`Abd al-Husayn Finds Fault with the Hadith, ‘Intercession will be Sought from the Ambiya’ on the Day of Qiyamah’

`Abd al-Husayn Objects to the Hadith, ‘Locusts of Gold Rained Down upon the Nabi of Allah, Ayyub’
December 4, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith of the Stone Fleeing with the Clothes of Musa `alayh al-Salam
December 4, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain Finds Fault with the Hadith, ‘Intercession will be Sought from the Prophets on the Day of Qiyamah’


‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith concerning people seeking refuge with Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, and finally ‘Isa, hoping that they will intercede for them, but they will be too embroiled in their own affairs. Al Bukhari and Muslim have reported a lengthy hadith on the authority of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu which is attributed to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The following passage forms part of the narration:


يجمع الله الناس الأولين منهم والآخرين يوم القيامة في صعيد واحد يسمعهم الداعي، وينفذهم البصر وتدنو الشمس فيبلغ الناس من الغم والكرب ما لا يطيقون ولا يحتملون فيقول الناس: ألا ترون ما قد بلغكم ألا تنظرون من يشفع لكم إلى ربكم؟ فيقول بعض الناس لبعض عليكم بآدم فيأتون آدم (ع) فيقولون له: أنت أبو البشر خلقك الله بيده ونفخ فيك من روحه وأمر الملائكة فسجدوا لك اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ ألا ترى إلى ما قد بلغنا فيقول آدم إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله! وإنه قد نهاني عن الشجرة فعصيته نفسي نفسي نفسي اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى نوح فيأتون نوحا فيقولون يا نوح إنك أنت أول الرسل إلى أهل الأرض وقد سماك الله عبدا شكورا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول إن ربيقد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإنه قد كانت لي دعوة دعوتها على قومي نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى نوح(ع) قال: فيأتون نوحا (ع) فيقولون يا نوح إنك أول الرسل إلى أهل الأرض وقد سماك الله عبدا شكورا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ فيقول: إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله! وأنه قد كانت لي دعوة دعوتها على قومي ! نفسي نفسي نفسي! إذهبوا إلى غيري إذهبوا إلى قال: فيأتون إبراهيم (ع) فيأتون إبراهيم فيقولون يا إبراهيم أنت نبي الله وخليله من أهل الأرض اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول لهم إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإني قد كنت كذبت ثلاث كذبات نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى موسى(ع) فيأتون موسى فيقولون يا موسى أنت رسول الله فضلك الله برسالته وبكلامه على الناس اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ فيقول إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإني قد قتلت نفسا لم أومر بقتلها نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى عيسى ابن مريم فيأتون عيسى فيقولون يا عيسى أنت رسول الله وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم وروح منه وكلمت الناس في المهد صبيا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول عيسى إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله قط ولن يغضب بعده مثله ولم يذكر ذنبا نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى محمد، قال فيأتون محمدا فيقولون يا محمد أنت رسول الله وخاتم الأنبياء وقد غفر الله لك ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخر اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ قال أبو هريرة قال رسول الله(ص) فأنطلق فآتي تحت العرش فأقع ساجدا لربي ثم يفتح الله علي من محامده وحسن الثناء عليه شيئا لم يفتحه على أحد قبلي ثم يقال يا محمد ارفع رأسك سل تعطه واشفع تشفع فأرفع رأسي فأقول أمتي يا رب  أمتي يا رب  أمتي يا رب فيقال يا محمد أدخل من  أمتك من لاحساب عليهم من الباب الأيمن من أبواب الجنة وهم شركاء الناس فيما سوى ذلك من الأبواب  الحديث

Allah will gather the people, from the first of them to the last of them on the Day of Qiyamah on one plain. He will grant them the ability to hear the announcer and he will restore their sight. The sun will draw close to them. People will undergo unbearable sorrow and difficulty. Thus, they will say, “Do you not see the condition that has overcome you? Will you not seek an intercessor before your Rabb?” Some of them will reply, “Go to Adam!”

