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Through Allah’s subhanahu wa ta ‘ala grace, we now begin chapter three which will be subdivided into four sections.
Section One: Aspects relating to Fatimah and ‘Ali’s participation in ‘Umar’s wedding
Section Two: Issues concerning the Marriage of ‘Umar to Umm Kulthum bint ‘Ali and additional Issues
Section Three: The Relationship between ‘Umar and Hassan and Hussain.
Section Four: Bequests and Extra Matters in ‘Umar’s Last Days and Matters after his Demise which manifest the amicable relationship ‘Umar and ‘Ali enjoyed.
Sayyidina ‘Umar al Faruq radiya Llahu ‘anhu had strong faith in Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and believed him to be more noble and honoured than his own life and wealth. He always displayed utmost respect, honour, and veneration for Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam offspring. His life bears testimony to this fact.
At the period around the proposal of Sayyidah Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha, Sayyidina ‘Umar and Sayyidina Abu Bakr both supported Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhum and encouraged him to ask for her hand in marriage. Many quotations were reproduced verbatim in full in the Siddiqi section of this book in this regard. Here they will be reproduced briefly.
يقول أتاني أبو بكر و عمر فقالا لو أتيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله فذكرت له فاطمة قال فأتيته
Abu Bakr and ‘Umar came to me and suggested, “Why do you not approach Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and propose for Fatimah.” Thus, I came to him.[1]
ابوبکر وعمر وسعد بن معاذ در مسبد حضرت رسول نشستہ بودند وسخن مزاوجہ فاطمہ درمیان آوردند۔ پس ابو بکر گفت کہ اشراف قریش خواستگاری او ازاں نمودند۔ حضرت در چواب ایشاں فرمود کہ امر او بسوء پروردگار اوست اگر خواہد کہ اورا تزویج نماید خواہد نمود وعلی بن ابی طالب دریں باب با حضرت سخن نہ گفت وکسی نیز براۓ آں حضرت سخن نہ گفت وگمان نہ دارم کہ چیزے مانع شدہ باشداورا مگر تنگدستی وآنچہ میدانم آنست کہ خدا و رسول نداشتہ اند مگر از براۓ او پس ابو بکر با عمر وسعد بن معاذ گفت کہ بر خیز ید نبزد علی برویم واورا تکلیف نمائیم کہ خواستگاری فاطمہ بکند واگر تنگد ستی اورا مانع شدہ باشد ما اورا دریں باب مدد کنیم۔ سعد بن معاذ گفت کہ بسیار درست دیدہ وبرخاستند بخانہ امیر المومنین رفتند۔ آجناب را در خانہ نیافتند۔ در آں وقت حضرت شتر خود را بردہ بود در باغ یکے از انصار آب میکشید باجرت پس متوجہ آں باغ شدند چوں بخدمت آں حضرت رسیدند فرمود کہ براۓ چہ حاحت آمدہ آید۔ ابوبکر گفت( اے علی) بیچ خصلتے از خصال خیر نیست مگر آنکہ تو بر دیگراں در آں خصلت سبق گرفتہ ورابطہ میان تو وحضرت رسول از جہت خویشی ومصاحبت دائمی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ پس چہ مانع است ترا؟ کہ خواستگاری نمی نمائی اورا زیرا کہ مرا گمان ست کہ خدا ورسول اورا براۓ تو نگاہداشتہ اند واز دیگراں منع میکںد۔ چوں حضرت امیر المومنین ایں سخناں را از ابوبکر شنید آب از دیدہ ہاۓ مبارکش فروریخت وفرمودہ کہ اندوہ مرا تازہ کردی وآرزوۓ کہ در سینئہ من پنہاں بود بہیجان آوردی۔ کہ باشد کہ فاطمہ را نخواہد؟ ولیکن من باعتبار تنگدستی شرم میکنم از آنکہ ایں معنی را نمائیم۔ پس ایشاں بہر نحویکہ بود آں حضرت را راضی کردند کہ بخدمت حضرت رسول رود وفاطمہ را ازاں حضرت خواستگاری نماید۔ حضرت شتر خود را کشود وبخانہ خود آورد و بست ونعلین خودرا پوشید ومتوجہ خانہ حضرت رسالت شد۔”
On one occasion Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and Sa’d ibn Muaz were sitting in Masjid Nabawi and a discussion about the marriage of Fatimah ensued. Abu Bakr said: “Eminent people of the Quraysh tribe have spoken to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam regarding Fatimah and he responded by saying that her matter is in the hands of her Rabb and He will give her in marriage to whomsoever He wishes. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib has not spoken to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam regarding her nor has anyone put a word in for him, and according to me the only predicament because of which he is hesitant in proposing for her is his poverty, but Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has reserved her marriage to him.”
