Hadith 149: Abu Bakr al Siddiq entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and sat near him….

Hadith 148: I asked the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “O Messenger of Allah, verily Allah does not send a Prophet except that He makes clear to him who will take charge after him, did He clarify for you?” He said, “No.” Then I asked him (again) after that and he said, “Yes, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.”
February 4, 2019
Hadith 150: Once while we were in the courtyard of the Ka’bah, the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was speaking to us when suddenly, something enormous emerged from al Rukn al Yamani (i.e. the Yemeni Corner of the Ka’bah) and appeared before us. ….
February 4, 2019

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Hadith 149

دخل أبو بكر الصديق على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فجلس عنده، ثم استأذن علي بن أبي طالب فدخل، فلما رآه أبو بكر تزحزح له، وتزعزع له. فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لم فعلت هذا يا أبا بكر؟ فقال: إكراما له، وإعظاما يا رسول الله. فقال: إنما يعرف الفضل لأهل الفضل ذوو الفضل.

Abu Bakr al Siddiq entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and sat near him. Thereafter, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib requested permission (to enter), and then he (too) entered.  When Abu Bakr saw him, he moved (out of respect) for him. Upon seeing this, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “Why did you do this, O Abu Bakr?” He said, “Out of honour and respect for him, O Messenger of Allah.” He said, “Only virtuous people recognize other virtuous people.”


This hadith is narrated by Anas and it has the following two chains of transmission:


  1. Al Khatib narrates (and Ibn al Jawzi in a similar manner) — ‘Ali ibn Talhah ibn Muhammad al Muqriʾ informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Ibrahim ibn Ayub narrated to us — Jafar ibn ‘Ali al Hafiz narrated to us — Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi narrated to us in Basrah — ‘Ubaidullah ibn ‘Aʾishah narrated to us — Hammad ibn Salamah informed us — from Thabit — from Anas…[1]

After mentioning this hadith, al Khatib transmits from Abu Zur’ah Muhammad ibn Yusuf al Jurjani the following, “Jafar al Daqqaq al Hafiz is not satisfactory in hadith and his din; he was a fasiq (sinner) and a kadhdhab (liar).”

Al Khatib overlooked another defect, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi al Basri al Akhbari was suspected of fabricating hadith by al Daraqutni.[2]


  1. Al Khatib narrates this version in two ways.[3] In the first chain of transmission, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi As mentioned previously, he is a kadhdhab (liar). In the second chain of transmission, al Dhari’ appears. As mentioned previously, he too is a kadhdhab (liar).

The narrator al ‘Abbas ibn Bakkar al Dabbi al Basri appears in both chains of transmission. Al Daraqutni said he is a kadhdhab (liar).

There are other defects in the chains of transmission; I have explained them in the original work.

Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith from Ahmed ibn Musa al Khatmi and Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Luʾluʾi.[4] They could not be traced.

It also contains the narrator ‘Abbas ibn Bakkar. As mentioned previously, he is a kadhdhab (liar).

Ibn ‘Asakir narrates another version of this hadith; however, the person to enter was al ‘Abbas, not ‘Ali.[5] The chain of transmission is batil (false).[6]

Al Suyuti, Ibn ‘Iraq, and al Shawkani also ruled the hadith a fabrication.[7]


In short, the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated), as mentioned by several huffaz (hadith masters).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 150

[1] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 7/222; Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at (1/380).

[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 5/168.

[3] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 3/105

[4] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 26/334.

[5] Ibid., 26/334.

[6] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 7/3227.

[7] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/332; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/359; al Shawkani: al Fawaʾid al Majmu’ah, hadith no. 323.

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Hadith 149

دخل أبو بكر الصديق على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فجلس عنده، ثم استأذن علي بن أبي طالب فدخل، فلما رآه أبو بكر تزحزح له، وتزعزع له. فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لم فعلت هذا يا أبا بكر؟ فقال: إكراما له، وإعظاما يا رسول الله. فقال: إنما يعرف الفضل لأهل الفضل ذوو الفضل.

Abu Bakr al Siddiq entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and sat near him. Thereafter, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib requested permission (to enter), and then he (too) entered.  When Abu Bakr saw him, he moved (out of respect) for him. Upon seeing this, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “Why did you do this, O Abu Bakr?” He said, “Out of honour and respect for him, O Messenger of Allah.” He said, “Only virtuous people recognize other virtuous people.”


This hadith is narrated by Anas and it has the following two chains of transmission:


  1. Al Khatib narrates (and Ibn al Jawzi in a similar manner) — ‘Ali ibn Talhah ibn Muhammad al Muqriʾ informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Ibrahim ibn Ayub narrated to us — Jafar ibn ‘Ali al Hafiz narrated to us — Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi narrated to us in Basrah — ‘Ubaidullah ibn ‘Aʾishah narrated to us — Hammad ibn Salamah informed us — from Thabit — from Anas…[1]

After mentioning this hadith, al Khatib transmits from Abu Zur’ah Muhammad ibn Yusuf al Jurjani the following, “Jafar al Daqqaq al Hafiz is not satisfactory in hadith and his din; he was a fasiq (sinner) and a kadhdhab (liar).”

Al Khatib overlooked another defect, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi al Basri al Akhbari was suspected of fabricating hadith by al Daraqutni.[2]


  1. Al Khatib narrates this version in two ways.[3] In the first chain of transmission, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghalabi As mentioned previously, he is a kadhdhab (liar). In the second chain of transmission, al Dhari’ appears. As mentioned previously, he too is a kadhdhab (liar).

The narrator al ‘Abbas ibn Bakkar al Dabbi al Basri appears in both chains of transmission. Al Daraqutni said he is a kadhdhab (liar).

There are other defects in the chains of transmission; I have explained them in the original work.

Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith from Ahmed ibn Musa al Khatmi and Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Luʾluʾi.[4] They could not be traced.

It also contains the narrator ‘Abbas ibn Bakkar. As mentioned previously, he is a kadhdhab (liar).

Ibn ‘Asakir narrates another version of this hadith; however, the person to enter was al ‘Abbas, not ‘Ali.[5] The chain of transmission is batil (false).[6]

Al Suyuti, Ibn ‘Iraq, and al Shawkani also ruled the hadith a fabrication.[7]


In short, the hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated), as mentioned by several huffaz (hadith masters).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 150

[1] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 7/222; Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at (1/380).

[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 5/168.

[3] Al Khatib: Tarikh Baghdad, 3/105

[4] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 26/334.

[5] Ibid., 26/334.

[6] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 7/3227.

[7] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/332; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/359; al Shawkani: al Fawaʾid al Majmu’ah, hadith no. 323.