They will go to Adam ‘alayh al Salam and say to him, “You are the father of mankind, Allah created you using his yad[1], blew into you from his ruh[2] and He ordered the angels, who bowed down before you! Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing? Can you not see the condition that has overcome us?”

Adam will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. He prohibited me from the tree but I disobeyed Him. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else, go to Nuh.”

They will go to Nuh and say, “O Nuh, you were the first Messenger to the people of the earth and Allah called you a grateful servant, intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. I had one accepted supplication, which I used to curse my nation. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else; go to Ibrahim ‘alayh al Salam.”

They will proceed to Ibrahim saying, “O Ibrahim, you are the Prophet of Allah and his close friend from those who inhabited the earth, intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again, and I am guilty of speaking three lies. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else; go to Musa ‘alayh al Salam.”

They will then approach Musa saying, “O Musa, you are the Messenger of Allah; he blessed you and preferred you over the people by appointing you as his Messenger and speaking to you. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. I took a life that I was not commanded to. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! Go to someone else, go to ‘Isa ibn Maryam.”

Thus, they will go to ‘Isa ibn Maryam and plead to him, “You are the Messenger of Allah, His word which He cast into Maryam and a soul from Him. You spoke to people whilst being a child in the cradle. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again.” He will not recall any mistake, but he will say, “(I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to Muhammad.”

They will present themselves before Muhammad and say to him, “You are the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. Allah has forgiven all of your past and future sins. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

Abu Hurairah narrates: The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Thereupon I will proceed and I will come to the area beneath the ‘Arsh, where I will go down into prostration for my Rabb. He will inspire me to praise Him and glorify Him in such a manner that was not revealed to anyone before me. Thereafter it will be said, ‘O Muhammad! Raise your head! Ask, you will be granted (whatever you ask), intercede, your intercession will be accepted!’ I will raise my head and then plead, ‘My Ummah, O my Rabb! My Ummah, O my Rabb! My Ummah, O my Rabb!’ It will be said, ‘O Muhammad, enter into Jannat those members of your Ummah who will not be held to account for anything from the right door of Jannat. The other doors will be shared between them and the rest of the people.’”[3]


‘Abdul Hussain then searches for some flaws in the hadith. He says:


وفيه من التسور على مقام أولى العزم من أنبياء الله وأصفيائه ما تبرأ منه السنن وتتنزه عن خطله فإن للسنن المقدسة  سنة نبينا  في تعظيم الأنبياء غاية تملأ الصدور هيبة وإجلالا…- إلى أن قال-  فحديث أبي هريرة هذا بهرائه وهذره أجنبي عن كلام رسول الله (ص) مباين لسننه كل المباينة . ومعاذ الله أن ينسب إلى أنبياء الله ما اشتمل عليه هذا الحديث الغث التفه وحاشا آدم من المعصية بارتكاب المحرم الذي يوجب غضب الله، وإنما كان منهياً عن الشجرة نهي تنزيه وإرشاد ، وتقدس نوح من الدعاء إلا على أعداء الله.. لنا أن نسأل أبا هريرة عن هؤلاء المساكين أمن أمة محمد هم ؟ أم من أمة غيره؟ فمن الطبيعي له أن لا يحبط مساعيهم، ولا يخيب آمالهم فكيف اختص أمته بالشفاعة دونهم؟ من ما فطر عليه من الرحمة الواسعة ومع ما آتاه الله يومئذ من الشفاعة والوسيلة معاذ الله أن يخيبهم وهو أمل الراغب الراجي وأمن الخائف اللاجي…. إلخ

This narration contains such a mockery of the status of the Ulu al ‘Azm (great ranking) Prophets and the choicest (of His servants) which is denounced by the Sunnah. It remains pure from such nonsensical speech. The esteemed Sunnah, the Sunnah of our Prophet, goes a long way in filling the bosom with honour and awe for the Prophets… This hadith of Abu Hurairah, due to the prattle and rubbish contained in it, is alien to the speech of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is totally incompatible to his Sunnah.

