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On page 104, ‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith, “Shaitan interferes with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst he is in salah”. Al Bukhari and Muslim report on the authority of Abu Hurairah:
صلى رسول الله صلاة فقال(ص): إن الشيطان عرض لي فشد علي يقطع الصلاة علي فأمكنني الله منه فذعته – أي فخنقته – ولقد هممت أن أوثقه إلى سارية حتى تصبحوا فتنظروا إليه فذكرت قول سليمان { رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِيْ وَهَبْ لِيْ مُلْكًا لَا يَنْۢ بَغِىْ لِأَحَدِ مِّنْۢ بَعْدِيْ }
The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam performed one salah and then said, “Shaitan came to me and attempted to break my salah. Allah granted me the upper hand over him and so I choked him. I intended to tie him to a pillar so that you could end up seeing him. However, I remembered the supplication of Sulaiman, ‘O my Rabb! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me.’”[1]
He begins his denigration saying:
وفيه أن أنبياء الله وخيرته من خلقه يجب أن يكونوا في نجوة من هذا وفي منتزح فإنه ينافي عصمتهم ويضع من قدرهم ومعاذ الله أن يشد الشيطان عليهم أو يعرض لهم أو تسوّل له نفسه الطمع فيهم…
It is necessary that the Prophets of Allah and the chosen ones from His creation should be protected and fortified from this, as this discredits them of their status of infallibility and it lowers their status. Allah’s protection is sought from Shaitan ever attempting to do anything to them, interfering with them or even entertaining any hopes regarding them.
في (ص113)ــ فليسمح لي الشيخان وغيرهما ممن يعتبرون حديث ابي هريرة لأسألهم هل للشيطان جسم يشد وثاقه ويربط بالسارية حتى يصبح وتراه الناس بأعينها أسيراً مكبلا …؟ الخ
[He goes on to say:] Al Bukhari, Muslim and the others, who believe in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, should afford me the opportunity of asking them, “Does shaitan have a body which can be tied to a pillar so that he could wake with people looking at him being a shackled prisoner?”
Our comment: The pride of your scholars, al Majlisi has a chapter which he titled, “the mention of Iblis and his Stories,” in his Bihar al Anwar—under “the book of the sky and the universe”. Here, he mentions this hadith from Abu Hurairah, which you have rejected. Similarly, in his Bihar al Anwar, he has another chapter under “the book of nubuwwah” titled, “the meaning of His verse: ‘O my Rabb! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me. Undoubtedly, You are the great giver.’” In this chapter, he quotes this hadith from al Bukhari and Muslim[2], which you have denied.
Look at the extent of the ignorance of ‘Abdul Hussain. The pride of his scholars, al Majlisi, establishes the hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, but he rejects the hadith of the greatest narrator in Islam. What is the basis of this hatred and misguidance? Bihar al Anwar also has a chapter under “the book of the biography of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” titled, “his miracles regarding him overpowering Jinn and Shaitan”. Here, he narrates this hadith from Ibn Mas’ud. Al Majlisi says:
وقال القاضي في الشفا: رأى عبدالله بن مسعود الجن ليلة الجن وسمع لامهم وشبههم برجال الزطّ وقال النبي:إن شيطاناً تفلت البارحة ليقطع عليّ صلاتي فأمكنني الله منه فأخذته فأردت أن أربطه إلى سارية من سواري المسجد ..
Al Qadi states in al Shifa, “‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud saw the Jinn on the night of the Jinn and he heard their speech. He compared them to the men of Jat (a tribe of India)[3]. The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “One shaitan escaped last night and tried to disrupt my salah. Allah granted me the upper hand over him so I grabbed him. I wanted to tie him to one of the pillars of the masjid…’’
As for a narration from your infallible Imam, al Himyari reports in Qurb al Isnad from Abu Jamilah who narrates from Imam Jafar regarding the statement of Sulaiman, “and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me. Undoubtedly, You are the great giver.”
