالأرض. قال سلمان: فصاح بهم علي: ارفعوا رؤوسكم: فقد أهلك الله الظالمين، ثم عاد إلى خطبته، فقال: يا معشر الجن والشياطين والغيلان، وبني شمراخ وآل نجاح، وسكان الآجام والرمال، والأقفار، وجميع شياطين البلدان: اعلموا أن الأرض قد ملئت عدلا، كما كانت مملوءة جورا. هذا هو الحق،)فماذا بعد الحق إلا الضلال فأنى تصرفون). قال سلمان: فعجبت الجن لعلمه، وانقادوا مذعنين له، وقالوا: أمنا بالله وبرسوله، وبرسول رسوله، لا نكذب وأنت الصادق والمصدق. قال سلمان: فانصرفنا في الليل على البعير الذي كنا عليه، وشد علي وسطي إلى وسطه، وقال: اعصب عينيك، واذكر الله في نفسك. وسرنا يدف بنا البعير دفيفا، والشيخ الذي قدم على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أمامنا، حتى قدمنا الحرة، وذلك قبل طلوع الفجر، فنزل علي ونزلت، وسرح البعير فمضى، ودخلنا المدينة فصلينا الغداة مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فلما سلم رآنا، فقال لعلي: كيف رأيت القوم؟ قال: أجابوا وأذعنوا. وقص عليه خبرهم. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أما إنهم لا يزالون لك هائبين إلى يوم القيامة.
We were with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in his masjid on a rainy day. It was very windy and cloudy. We were assembled around him. Suddenly, we heard a voice, but we did not see the person (from where the voice emanated). He said, “Al Salam ‘alayk, O Messenger of Allah.’ The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam responded, “‘Alayk al Salam.” And he said, “Respond to your brother’s salam.” We responded to him. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Who are you?” He said, “I am ‘Urfutah.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Show us your appearance—may Allah have mercy upon you.” Salman said, “A hairy and shaggy elderly man (sheikh) appeared before us. Thick and dense hair—which he tried to conceal—dressed his face. His eyes were vertically positioned. He had a mouth in his chest with protruding long teeth. Where his nails were supposed to be, he had claws like the claws of a predatory animal. When we saw him, our skin began shivering. We went closer to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”
The sheikh said, “O Prophet of Allah, send someone with me who will call a group of my people (i.e. the jinn) to Islam. I will return him back to you fully intact, in sha Allah.” The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to his companions, “Who of you will stand up and convey on my behalf; and for him will be, upon me (i.e. I take it upon myself), Jannat?” No one stood up. He repeated a second and a third time, and still, no one stood up. Then ‘Ali (may Allah honour his face) said, “I (am ready), O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam turned towards the sheikh and said, “Meet me at al Harrah tonight, I will send a man with you. He will decide according to my ruling, speak with my tongue, and convey to the jinn on my behalf.” Salman said, “The sheikh disappeared. We stayed the day. When the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam prayed ‘ishaʾ and the people left from the masjid, he said, ‘O Salman, come with me.’ And so I went with him. ‘Ali was in front of him, until we (eventually) reached al Harrah. We found the sheikh on a camel that was like (the size of) a sheep. Then there was another camel the size of a horse. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mounted ‘Ali onto it and mounted me behind him. He tied my waist to his waist with a turban, blindfolded me and said, ‘O Salman, do not open your eyes until you hear ‘Ali giving the adhan. And what you hear should not frighten you, for you are safe, in sha Allah.’ Thereafter, he advised ‘Ali regarding whatever he wanted to advise him with. Then he said, ‘Go forth, wa la quwwatah illa biLlah (there is no strength except with Allah).’