Allah’s protection is sought from attributing to the Prophets that which this vile and lowly narration contains. It is below the dignity of Adam to commit such a sin and carry out a forbidden act that will necessitate the anger of Allah. The prohibition regarding the tree was merely advice and caution (not a strict command). Nuh was far too noble to curse anyone besides the enemies of Allah.

Added to that, we have another question for Abu Hurairah, viz. who were these pitiable people? Were they from the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or from other Ummahs?

Naturally, he could not have left their struggles fruitless and their hopes unattended to. So, how is it possible that he only intercedes for his Ummah, leaving them out? Allah’s protection is sought from (the idea) that he should desert them despite his encompassing merciful nature as well as the intercession that he will be granted on that day. Especially since he is the saviour of the hopeful, and the fort of the frightened ones…


Our comment: This hadith which is being criticised by ‘Abdul Hussain has been narrated by Anas ibn Malik, Abu Sa’id, Abu Bakr, and Ibn ‘Abbas radiya Llahu ‘anhum[4]. Furthermore, this hadith, which he deceptively criticises and labels as “prattle, rubbish and lowly,” has been narrated with these exact words by the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt. Below, we will present briefly some of the narrations.

Khuthaymah al Ju’fi says:


كنت عند جعفر بن محمد (ع) أنا ومفضل ابن عمر ليلا ليس عنده أحد غيرنا ، فقال له مفضل الجعفي : جعلت فداك حدثنا حديثا نسر به ، قال نعم إذا كان يوم القيامة حشر الله الخلائق في صعيد واحد -إلى أن قال – فيقفون حتى يلجمهم العرق فيقولون : ليت الله يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار- إلى أن قال- ثم يأتون آدم فيقولون : أنت أبونا وأنت نبي فاسأل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، فيقول آدم : لست بصاحبكم . خلقني ربي بيده وحملني على عرشه ، اسجد لي ملائكته . ثم أمرني فعصيته ، ولكني أدلكم على ابني الصديق الذي مكث في قومه ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاماً يدعوهم ، كلما كذبوا اشتد تصديقه نوح قال فيأتون نوحاً فيقولون : سل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، قال: فيقول : لست بصاحبكم ، إني قلت : إن ابني من أهلي ، ولكني أدلكم على من اتخذه الله خليلا في دار الدنيا ، أيتوا ابراهيم ، قال: فيأتون ابراهيم فيقول : لست بصاحبكم، إني قلت: إني سقيم ولكني أدلكم على من كلم الله تكليما موسى قال : فيأتون موسى فيقولون له، فيقول : لست بصاحبكم إني قتلت نفسا ولكني أدلكم على من كان يخلق بأذن الله ويبرئ الأكمة والأبرص بأذن الله عيسى فيأتون فيقول: لست بصاحبكم، ولكني أدلكم على من بشرتكم به في دار الدنيا أحمد ثم قال أبوعبدالله (ع): – إلى أن قال – فيأتونه، ثم قال: فيقولون يا محمد سل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، قال: فيقول : نعم أنا صاحبكم- إلى أن قال-  فاذا نظرت إلى ربي مجدته تمجيدا …..ثم أخر ساجدا فيقول : يا محمد ارفع رأسك واشفع تشفع وسل تعط

Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar and I were alone with Jafar ibn Muhammad one night. There was no one else with him. Mufaddal al Ju’fi said to him, “May I be sacrificed for you! Tell us a hadith which will make us happy.”

He replied, “Okay, on the Day of Qiyamah, Allah will gather all the creation on one plain… they will stand until they will be drowning in perspiration. Then they will say, ‘If only Allah decides regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’… then they will approach Adam and say to him, ‘You are our father and you are a Prophet so ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’ Adam will reply, “I am not the one who will be able to help you out. My Rabb created me with his yad, placed me on His throne, and made the angels bow down to me. Then He commanded me but I disobeyed Him. However, I will refer you to my son, the Siddiq, who stayed between his people for a thousand years calling them (to Allah). Whenever they belied him, the conviction of Nuh increased.’ Thereafter they will come to Nuh and say, ‘Ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’ He will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you. I said, ‘My son is part of my family.’ However, I will refer you to the one whom Allah took as a close friend in the worldly abode. Go to Ibrahim.’ They will go to Ibrahim and he will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out. I said, ‘I am ill.’ However, I will refer you to the one whom Allah had spoken to directly, viz. Musa.’ They will approach Musa and speak to him. He will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out, I killed a man. However, I will guide you to the one who would create with the permission of Allah and he would cure those who were born blind as well as the lepers with the permission of Allah, viz. ‘ Isa.’ They will approach him but he will say, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out. However, I will guide you to the one regarding whom I gave you glad-tidings in the world, viz. Ahmed.’”