قلت : فاعطيه الذي دعا به ؟ قال: نعم ، ولم يعط بعده إنسان ما اعطي نبي الله من غلبة الشيطان فخنقه إلى اسطوانة حتى أصاب بلسانه يد رسول الله فقال رسول الله:” لولا ما دعا به سليمان لأريتكموه
I asked him, “Was he given that which he asked for?”
He replied, “Yes, it was not granted to anyone after him. Proof of this is that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was granted the upper hand over shaitan. Thereupon, he choked him against a pillar until his tongue stuck out and touched the hand of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Then the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘If it was not for the supplication of Sulaiman, I would have shown him to you.’”[4]
This hadith, which was narrated by Jafar al Sadiq rahimahu Llah, exposes the ignorance regarding the ahadith of the Ahlul Bayt. As for the statement, “Al Bukhari, Muslim and others, who believe in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, should afford me the opportunity of asking them, ‘Does Shaitan have a body which can be tied to a pillar so that he could wake with people looking at him being a shackled prisoner?’”
Our comment: ‘Abdul Hussain denies and expresses amazement at the narration of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in which he says that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam held the devil and tied him up, but he does not have the same reaction towards his infallible Imam! The Imam held Iblis and tried killing him. However, when Iblis admitted that he is a lover and believes in Wilayah, he left him and cleared his path. Al Anwar al No’maniyyah reports from al Saduq with his chain to ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said:
قد كنت جالساً عند الكعبة فإذا شيخ محدودب، فقال يا رسول الله أدع لي بالمغفرة ، فقال النبي خاب سعيك يا شيخ وضل عملك، فلما ولّى الشيخ سألته عنه ، فقال ذلك اللعين ابليس قال علي عدوت خلفه حتى لحقته وصرعته إلى الأرض وجلست على صدره !! ووضعت يدي على حلقه لأخنقه !! ، فقال لا تفعل يا أبا الحسن فإني من المنظرين إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم ، والله يا علي أني لأحبك جداً وما أبغضك !! أحد إلاّ شركت أباه في أمه فصار ولد زنا فضحكت !! وخلّيت سبيله
I was sitting by the Ka’bah, when suddenly a hunched back person appeared and said, “O Messenger, supplicate for me so that I may be forgiven.”
The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “May your efforts be destroyed and may your actions go to waste, O aged one!”
When the old man turned away, I asked the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam regarding him.
He replied, “That is the accursed Iblis.”
‘Ali said, “I ran behind him until I caught up with him, floored him, and sat on his chest. I then put my hands around his neck to choke him. He pleaded, ‘Do not do that, O Abu al Hassan, as I am of those who have been granted respite until an appointed time. By the oath of Allah, O ‘Ali, I love you greatly. None has disliked you, except that I partnered with his father in the act with his mother. Thus, he is a product of adultery!’ I laughed and then left him to go.”[5]
NEXT⇒ ‘Ali Kills Eighty Thousand Jinn!
[1] Sahih al Bukhari; Sahih Muslim.
[2] Bihar al Anwar, 14/88-89, Kitab al Nubuwwah, al Majlisi said, Al Bukhari and Muslim have reported it in their two authentic books. ‘Abd ‘Ali al Huwayzi also established this hadith in his Tafsir Nur al Thaqalayn, 4/460, # 85, as well as al Tabarsi in his Tafsir al Majma’, 8/477. The scholar and gnostic al Mirza Muhammad al Mashhadi also established the hadith in his Tafsir Kanz al Daqa’iq, 8/575.
[3] The indigenous people of North Africa or India.
[4] Bihar al Anwar, 14/87-88; Qurb al Isnad, pg. 81; Tafsir Majma’ al Bayan, 8/477; Nur al Thaqalayn, 4/460.
[5] Al Anwar al No’maniyyah, 2/168.
