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لو لم أبعث فيكم لبعث عمر
Had I not been sent to you, ‘Umar would have been sent.
This narration is mawdu’. Ibn al Jawzi lists it among the fabrications.[1]
Abu Qatadah al Harrani is the problem as affirmed in Mizan al I’tidal[2].
There is also an ambiguous narrator from ‘Uqbah.
Next⇒ Had Allah not created ‘Ali, Fatimah would have had no match
[1] Al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 321.
[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 4 pg. 221.
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لو لم أبعث فيكم لبعث عمر
Had I not been sent to you, ‘Umar would have been sent.
This narration is mawdu’. Ibn al Jawzi lists it among the fabrications.[1]
Abu Qatadah al Harrani is the problem as affirmed in Mizan al I’tidal[2].
There is also an ambiguous narrator from ‘Uqbah.
Next⇒ Had Allah not created ‘Ali, Fatimah would have had no match
[1] Al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 321.
[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 4 pg. 221.