Abu Bakr then said to ‘Umar and Sa’d ibn Muaz: “Come let us go to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and prepare him for the proposal and grant him monetary assistance if poverty is proving to be a hindrance for him.”
Sa’d replied that this was an excellent suggestion. They stood up immediately and headed to the residence of Amir al Mu’minin, ‘Ali was not home at that time. Instead he was at an orchard belonging to an Ansari Sahabi drawing out water from a well for him in lieu of a specific wage. These three gentlemen headed towards that orchard to meet him. ‘Ali enquired about the reason for their visit and Abu Bakr answered, “You have surpassed many people with your outstanding traits and you are a close relative of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and have had the good fortune of accompanying him at all times, so what is it that prevents you from proposing for Fatimah? I believe that Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and His Rasul salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam have secured this relation for you and have kept it out of the reach of others.”
Upon hearing this ‘Ali began weeping and said: “O Abu Bakr you have refreshed my grief and have rekindled the passionate desire of my heart, who would ever step back from such a proposal but I feel timid to ask for her on account of my poverty.”
Hence they motivated him to proceed to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and propose. He untied his camel, came home, adorned himself, and headed towards the house of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[2]
کہ دارم دو مانع براقدام ایں |
ب پاسخ چنیں گفت یعسوب دیں |
دوم خامشم کردہ دست تہی |
نخست آنکہ شرم آیدم از نبی |
تو در خاطر خویش ازینہا میار |
بگفتند یار انش ای شہریار |
بروز دگر رفت نزد نبی |
بہ ترغیب یاراں علی ولی |
یکے روز رفتند نزد علی |
چوں بگذشت چندے بدیں داوری |
بگفتند اے شمع آن انجمن |
زیاران مخصوص او چند تن |
سکوتت درین خطبہ چندی چراست |
درین کار خیر اولیت تراست |
بکن خواستگارئ خیر النساء |
رو از خدمت سید انبیاء |
کہ دارم دو مانع بر اقدام ایں |
بپاسخ چنیں گفت یعبوب دیں |
دوم خامشم کردہ دست تہی |
نخست آنکہ شرم آیدم از نبی |
بگفتند یارانش ای شہر یار |
بگفتند یارانش ای شہر یار |
ازوآنچہ خواہی کنی درخورست |
ترا با نبی نسبت دیگرست |
نخواہد رسول کریم از تو ہیچ |
زدست تہی نیز بر خود مپیچ |
بروز دگر رفت نزد نبی |
بہ ترغیب یاراں علی ولی |
When a few days had passed to this affair, there came one day to ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu
A few friends of his who said to him: “O the illumination of our confraternity!
What is keeping you behind from proposing, you are the most suitable person of all.
Go to the master of all the Ambiya’ and ask him to bestow upon you the most virtuous lady.”
Hence the master of our faith (‘Ali) said: “There are two predicaments that prevent me from going ahead:
Firstly I feel timid to ask him for her and secondly my poverty compels me to remain silent.”
They thus said: “O our dear friend do not think of any of these things!
Your relationship with the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is of a different nature. You can ask him for whatever you desire.
Do not worry about your poverty because he will demand nothing from you (he does not desire anything of yours).”
With the motivation of his friends, ‘Ali proceeded the next day to propose to the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[3]
[1] Al Amali, vol. 1 pg. 38, Najaf Ashraf print, Iraq.
[2] Jila’ al ‘Uyun, pg. 121, 122, chapter regarding the marriage of Amir al Mu’minin to Fatimah; Bihar al Anwar, vol. 10 pg. 37/38, under the same topic.
[3] Hamlah Haydari, vol. 1 pg. 61, old edition, 1267 A.H.