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On page 104, ‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith, “Shaitan interferes with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst he is in salah”. Al Bukhari and Muslim report on the authority of Abu Hurairah:
صلى رسول الله صلاة فقال(ص): إن الشيطان عرض لي فشد علي يقطع الصلاة علي فأمكنني الله منه فذعته – أي فخنقته – ولقد هممت أن أوثقه إلى سارية حتى تصبحوا فتنظروا إليه فذكرت قول سليمان { رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِيْ وَهَبْ لِيْ مُلْكًا لَا يَنْۢ بَغِىْ لِأَحَدِ مِّنْۢ بَعْدِيْ }
The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam performed one salah and then said, “Shaitan came to me and attempted to break my salah. Allah granted me the upper hand over him and so I choked him. I intended to tie him to a pillar so that you could end up seeing him. However, I remembered the supplication of Sulaiman, ‘O my Rabb! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me.’”[1]
He begins his denigration saying:
وفيه أن أنبياء الله وخيرته من خلقه يجب أن يكونوا في نجوة من هذا وفي منتزح فإنه ينافي عصمتهم ويضع من قدرهم ومعاذ الله أن يشد الشيطان عليهم أو يعرض لهم أو تسوّل له نفسه الطمع فيهم…
It is necessary that the Prophets of Allah and the chosen ones from His creation should be protected and fortified from this, as this discredits them of their status of infallibility and it lowers their status. Allah’s protection is sought from Shaitan ever attempting to do anything to them, interfering with them or even entertaining any hopes regarding them.
في (ص113)ــ فليسمح لي الشيخان وغيرهما ممن يعتبرون حديث ابي هريرة لأسألهم هل للشيطان جسم يشد وثاقه ويربط بالسارية حتى يصبح وتراه الناس بأعينها أسيراً مكبلا …؟ الخ
[He goes on to say:] Al Bukhari, Muslim and the others, who believe in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, should afford me the opportunity of asking them, “Does shaitan have a body which can be tied to a pillar so that he could wake with people looking at him being a shackled prisoner?”
Our comment: The pride of your scholars, al Majlisi has a chapter which he titled, “the mention of Iblis and his Stories,” in his Bihar al Anwar—under “the book of the sky and the universe”. Here, he mentions this hadith from Abu Hurairah, which you have rejected. Similarly, in his Bihar al Anwar, he has another chapter under “the book of nubuwwah” titled, “the meaning of His verse: ‘O my Rabb! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me. Undoubtedly, You are the great giver.’” In this chapter, he quotes this hadith from al Bukhari and Muslim[2], which you have denied.
Look at the extent of the ignorance of ‘Abdul Hussain. The pride of his scholars, al Majlisi, establishes the hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, but he rejects the hadith of the greatest narrator in Islam. What is the basis of this hatred and misguidance? Bihar al Anwar also has a chapter under “the book of the biography of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” titled, “his miracles regarding him overpowering Jinn and Shaitan”. Here, he narrates this hadith from Ibn Mas’ud. Al Majlisi says:
وقال القاضي في الشفا: رأى عبدالله بن مسعود الجن ليلة الجن وسمع لامهم وشبههم برجال الزطّ وقال النبي:إن شيطاناً تفلت البارحة ليقطع عليّ صلاتي فأمكنني الله منه فأخذته فأردت أن أربطه إلى سارية من سواري المسجد ..
Al Qadi states in al Shifa, “‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud saw the Jinn on the night of the Jinn and he heard their speech. He compared them to the men of Jat (a tribe of India)[3]. The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “One shaitan escaped last night and tried to disrupt my salah. Allah granted me the upper hand over him so I grabbed him. I wanted to tie him to one of the pillars of the masjid…’’
As for a narration from your infallible Imam, al Himyari reports in Qurb al Isnad from Abu Jamilah who narrates from Imam Jafar regarding the statement of Sulaiman, “and grant me a kingdom that cannot be had by any after me. Undoubtedly, You are the great giver.”