Thereafter, Abu ‘Abdullah said, “… Then they will appear before him and say, ‘O Muhammad, ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire.’ He will respond, ‘Yes, I am the one who can help you out… When I look at my Rabb, I will glorify Him excessively… thereafter I will go down in prostration. He will then say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Intercede, your intercession will be accepted. Ask, you will be granted (whatever you ask for).’”[5] 


Are your Imams also talking prattle and rubbish? We beg Allah to grant us soundness in our intelligence and din.


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Objects to the Hadith, ‘Locusts of Gold Rained Down upon the Nabi of Allah, Ayub’

[1]  Literally means a hand. Since Allah is beyond form and shape, the word will be established, but the meaning will be left to the knowledge of Allah.

[2]  Literally: soul.

[3]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Tafsir, Ahadith al Ambiya’, al Riqaq and al Tawhid; Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman.

[4]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Riqaq, Kitab al Tawhid; Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman.

[5]Bihar al Anwar, 8/35, 45, 48, the chapter of intercession; al ‘Ayyashi, 2/310-311; al Qummi, 2/25; al Burhan, 2/438 # 5, 2/439 # 9, 2/440 # 11 #15, 3/351, # 4; al Mikal, 1/341 # 727: al Kanz, 8/282; Nur al Thaqalayn, 3/206 # 392, pg. 3/208 # 400.

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‘Abdul Hussain Finds Fault with the Hadith, ‘Intercession will be Sought from the Prophets on the Day of Qiyamah’


‘Abdul Hussain quotes the hadith concerning people seeking refuge with Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, and finally ‘Isa, hoping that they will intercede for them, but they will be too embroiled in their own affairs. Al Bukhari and Muslim have reported a lengthy hadith on the authority of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu which is attributed to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The following passage forms part of the narration:


يجمع الله الناس الأولين منهم والآخرين يوم القيامة في صعيد واحد يسمعهم الداعي، وينفذهم البصر وتدنو الشمس فيبلغ الناس من الغم والكرب ما لا يطيقون ولا يحتملون فيقول الناس: ألا ترون ما قد بلغكم ألا تنظرون من يشفع لكم إلى ربكم؟ فيقول بعض الناس لبعض عليكم بآدم فيأتون آدم (ع) فيقولون له: أنت أبو البشر خلقك الله بيده ونفخ فيك من روحه وأمر الملائكة فسجدوا لك اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ ألا ترى إلى ما قد بلغنا فيقول آدم إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله! وإنه قد نهاني عن الشجرة فعصيته نفسي نفسي نفسي اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى نوح فيأتون نوحا فيقولون يا نوح إنك أنت أول الرسل إلى أهل الأرض وقد سماك الله عبدا شكورا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول إن ربيقد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإنه قد كانت لي دعوة دعوتها على قومي نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى نوح(ع) قال: فيأتون نوحا (ع) فيقولون يا نوح إنك أول الرسل إلى أهل الأرض وقد سماك الله عبدا شكورا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ فيقول: إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله! وأنه قد كانت لي دعوة دعوتها على قومي ! نفسي نفسي نفسي! إذهبوا إلى غيري إذهبوا إلى قال: فيأتون إبراهيم (ع) فيأتون إبراهيم فيقولون يا إبراهيم أنت نبي الله وخليله من أهل الأرض اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول لهم إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإني قد كنت كذبت ثلاث كذبات نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى موسى(ع) فيأتون موسى فيقولون يا موسى أنت رسول الله فضلك الله برسالته وبكلامه على الناس اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ فيقول إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله ولن يغضب بعده مثله وإني قد قتلت نفسا لم أومر بقتلها نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى غيري اذهبوا إلى عيسى ابن مريم فيأتون عيسى فيقولون يا عيسى أنت رسول الله وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم وروح منه وكلمت الناس في المهد صبيا اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه فيقول عيسى إن ربي قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب قبله مثله قط ولن يغضب بعده مثله ولم يذكر ذنبا نفسي نفسي نفسي! اذهبوا إلى محمد، قال فيأتون محمدا فيقولون يا محمد أنت رسول الله وخاتم الأنبياء وقد غفر الله لك ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخر اشفع لنا إلى ربك ألا ترى إلى ما نحن فيه؟ قال أبو هريرة قال رسول الله(ص) فأنطلق فآتي تحت العرش فأقع ساجدا لربي ثم يفتح الله علي من محامده وحسن الثناء عليه شيئا لم يفتحه على أحد قبلي ثم يقال يا محمد ارفع رأسك سل تعطه واشفع تشفع فأرفع رأسي فأقول أمتي يا رب  أمتي يا رب  أمتي يا رب فيقال يا محمد أدخل من  أمتك من لاحساب عليهم من الباب الأيمن من أبواب الجنة وهم شركاء الناس فيما سوى ذلك من الأبواب  الحديث

