Children of every mother belong to paternal relations except the children of Fatimah, for I am their guardian and their relation

Everyone is more understanding than ‘Umar
March 6, 2019
Be with ‘Ali for by Allah, he did not stray
March 6, 2019

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Children of every mother belong to paternal relations except the children of Fatimah, for I am their guardian and their relation


كل بني أم ينتمون إلى عصبة إلا ولد فاطمة فأنا وليهم و أنا عصبتهم

Children of every mother belong to paternal relations except the children of Fatimah, for I am their guardian and their relation.


Al Haythami says, “Shaybah ibn Nu’amah is present therein. He is da’if and not suitable to use as proof.”[1]

The deep-rooted rafidi mukhadram habitual liar Hussain al Ashqar is also in the isnad.


Next⇒ Be with ‘Ali for by Allah, he did not stray

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 4 pg. 224; vol. 9 pg. 173.

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Children of every mother belong to paternal relations except the children of Fatimah, for I am their guardian and their relation


كل بني أم ينتمون إلى عصبة إلا ولد فاطمة فأنا وليهم و أنا عصبتهم

Children of every mother belong to paternal relations except the children of Fatimah, for I am their guardian and their relation.


Al Haythami says, “Shaybah ibn Nu’amah is present therein. He is da’if and not suitable to use as proof.”[1]

The deep-rooted rafidi mukhadram habitual liar Hussain al Ashqar is also in the isnad.


Next⇒ Be with ‘Ali for by Allah, he did not stray

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 4 pg. 224; vol. 9 pg. 173.