The camel suddenly set out travelling like an ostrich flapping his wings. ‘Ali was reciting the Qurʾan. We spent our night travelling until the sun rose. ‘Ali gave adhan and made the camel kneel down. He said, ‘Come down, O Salman.’ I untied the blindfold from my eyes and came down. The ground was very vast; there were no water, trees, wood, and stones. When the time for fajr became clear (to pray), ‘Ali made iqamah and then stepped forward and led myself and the sheikh in salah. (While in salah) I continued to hear a sound until ‘Ali completed salah and made salam (i.e. he completed his salah). He turned and suddenly there was a huge gathering of people; no one would be able to make them hear (because of how large the gathering was) except for a khatib with a loud and audible voice. ‘Ali remained making tasbih of his Lord until the sun rose. Then he stood up as a khatib and addressed them. A group of evil demons from them objected (to what ‘Ali said). ‘Ali approached them and said, ‘Are you disbelieving in the truth? Are you turning away from the Qurʾan? And are you rejecting the verses of Allah?’ Then he raised his eyes to the skies and said, ‘With the Great Kalimah (word), and the Most Beautiful Names (al Asmaʾ al Husna), and the Great Resolutions, and al Hayy al Qayyum (the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting), the Reviver of the Dead, the Lord of the earth and skies, O protectors of the jinn and the watchers of the Shayateen, the evil foolish servants of Allah, possessors of the pure souls, descend onto the ember that does not go out, and the burning flame (star), and the burning flame, and the nuhas qatil of Alif Lam Mim Sad, and al Dhariyat (the Scattering Winds), and Kaf Ha Ya ‘Ayn Sad, and the Ta Sins, and Ya Sin, and Nun wa al qalam wa ma yasturun (Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe), and Wa al najm idha hawa (By the star when it descends), and Wa al Tur. Wa kitab mastur. Fi raqq manshur. Wa al Bayt al Ma’mur (By the mount. And [by] a Book inscribed. In parchment spread open. And [by] the frequented House.), and the aqsam (oaths) and the ahkam (rulings), and mawaqi’ al nujum (by the setting of the stars), why do you hasten to incline towards the evil demons who are hell-bent on, and arrogantly reject the verses of the Lord of the worlds?’” Salman said, “I felt the earth from beneath me tremble. Then, fire descended from the skies. Everyone who saw it from the jinn was stupefied and fell unconscious on their faces. I (too) fell on my face (unconscious). Then I regained my consciousness. Suddenly, there was smoke that profusely began emanating from the earth. It caused a barrier to be made in-between me and (being able to see) the foolishness of the evil demons from the jinn. The smoke remained in the ground for some time. ‘Ali shouted to them, ‘Raise your heads, for Allah has destroyed the oppressors.’ Then ‘Ali returned to his khutbah (sermon) and said, ‘O community of jinn, shayateen, desert demons, Bani Shimrakh and Al Najah, and dwellers of forts/castles, sand-houses, desolate/deserted places, and all the shayateen of the lands, know that the earth was filled with justice, just as it was filled with injustice. This is the truth (And what can be beyond truth except error? So how are you averted?)[1]’” Salman said, “The jinn were amazed at his knowledge. They completely submitted to him and said, ‘We bring iman in Allah, His Messenger, and the messenger of his Messenger. We do not disbelieve. You are true and trustworthy.’” Salman said, “We left at night on the (same) camel that we were on. ‘Ali tied my waist to his waist and said, ‘Cover your eyes and remember Allah inside your self (i.e. in your heart).’ We set out; the camel was flapping (his wings) while the sheikh that came to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was in front of us until we arrived at al Harrah. This was before sunrise. ‘Ali came down (from the camel) and so did I. ‘Ali freed the camel and he departed. We entered Madinah and prayed fajr with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When he made salam (i.e. completed his salah), he saw us. He said to ‘Ali, ‘How did you find the group of people (i.e. the jinn)?’ He said, ‘They responded (positively) and submitted.’ He narrated to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam their story. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Verily they will continue fearing you until the Day of Resurrection.’”
Al Kharaʾiti narrates this hadith (and Ibn ‘Asakir in a similar manner) — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Balawi narrated to us — ‘Umarah ibn Zaid narrated to us — Abu al Bakhtari Wahb ibn Wahb narrated to me — Muhammad ibn Ishaq narrated to me — from Yahya ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Harith — from his father who said, “Salman al Farisi narrated to me…”[2]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). It contains the following defects:
[1] Surah Yunus: 32.
[2] Al Kharaʾiti: Hawatif al Jinan, 32; Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/338.
[3] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 2/491.
[4] Ibid., 3/177.
[5] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 7/63; al ‘Uqayli: al Du’afaʾ al Kabir, 4/324; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 6/231, 232.