قلت : فاعطيه الذي دعا به ؟ قال: نعم ، ولم يعط بعده إنسان ما اعطي نبي الله من غلبة الشيطان فخنقه إلى اسطوانة حتى أصاب بلسانه يد رسول الله فقال رسول الله:” لولا ما دعا به سليمان لأريتكموه
I asked him, “Was he given that which he asked for?”
He replied, “Yes, it was not granted to anyone after him. Proof of this is that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was granted the upper hand over shaitan. Thereupon, he choked him against a pillar until his tongue stuck out and touched the hand of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Then the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘If it was not for the supplication of Sulaiman, I would have shown him to you.’”[4]
This hadith, which was narrated by Jafar al Sadiq rahimahu Llah, exposes the ignorance regarding the ahadith of the Ahlul Bayt. As for the statement, “Al Bukhari, Muslim and others, who believe in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, should afford me the opportunity of asking them, ‘Does Shaitan have a body which can be tied to a pillar so that he could wake with people looking at him being a shackled prisoner?’”
Our comment: ‘Abdul Hussain denies and expresses amazement at the narration of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in which he says that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam held the devil and tied him up, but he does not have the same reaction towards his infallible Imam! The Imam held Iblis and tried killing him. However, when Iblis admitted that he is a lover and believes in Wilayah, he left him and cleared his path. Al Anwar al No’maniyyah reports from al Saduq with his chain to ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said:
قد كنت جالساً عند الكعبة فإذا شيخ محدودب، فقال يا رسول الله أدع لي بالمغفرة ، فقال النبي خاب سعيك يا شيخ وضل عملك، فلما ولّى الشيخ سألته عنه ، فقال ذلك اللعين ابليس قال علي عدوت خلفه حتى لحقته وصرعته إلى الأرض وجلست على صدره !! ووضعت يدي على حلقه لأخنقه !! ، فقال لا تفعل يا أبا الحسن فإني من المنظرين إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم ، والله يا علي أني لأحبك جداً وما أبغضك !! أحد إلاّ شركت أباه في أمه فصار ولد زنا فضحكت !! وخلّيت سبيله
I was sitting by the Ka’bah, when suddenly a hunched back person appeared and said, “O Messenger, supplicate for me so that I may be forgiven.”
The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “May your efforts be destroyed and may your actions go to waste, O aged one!”
When the old man turned away, I asked the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam regarding him.
He replied, “That is the accursed Iblis.”
‘Ali said, “I ran behind him until I caught up with him, floored him, and sat on his chest. I then put my hands around his neck to choke him. He pleaded, ‘Do not do that, O Abu al Hassan, as I am of those who have been granted respite until an appointed time. By the oath of Allah, O ‘Ali, I love you greatly. None has disliked you, except that I partnered with his father in the act with his mother. Thus, he is a product of adultery!’ I laughed and then left him to go.”[5]
NEXT⇒ ‘Ali Kills Eighty Thousand Jinn!
[1] Sahih al Bukhari; Sahih Muslim.
[2] Bihar al Anwar, 14/88-89, Kitab al Nubuwwah, al Majlisi said, Al Bukhari and Muslim have reported it in their two authentic books. ‘Abd ‘Ali al Huwayzi also established this hadith in his Tafsir Nur al Thaqalayn, 4/460, # 85, as well as al Tabarsi in his Tafsir al Majma’, 8/477. The scholar and gnostic al Mirza Muhammad al Mashhadi also established the hadith in his Tafsir Kanz al Daqa’iq, 8/575.
[3] The indigenous people of North Africa or India.
[4] Bihar al Anwar, 14/87-88; Qurb al Isnad, pg. 81; Tafsir Majma’ al Bayan, 8/477; Nur al Thaqalayn, 4/460.
[5] Al Anwar al No’maniyyah, 2/168.