Hadith 154: On the Day of Resurrection, a pulpit thirty miles long will be erected for me. Thereafter, a caller will call out from beneath the ‘Arsh (Throne), “Where is Muhammad?”…

Hadith 153: (‘Ali said,) Verily my khalil (close friend—i.e. the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam informed me that I will be struck on the 7th of Ramadan; it was the night in which Musa passed away; and I will die on the 22nd of Ramadan, the night in which ‘Isa was raised (to the Heavens).
February 4, 2019
Hadith 155: You and your shia (followers) will be in Jannat. And verily, there is a group known as the Rafidah; if you see meet them, kill them, for they are polytheists.
February 4, 2019

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Hadith 154

إذا كان يوم القيامة نصب لي منبر طوله ثلاثون ميلا، ثم ينادي مناد من بطنان العرش: أين محمد؟ فأجيب، فيقال لي: ارق، فأكون أعلاه. قال: ثم ينادي الثانية: أين علي بن أبي طالب؟ فيكون دوني فيرقاه، فيعلم جميع الخلائق أن محمدا سيد المرسلين، وأن عليا سيد المؤمنين. قال أنس بن مالك: فقام إليه رجل فقال: يا رسول الله من يبغض عليا بعد هذا؟ فقال: يا أخا الأنصار لا يبغضه من قريش إلا شقي، ولا من الأنصار إلا يهودي، ولا من العرب إلا دعي، ولا من سائر الناس إلا شقي.

On the Day of Resurrection, a pulpit thirty miles long will be erected for me. Thereafter, a caller will call out from beneath the ‘Arsh (Throne), “Where is Muhammad?” I will respond and it will be said to me, “Climb.” I will reach the top. Thereafter, he will call out for the second time, “Where is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib?” He will be beneath and then he will climb (to the top). All of creation will know that Muhammad is the master of all the Messengers and that ‘Ali is the master of all the Believers.

Anas ibn Malik said, “A man stood up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, who can hate ‘Ali after this?’ He said, ‘O brother of the Ansar, no one from the Quraysh hates him except for a wretched person; no one from the Ansar hates him except for a Jew; no one from the Arabs hates him except for a bastard; and no one else hates him from all other people except for a wretched person.’”


Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — al Jariri informed us — al ‘Ushari informed us — al Daraqutni narrated to us — Abu al ‘Abbas Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Murhibi narrated to us — Ismail ibn Musa narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn Yazid al Dhuhali narrated to us — Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah narrated to us — from al Zuhri — from Anas who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

Ibn al Jawzi said, “This hadith is a forgery (attributed) to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

Al Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar both said, “This report is a lie.”[2]

Ibn al Jawzi attached the blame on Ismail ibn Musa. He thought his name was (Ismail ibn Musa) al Fizari. However, this person is a saduq (sincere). Perhaps he is not al Fizari and actually another unknown person, as is evident by the doing of al Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar. It is possible to attach the blame on the unknown person or the aforementioned al Murhibi because he could not be traced.

In short, the hadith is a lie, as mentioned by Ibn al Jawzi and al Dhahabi.


NEXT⇒ Hadith 155

[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/396.

[2] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 3/162; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 4/267.

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Hadith 154

إذا كان يوم القيامة نصب لي منبر طوله ثلاثون ميلا، ثم ينادي مناد من بطنان العرش: أين محمد؟ فأجيب، فيقال لي: ارق، فأكون أعلاه. قال: ثم ينادي الثانية: أين علي بن أبي طالب؟ فيكون دوني فيرقاه، فيعلم جميع الخلائق أن محمدا سيد المرسلين، وأن عليا سيد المؤمنين. قال أنس بن مالك: فقام إليه رجل فقال: يا رسول الله من يبغض عليا بعد هذا؟ فقال: يا أخا الأنصار لا يبغضه من قريش إلا شقي، ولا من الأنصار إلا يهودي، ولا من العرب إلا دعي، ولا من سائر الناس إلا شقي.

On the Day of Resurrection, a pulpit thirty miles long will be erected for me. Thereafter, a caller will call out from beneath the ‘Arsh (Throne), “Where is Muhammad?” I will respond and it will be said to me, “Climb.” I will reach the top. Thereafter, he will call out for the second time, “Where is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib?” He will be beneath and then he will climb (to the top). All of creation will know that Muhammad is the master of all the Messengers and that ‘Ali is the master of all the Believers.

Anas ibn Malik said, “A man stood up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, who can hate ‘Ali after this?’ He said, ‘O brother of the Ansar, no one from the Quraysh hates him except for a wretched person; no one from the Ansar hates him except for a Jew; no one from the Arabs hates him except for a bastard; and no one else hates him from all other people except for a wretched person.’”


Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — al Jariri informed us — al ‘Ushari informed us — al Daraqutni narrated to us — Abu al ‘Abbas Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Murhibi narrated to us — Ismail ibn Musa narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn Yazid al Dhuhali narrated to us — Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah narrated to us — from al Zuhri — from Anas who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

Ibn al Jawzi said, “This hadith is a forgery (attributed) to the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

Al Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar both said, “This report is a lie.”[2]

Ibn al Jawzi attached the blame on Ismail ibn Musa. He thought his name was (Ismail ibn Musa) al Fizari. However, this person is a saduq (sincere). Perhaps he is not al Fizari and actually another unknown person, as is evident by the doing of al Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar. It is possible to attach the blame on the unknown person or the aforementioned al Murhibi because he could not be traced.

In short, the hadith is a lie, as mentioned by Ibn al Jawzi and al Dhahabi.


NEXT⇒ Hadith 155

[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/396.

[2] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 3/162; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 4/267.