Allah will gather the people, from the first of them to the last of them on the Day of Qiyamah on one plain. He will grant them the ability to hear the announcer and he will restore their sight. The sun will draw close to them. People will undergo unbearable sorrow and difficulty. Thus, they will say, “Do you not see the condition that has overcome you? Will you not seek an intercessor before your Rabb?” Some of them will reply, “Go to Adam!”

They will go to Adam ‘alayh al Salam and say to him, “You are the father of mankind, Allah created you using his yad[1], blew into you from his ruh[2] and He ordered the angels, who bowed down before you! Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing? Can you not see the condition that has overcome us?”

Adam will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. He prohibited me from the tree but I disobeyed Him. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else, go to Nuh.”

They will go to Nuh and say, “O Nuh, you were the first Messenger to the people of the earth and Allah called you a grateful servant, intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. I had one accepted supplication, which I used to curse my nation. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else; go to Ibrahim ‘alayh al Salam.”

They will proceed to Ibrahim saying, “O Ibrahim, you are the Prophet of Allah and his close friend from those who inhabited the earth, intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again, and I am guilty of speaking three lies. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to someone else; go to Musa ‘alayh al Salam.”

They will then approach Musa saying, “O Musa, you are the Messenger of Allah; he blessed you and preferred you over the people by appointing you as his Messenger and speaking to you. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again. I took a life that I was not commanded to. (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! Go to someone else, go to ‘Isa ibn Maryam.”

Thus, they will go to ‘Isa ibn Maryam and plead to him, “You are the Messenger of Allah, His word which He cast into Maryam and a soul from Him. You spoke to people whilst being a child in the cradle. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

He will reply, “Today, my Rabb has become angry, such anger that was neither witnessed before, nor will it ever be witnessed again.” He will not recall any mistake, but he will say, “(I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself! (I am worried about) Myself!’ Go to Muhammad.”

They will present themselves before Muhammad and say to him, “You are the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. Allah has forgiven all of your past and future sins. Intercede on behalf of us before your Rabb! Can you not see the difficulty that we are experiencing?”

Abu Hurairah narrates: The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Thereupon I will proceed and I will come to the area beneath the ‘Arsh, where I will go down into prostration for my Rabb. He will inspire me to praise Him and glorify Him in such a manner that was not revealed to anyone before me. Thereafter it will be said, ‘O Muhammad! Raise your head! Ask, you will be granted (whatever you ask), intercede, your intercession will be accepted!’ I will raise my head and then plead, ‘My Ummah, O my Rabb! My Ummah, O my Rabb! My Ummah, O my Rabb!’ It will be said, ‘O Muhammad, enter into Jannat those members of your Ummah who will not be held to account for anything from the right door of Jannat. The other doors will be shared between them and the rest of the people.’”[3]


