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لما قدم علي بن أبي طالب بفتح خيبر، قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا علي لولا أن تقول طائفة من أمتي فيك ما قالت النصارى في عيسى بن مريم؛ لقلت فيك مقالا لا تمر بملأ من المسلمين إلا أخذوا التراب من تحت رجليك، وفضل طهورك يستشفون بهما، ولكن حسبك أن تكون مني وأنا منك، ترثني وأرثك، وأنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، غير أنه لا نبي بعدي، وأنت تبرئ ذمتي، وتستر عورتي، وتقاتل على سنتي، وأنت غدا في الآخرة أقرب الخلق مني، وأنت على الحوض خليفتي، وإن شيعتك على منابر من نور، مبيضة وجوههم، حولي أشفع لهم، ويكونون في الجنة جيراني، وإن حربك حربي، وسلمك سلمي، وسريرتك سريرتي، وعلانيتك علانيتي، وإن ولدك ولدي، وأنت تقضي ديني، وأنت تنجز وعدي، وإن الحق على لسانك، وفي قلبك، ومعك، وبين يديك، ونصب عينيك، الإيمان مخالط لحمك ودمك، كما خالط لحمي ودمي، لا يرد علي الحوض مبغض لك، ولا يغيب عنه محب لك. فخر علي ساجدا، وقال: الحمد لله الذي من علي بالإسلام، وعلمني القرآن، وحببني إلى خير البرية، وأعز الخليقة، وأكرم أهل السماوات والأرض على ربه، وخاتم النبيين، وسيد المرسلين، وصفوة الله في جميع العالمين، إحسانا من الله العلي إلي، وتفضلا منه علي. فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لولا أنت يا علي ما عرف المؤمنين بعدي، لقد جعل الله عز وجل نسل كل نبي من صلبه، وجعل نسلي من صلبك يا علي، فأنت أعز الخلق، وأكرمهم علي، وأعزهم عندي، ومحبك أكرم من يرد علي من أمتي.
When ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib went forward in the Conquest of Khaybar, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “O ‘Ali, had it not been that a group of my Ummah says regarding you what the Christians say about ‘Isa ibn Maryam, I would say something about you such that it would not pass by a group of Muslims except that it would cause them (out of love for you) to collect the dirt from beneath your feet and the water you used for purification purposes, seeking cure therefrom. However, sufficient for you is that you are from me and I am from you; you inherit from me and I inherit from you. You are unto me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no Prophet after me. You will fulfill my covenant, conceal my ‘awrah, and fight (defending) my sunnah. Tomorrow, in the Akhirah, you will be the closest of creation to me. You will be my khalifah at the Hawd (Pond). And your shia (followers) will be upon pulpits of light with their faces around me shining white; I will intercede for them. They will be my neighbours in Jannat. And verily your war is my war and your peace is my peace. Your secret is my secret and whatever you disclose publicly I disclose publicly. And verily your son is my son. And you will pay off my debts and fulfill my promise. The truth is on your tongue, in your heart, with you, before you, and in front of you. Iman is commingled with your flesh and blood, just as it is commingled with my flesh and blood. The person who hates you will not appear before me at the Hawd (Pond) and the person that loves you will not be absent therefrom.” Abruptly, ‘Ali fell in prostration and said, “All praise is for Allah, the One who blessed me with Islam, taught me the Qurʾan, and made me beloved to the best of creation; the most dear Khalifah; the noblest of Allah in the Heavens and the earth; the Seal of Prophets; the Master of the Messengers; the purest of Allah in all the worlds. This is from the kindness and favour of Allah, the Mighty, upon me.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “Had it not been for you, O ‘Ali, the Believers after me would not have been known. Verily Allah has made the progeny of every Prophet in his backbone and He made my progeny from your backbone, O ‘Ali. Therefore, you are the dearest of creation, and the noblest and dearest of them to me. The person who loves you will be the noblest of my Ummah to appear before me.”
This hadith is narrated by Ibn al Maghazili — Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn al Qassab al Bayyi’ informed us — Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Ya’qub al Mufid al Jarjaraʾi narrated to us — Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn Sulaiman ibn Yahya narrated to us — ‘Abdul Karim ibn ‘Ali narrated to us — Jafar ibn Muhammad ibn Rabi’ah al Bajali narrated to us — al Hassan ibn al Hussain al ‘Urni narrated to us — Kadih ibn Jafar narrated to us — from ‘Abdullah ibn Lahi’ah — from ‘Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad — from Muslim ibn Yasar — from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah.[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). May Allah disgrace the person responsible for fabricating it.
‘Abdullah ibn Lahi’ah is da’if (weak).
‘Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad is al Ifriqi. He is sayyiʾ al hifz (possesses a weak memory).
Al Hassan ibn al Hussain al ‘Urni al Kufi is munkar al hadith (unacceptable in hadith) and has been suspected of lying.
Everyone beneath al ‘Urni could not be traced.
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 285.
