`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Nabi salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam saying he is not Superior to Nabi Musa `alayh al-Salam”

`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Nobody’s Actions will Gain Him Entry into Jannah, Except by the Mercy of Allah”
December 3, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith, “Nabi salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam was in an Impure State”
December 3, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying he is not Superior to Prophet Musa ‘alayh al Salam


On page 176, ‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith: “The prohibition of saying that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was more virtuous than Musa ‘alayh al Salam and the hadith, “whoever says that I am better than Yunus ibn Matta, has lied.”[1]

He then raises doubts:


قد أجمعت الأمة على تفضيله ، وثبت ذلك بالنصوص الصريحة الصحيحة وقامت عليه الضرورة من دين الاسلام

The entire Ummah have agreed upon considering him more virtuous. This is established through unambiguous authentic texts. It is part of the fundamentals of Islam.


Our comment: He has forgotten that this very hadith has been narrated by his own infallible Imam as well. There is nothing beyond the truth except falsehood. It is reported in Qisas al Ambiya’[2] from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


ما ينبغي لأحد أن يقول:  أنا خير من يونس بن متى

It is not appropriate for anyone to say that I am better than Yunus ibn Matta.


Al Jaza’iri, whilst commenting on this hadith in his commentary says:


أقول لعل المعنى على تقدير صحة الخبر : أنه لا ينبغي لأحد أن يقول : أنا خير من يونس ، من حيث المعراج ، بأن يظن إني صرت من حيث العروج إلى السماء أقرب إلى الله تعالى منه ، فإن نسبته تعالى إلى السماء والأرض والبحار نسبة واحدة ، وإنما أراني الله تعالى عجائب صنعه في السماوات ، وأرى يونس عجائب خلقه في البحار ، وإني عبدت الله في السماء ويونس عبده في بطن الحوت ، ولكن التفضيل من جهات آخر لا تحصى

I say, if this hadith is authentic, then the meaning is; it is not appropriate for anyone to say that I am better than Yunus from the perspective of Mi’raj. This means that he should not think that since I ascended to the sky, thus I was closer to Allah than him. The skies, earth and seas are all the same before Allah. Allah showed me His extraordinary creations in the skies, and He showed him the extraordinary creations of the sea. I worshipped Allah in the sky and Yunus worshipped Him in the belly of the fish. However, there are many other uncountable angles from which superiority could be established.


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Nobody’s Actions will Gain Him Entry into Jannat, Except by the Mercy of Allah”

[1]Sahih al Bukhari, al Tafsir, al Ambiya’; Sahih Muslim, Fada’il; Musnad Ahmed.

[2] Qisas al Ambiya’, pg. 495.

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying he is not Superior to Prophet Musa ‘alayh al Salam


On page 176, ‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith: “The prohibition of saying that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was more virtuous than Musa ‘alayh al Salam and the hadith, “whoever says that I am better than Yunus ibn Matta, has lied.”[1]

He then raises doubts:


قد أجمعت الأمة على تفضيله ، وثبت ذلك بالنصوص الصريحة الصحيحة وقامت عليه الضرورة من دين الاسلام

The entire Ummah have agreed upon considering him more virtuous. This is established through unambiguous authentic texts. It is part of the fundamentals of Islam.


Our comment: He has forgotten that this very hadith has been narrated by his own infallible Imam as well. There is nothing beyond the truth except falsehood. It is reported in Qisas al Ambiya’[2] from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


ما ينبغي لأحد أن يقول:  أنا خير من يونس بن متى

It is not appropriate for anyone to say that I am better than Yunus ibn Matta.


Al Jaza’iri, whilst commenting on this hadith in his commentary says:


أقول لعل المعنى على تقدير صحة الخبر : أنه لا ينبغي لأحد أن يقول : أنا خير من يونس ، من حيث المعراج ، بأن يظن إني صرت من حيث العروج إلى السماء أقرب إلى الله تعالى منه ، فإن نسبته تعالى إلى السماء والأرض والبحار نسبة واحدة ، وإنما أراني الله تعالى عجائب صنعه في السماوات ، وأرى يونس عجائب خلقه في البحار ، وإني عبدت الله في السماء ويونس عبده في بطن الحوت ، ولكن التفضيل من جهات آخر لا تحصى

I say, if this hadith is authentic, then the meaning is; it is not appropriate for anyone to say that I am better than Yunus from the perspective of Mi’raj. This means that he should not think that since I ascended to the sky, thus I was closer to Allah than him. The skies, earth and seas are all the same before Allah. Allah showed me His extraordinary creations in the skies, and He showed him the extraordinary creations of the sea. I worshipped Allah in the sky and Yunus worshipped Him in the belly of the fish. However, there are many other uncountable angles from which superiority could be established.


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Nobody’s Actions will Gain Him Entry into Jannat, Except by the Mercy of Allah”

[1]Sahih al Bukhari, al Tafsir, al Ambiya’; Sahih Muslim, Fada’il; Musnad Ahmed.

[2] Qisas al Ambiya’, pg. 495.