‘Abdul Hussain then searches for some flaws in the hadith. He says:


وفيه من التسور على مقام أولى العزم من أنبياء الله وأصفيائه ما تبرأ منه السنن وتتنزه عن خطله فإن للسنن المقدسة  سنة نبينا  في تعظيم الأنبياء غاية تملأ الصدور هيبة وإجلالا…- إلى أن قال-  فحديث أبي هريرة هذا بهرائه وهذره أجنبي عن كلام رسول الله (ص) مباين لسننه كل المباينة . ومعاذ الله أن ينسب إلى أنبياء الله ما اشتمل عليه هذا الحديث الغث التفه وحاشا آدم من المعصية بارتكاب المحرم الذي يوجب غضب الله، وإنما كان منهياً عن الشجرة نهي تنزيه وإرشاد ، وتقدس نوح من الدعاء إلا على أعداء الله.. لنا أن نسأل أبا هريرة عن هؤلاء المساكين أمن أمة محمد هم ؟ أم من أمة غيره؟ فمن الطبيعي له أن لا يحبط مساعيهم، ولا يخيب آمالهم فكيف اختص أمته بالشفاعة دونهم؟ من ما فطر عليه من الرحمة الواسعة ومع ما آتاه الله يومئذ من الشفاعة والوسيلة معاذ الله أن يخيبهم وهو أمل الراغب الراجي وأمن الخائف اللاجي…. إلخ

This narration contains such a mockery of the status of the Ulu al ‘Azm (great ranking) Prophets and the choicest (of His servants) which is denounced by the Sunnah. It remains pure from such nonsensical speech. The esteemed Sunnah, the Sunnah of our Prophet, goes a long way in filling the bosom with honour and awe for the Prophets… This hadith of Abu Hurairah, due to the prattle and rubbish contained in it, is alien to the speech of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is totally incompatible to his Sunnah.

Allah’s protection is sought from attributing to the Prophets that which this vile and lowly narration contains. It is below the dignity of Adam to commit such a sin and carry out a forbidden act that will necessitate the anger of Allah. The prohibition regarding the tree was merely advice and caution (not a strict command). Nuh was far too noble to curse anyone besides the enemies of Allah.

Added to that, we have another question for Abu Hurairah, viz. who were these pitiable people? Were they from the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or from other Ummahs?

Naturally, he could not have left their struggles fruitless and their hopes unattended to. So, how is it possible that he only intercedes for his Ummah, leaving them out? Allah’s protection is sought from (the idea) that he should desert them despite his encompassing merciful nature as well as the intercession that he will be granted on that day. Especially since he is the saviour of the hopeful, and the fort of the frightened ones…


Our comment: This hadith which is being criticised by ‘Abdul Hussain has been narrated by Anas ibn Malik, Abu Sa’id, Abu Bakr, and Ibn ‘Abbas radiya Llahu ‘anhum[4]. Furthermore, this hadith, which he deceptively criticises and labels as “prattle, rubbish and lowly,” has been narrated with these exact words by the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt. Below, we will present briefly some of the narrations.

Khuthaymah al Ju’fi says:


