Hadith 131: Verily Allah sent revelation to Musa that he should build a pure masjid in which only Musa, Harun, and the two sons of Harun—Shabar and Shubayr—can reside in. And verily Allah ordered me to build a pure masjid in which only my brother ‘Ali, my two (grand) children Hassan and Hussain, and I can reside in.

Hadith 130: The most beloved of my brothers to me is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. And the most beloved of my uncles to me is Hamzah ibn ‘Abdul Muttalib.
February 1, 2019
Hadith 132: Ibn ‘Abbas was asked about Allah’s words, “Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds [that] for them there is forgiveness and great reward.”…
February 1, 2019

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Hadith 131

إن الله عز وجل أوحى إلى موسى عليه السلام أن ابن مسجدا طاهرا، لا يكون فيه غير موسى وهارون، وابني هارون شبر وشبير، وإن الله أمرني أن ابن مسجدا طاهرا، لا يكون فيه غيري، وغير أخي علي، وغير ابني الحسن والحسين رضي الله عنهما.

Verily Allah sent revelation to Musa that he should build a pure masjid in which only Musa, Harun, and the two sons of Harun—Shabar and Shubayr—can reside in. And verily Allah ordered me to build a pure masjid in which only my brother ‘Ali, my two (grand) children Hassan and Hussain, and I can reside in.


Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith — Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Hafiz informed us — Muhammad ibn Muhammad narrated to us — Musa ibn Ismail narrated to us — my father narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

As mentioned in the previous hadith, this chain of transmission is mawdu’ (fabricated) and batil (false).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 132

[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 343.

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Hadith 131

إن الله عز وجل أوحى إلى موسى عليه السلام أن ابن مسجدا طاهرا، لا يكون فيه غير موسى وهارون، وابني هارون شبر وشبير، وإن الله أمرني أن ابن مسجدا طاهرا، لا يكون فيه غيري، وغير أخي علي، وغير ابني الحسن والحسين رضي الله عنهما.

Verily Allah sent revelation to Musa that he should build a pure masjid in which only Musa, Harun, and the two sons of Harun—Shabar and Shubayr—can reside in. And verily Allah ordered me to build a pure masjid in which only my brother ‘Ali, my two (grand) children Hassan and Hussain, and I can reside in.


Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith — Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Hafiz informed us — Muhammad ibn Muhammad narrated to us — Musa ibn Ismail narrated to us — my father narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

As mentioned in the previous hadith, this chain of transmission is mawdu’ (fabricated) and batil (false).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 132

[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 343.