Zaydism Its Origins And Beliefs – NEW UPLOAD!!!

Shattering the Mirage: A Response to ‘Abdul Hussain Sharaf al Din’s al Muraja’at: Letter 87 and 88
September 18, 2024
Preface to the Second Edition
September 18, 2024

While various other heterodox Islamic sects have received much attention from the researchers and scholars, especially the Shi’i sects—due to the impact their emergence had on fracturing the structure of the Islamic community and tearing apart its unity—we find that the same was not done for the Zaydiyyah. As a result, Zaydism as a sect or a school of thought has not received the attention it deserves to adequately understand its reality; as it was only ever mentioned in passing when discussing the Ja’fari and Isma’ili Shi’i sects.

The illustrious author, Qadi Isma’il ibn Ali al-Akwa—from whose work this translation has been adapted—fulfilled this responsibility by discussing the origins of Zaydi Shi’ism, its development, doctrines, prominent sub-sects, and the Fiqh they adhere to; clarifying the ambiguities and confusions surrounding it, for both its followers and others.

Zaydism Its Origins And Beliefs
Extracted from
al-Zaydiyyah Nash’atuha wa Mu’taqadatuha
Qadi Isma’il ibn ‘Ali al-Akwa’
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