كنت عند جعفر بن محمد (ع) أنا ومفضل ابن عمر ليلا ليس عنده أحد غيرنا ، فقال له مفضل الجعفي : جعلت فداك حدثنا حديثا نسر به ، قال نعم إذا كان يوم القيامة حشر الله الخلائق في صعيد واحد -إلى أن قال – فيقفون حتى يلجمهم العرق فيقولون : ليت الله يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار- إلى أن قال- ثم يأتون آدم فيقولون : أنت أبونا وأنت نبي فاسأل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، فيقول آدم : لست بصاحبكم . خلقني ربي بيده وحملني على عرشه ، اسجد لي ملائكته . ثم أمرني فعصيته ، ولكني أدلكم على ابني الصديق الذي مكث في قومه ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاماً يدعوهم ، كلما كذبوا اشتد تصديقه نوح قال فيأتون نوحاً فيقولون : سل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، قال: فيقول : لست بصاحبكم ، إني قلت : إن ابني من أهلي ، ولكني أدلكم على من اتخذه الله خليلا في دار الدنيا ، أيتوا ابراهيم ، قال: فيأتون ابراهيم فيقول : لست بصاحبكم، إني قلت: إني سقيم ولكني أدلكم على من كلم الله تكليما موسى قال : فيأتون موسى فيقولون له، فيقول : لست بصاحبكم إني قتلت نفسا ولكني أدلكم على من كان يخلق بأذن الله ويبرئ الأكمة والأبرص بأذن الله عيسى فيأتون فيقول: لست بصاحبكم، ولكني أدلكم على من بشرتكم به في دار الدنيا أحمد ثم قال أبوعبدالله (ع): – إلى أن قال – فيأتونه، ثم قال: فيقولون يا محمد سل ربك يحكم بيننا ولو إلى النار، قال: فيقول : نعم أنا صاحبكم- إلى أن قال-  فاذا نظرت إلى ربي مجدته تمجيدا …..ثم أخر ساجدا فيقول : يا محمد ارفع رأسك واشفع تشفع وسل تعط

Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar and I were alone with Jafar ibn Muhammad one night. There was no one else with him. Mufaddal al Ju’fi said to him, “May I be sacrificed for you! Tell us a hadith which will make us happy.”

He replied, “Okay, on the Day of Qiyamah, Allah will gather all the creation on one plain… they will stand until they will be drowning in perspiration. Then they will say, ‘If only Allah decides regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’… then they will approach Adam and say to him, ‘You are our father and you are a Prophet so ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’ Adam will reply, “I am not the one who will be able to help you out. My Rabb created me with his yad, placed me on His throne, and made the angels bow down to me. Then He commanded me but I disobeyed Him. However, I will refer you to my son, the Siddiq, who stayed between his people for a thousand years calling them (to Allah). Whenever they belied him, the conviction of Nuh increased.’ Thereafter they will come to Nuh and say, ‘Ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire!’ He will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you. I said, ‘My son is part of my family.’ However, I will refer you to the one whom Allah took as a close friend in the worldly abode. Go to Ibrahim.’ They will go to Ibrahim and he will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out. I said, ‘I am ill.’ However, I will refer you to the one whom Allah had spoken to directly, viz. Musa.’ They will approach Musa and speak to him. He will reply, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out, I killed a man. However, I will guide you to the one who would create with the permission of Allah and he would cure those who were born blind as well as the lepers with the permission of Allah, viz. ‘ Isa.’ They will approach him but he will say, ‘I am not the one who will be able to help you out. However, I will guide you to the one regarding whom I gave you glad-tidings in the world, viz. Ahmed.’”

Thereafter, Abu ‘Abdullah said, “… Then they will appear before him and say, ‘O Muhammad, ask your Rabb to decide regarding our matter, even if it is to the Fire.’ He will respond, ‘Yes, I am the one who can help you out… When I look at my Rabb, I will glorify Him excessively… thereafter I will go down in prostration. He will then say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Intercede, your intercession will be accepted. Ask, you will be granted (whatever you ask for).’”[5] 


Are your Imams also talking prattle and rubbish? We beg Allah to grant us soundness in our intelligence and din.


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Objects to the Hadith, ‘Locusts of Gold Rained Down upon the Nabi of Allah, Ayub’

[1]  Literally means a hand. Since Allah is beyond form and shape, the word will be established, but the meaning will be left to the knowledge of Allah.

[2]  Literally: soul.

[3]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Tafsir, Ahadith al Ambiya’, al Riqaq and al Tawhid; Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman.

[4]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Riqaq, Kitab al Tawhid; Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman.

[5]Bihar al Anwar, 8/35, 45, 48, the chapter of intercession; al ‘Ayyashi, 2/310-311; al Qummi, 2/25; al Burhan, 2/438 # 5, 2/439 # 9, 2/440 # 11 #15, 3/351, # 4; al Mikal, 1/341 # 727: al Kanz, 8/282; Nur al Thaqalayn, 3/206 # 392, pg. 3/208 # 400.