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لما قدم علي بن أبي طالب بفتح خيبر، قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا علي لولا أن تقول طائفة من أمتي فيك ما قالت النصارى في عيسى بن مريم؛ لقلت فيك مقالا لا تمر بملأ من المسلمين إلا أخذوا التراب من تحت رجليك، وفضل طهورك يستشفون بهما، ولكن حسبك أن تكون مني وأنا منك، ترثني وأرثك، وأنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، غير أنه لا نبي بعدي، وأنت تبرئ ذمتي، وتستر عورتي، وتقاتل على سنتي، وأنت غدا في الآخرة أقرب الخلق مني، وأنت على الحوض خليفتي، وإن شيعتك على منابر من نور، مبيضة وجوههم، حولي أشفع لهم، ويكونون في الجنة جيراني، وإن حربك حربي، وسلمك سلمي، وسريرتك سريرتي، وعلانيتك علانيتي، وإن ولدك ولدي، وأنت تقضي ديني، وأنت تنجز وعدي، وإن الحق على لسانك، وفي قلبك، ومعك، وبين يديك، ونصب عينيك، الإيمان مخالط لحمك ودمك، كما خالط لحمي ودمي، لا يرد علي الحوض مبغض لك، ولا يغيب عنه محب لك. فخر علي ساجدا، وقال: الحمد لله الذي من علي بالإسلام، وعلمني القرآن، وحببني إلى خير البرية، وأعز الخليقة، وأكرم أهل السماوات والأرض على ربه، وخاتم النبيين، وسيد المرسلين، وصفوة الله في جميع العالمين، إحسانا من الله العلي إلي، وتفضلا منه علي. فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لولا أنت يا علي ما عرف المؤمنين بعدي، لقد جعل الله عز وجل نسل كل نبي من صلبه، وجعل نسلي من صلبك يا علي، فأنت أعز الخلق، وأكرمهم علي، وأعزهم عندي، ومحبك أكرم من يرد علي من أمتي.
When ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib went forward in the Conquest of Khaybar, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “O ‘Ali, had it not been that a group of my Ummah says regarding you what the Christians say about ‘Isa ibn Maryam, I would say something about you such that it would not pass by a group of Muslims except that it would cause them (out of love for you) to collect the dirt from beneath your feet and the water you used for purification purposes, seeking cure therefrom. However, sufficient for you is that you are from me and I am from you; you inherit from me and I inherit from you. You are unto me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no Prophet after me. You will fulfill my covenant, conceal my ‘awrah, and fight (defending) my sunnah. Tomorrow, in the Akhirah, you will be the closest of creation to me. You will be my khalifah at the Hawd (Pond). And your shia (followers) will be upon pulpits of light with their faces around me shining white; I will intercede for them. They will be my neighbours in Jannat. And verily your war is my war and your peace is my peace. Your secret is my secret and whatever you disclose publicly I disclose publicly. And verily your son is my son. And you will pay off my debts and fulfill my promise. The truth is on your tongue, in your heart, with you, before you, and in front of you. Iman is commingled with your flesh and blood, just as it is commingled with my flesh and blood. The person who hates you will not appear before me at the Hawd (Pond) and the person that loves you will not be absent therefrom.” Abruptly, ‘Ali fell in prostration and said, “All praise is for Allah, the One who blessed me with Islam, taught me the Qurʾan, and made me beloved to the best of creation; the most dear Khalifah; the noblest of Allah in the Heavens and the earth; the Seal of Prophets; the Master of the Messengers; the purest of Allah in all the worlds. This is from the kindness and favour of Allah, the Mighty, upon me.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to him, “Had it not been for you, O ‘Ali, the Believers after me would not have been known. Verily Allah has made the progeny of every Prophet in his backbone and He made my progeny from your backbone, O ‘Ali. Therefore, you are the dearest of creation, and the noblest and dearest of them to me. The person who loves you will be the noblest of my Ummah to appear before me.”
This hadith is narrated by Ibn al Maghazili — Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn al Qassab al Bayyi’ informed us — Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Ya’qub al Mufid al Jarjaraʾi narrated to us — Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn Sulaiman ibn Yahya narrated to us — ‘Abdul Karim ibn ‘Ali narrated to us — Jafar ibn Muhammad ibn Rabi’ah al Bajali narrated to us — al Hassan ibn al Hussain al ‘Urni narrated to us — Kadih ibn Jafar narrated to us — from ‘Abdullah ibn Lahi’ah — from ‘Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad — from Muslim ibn Yasar — from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah.[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). May Allah disgrace the person responsible for fabricating it.
‘Abdullah ibn Lahi’ah is da’if (weak).
‘Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad is al Ifriqi. He is sayyiʾ al hifz (possesses a weak memory).
Al Hassan ibn al Hussain al ‘Urni al Kufi is munkar al hadith (unacceptable in hadith) and has been suspected of lying.
Everyone beneath al ‘Urni could not be traced.
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 285.