Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain

The sheep ate a page from the mushaf
August 14, 2018
Hold firmly to our love, the Ahlul Bayt
August 14, 2018

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Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain


ألا ترضى يا علي إذا جمع الله الناس في صعيد واحد أن أقوم عن يمين العرش و أنت عن يميني و تكسي ثوبين أبيضين فلا داعي بخير إلا دعيت أيضا

Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain that I will stand on the right of the ‘Arsh and you will be on my right and will be given two white garments to wear? There will be no caller of goodness except that you will be summoned as well.


Sufyan ibn Ibrahim al Kufi appears in the isnad. Hafiz Ibn Hajar records in Lisan al Mizan:

Al Azdi said about him, “Deviated, da’if.”[1]


Sufyan narrates from Abdul Mu’min ibn Qasim:

Al ‘Uqayli writes, “He was from the Shia, much of his narrations are uncorroborated.”[2]

Ibn Hajar writes, “‘Abdul Mu’min is worthless.”[3]


Al Dhahabi says about this narration in his Mizan:

‘Abdul Mu’min is worthless as well, and the narration is Munkar Jiddan (a solitary narration severely contradicting authentic reports).[4]


Next⇒ Hold firmly to our love, the Ahlul Bayt

[1] Lisan al Mizan vol. 4 pg. 89.

[2] Kitab al Du’afa’, vol. 1, pg. 846, narrator: 1067.

[3] Op Cit. vol. 4 pg. 89

[4] Mizan al Itidal, vol. 2, pg. 164-165, narrator: 1084

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Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain


ألا ترضى يا علي إذا جمع الله الناس في صعيد واحد أن أقوم عن يمين العرش و أنت عن يميني و تكسي ثوبين أبيضين فلا داعي بخير إلا دعيت أيضا

Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain that I will stand on the right of the ‘Arsh and you will be on my right and will be given two white garments to wear? There will be no caller of goodness except that you will be summoned as well.


Sufyan ibn Ibrahim al Kufi appears in the isnad. Hafiz Ibn Hajar records in Lisan al Mizan:

Al Azdi said about him, “Deviated, da’if.”[1]


Sufyan narrates from Abdul Mu’min ibn Qasim:

Al ‘Uqayli writes, “He was from the Shia, much of his narrations are uncorroborated.”[2]

Ibn Hajar writes, “‘Abdul Mu’min is worthless.”[3]


Al Dhahabi says about this narration in his Mizan:

‘Abdul Mu’min is worthless as well, and the narration is Munkar Jiddan (a solitary narration severely contradicting authentic reports).[4]


Next⇒ Hold firmly to our love, the Ahlul Bayt

[1] Lisan al Mizan vol. 4 pg. 89.

[2] Kitab al Du’afa’, vol. 1, pg. 846, narrator: 1067.

[3] Op Cit. vol. 4 pg. 89

[4] Mizan al Itidal, vol. 2, pg. 164-165, narrator: 1084