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Imam Musa ibn Jafar had learnt from his grandfather, the Rasul of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
أنا أمنة لأصحابي، فإذا قبضت دنا من أصحابي ما يُوعدون، وأصحابي أمنة لأمتي، فإذا قبض أصحابي دنا من أمتي ما يُوعدون، ولا يزال هذا الدين ظاهراً على الأديان كلها ما دام فيكم من قد رآني.
I am a source of security for my Companions. When I pass away, there will come to my Companions what they are promised. My Companions are source of security for my Ummah. When my Companions are gone, there will come to my Ummah what they are promised. This religion of Islam will always be dominant above other religions as long as there is amongst you someone who has seen me.[1]
He also narrates from his forefathers, who narrate from the Rasul of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam that he said:
القرون أربع: أنا في أفضلها قرنا، ثم الثاني، ثم الثالث، فإذا كان الرابع التقى الرجال بالرجال والنساء بالنساء، فقبض الله كتابه من صدور بني آدم، فيبعث الله ريحاً سوداء، ثم لا يبقى أحد سوى الله تعالى إلا قبضه الله إليه
There are four eras. The best is the era in which I am. The next era in terms of status is the second era and thereafter the third era. When the fourth era sets in, men will meet men and women will meet women. Allah will lift His Book from the hearts of the children of Adam ‘alayh al Salam. Allah will send a black wind which will cause everything to cease to exist except Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.[2]
This Hadith shows us that that the era of the Sahabah was the best of eras. Therefore it is incorrect to say anything bad about the people of this era.
NEXT⇒ The Praise of Imam ‘Ali al Rida
[1] Bihar al Anwar, vol. 22 pg. 309 Also see: Nawadir al Rawandi, pg. 23. A Hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim (6466) on the authority of Abu Musa al Ash’ari radiya Llahu ‘anhu also has a similar meaning.
[2] Bihar al Anwar, vol. 22 pg. 309 (Dar Ihya al Turath al ‘Arabi) A Hadith recorded in Sahih al Bukhari (2509) and in Sahih Muslim (2533) also have a similar meaning.
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Imam Musa ibn Jafar had learnt from his grandfather, the Rasul of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
أنا أمنة لأصحابي، فإذا قبضت دنا من أصحابي ما يُوعدون، وأصحابي أمنة لأمتي، فإذا قبض أصحابي دنا من أمتي ما يُوعدون، ولا يزال هذا الدين ظاهراً على الأديان كلها ما دام فيكم من قد رآني.
I am a source of security for my Companions. When I pass away, there will come to my Companions what they are promised. My Companions are source of security for my Ummah. When my Companions are gone, there will come to my Ummah what they are promised. This religion of Islam will always be dominant above other religions as long as there is amongst you someone who has seen me.[1]
He also narrates from his forefathers, who narrate from the Rasul of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam that he said:
القرون أربع: أنا في أفضلها قرنا، ثم الثاني، ثم الثالث، فإذا كان الرابع التقى الرجال بالرجال والنساء بالنساء، فقبض الله كتابه من صدور بني آدم، فيبعث الله ريحاً سوداء، ثم لا يبقى أحد سوى الله تعالى إلا قبضه الله إليه
There are four eras. The best is the era in which I am. The next era in terms of status is the second era and thereafter the third era. When the fourth era sets in, men will meet men and women will meet women. Allah will lift His Book from the hearts of the children of Adam ‘alayh al Salam. Allah will send a black wind which will cause everything to cease to exist except Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.[2]
This Hadith shows us that that the era of the Sahabah was the best of eras. Therefore it is incorrect to say anything bad about the people of this era.
NEXT⇒ The Praise of Imam ‘Ali al Rida
[1] Bihar al Anwar, vol. 22 pg. 309 Also see: Nawadir al Rawandi, pg. 23. A Hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim (6466) on the authority of Abu Musa al Ash’ari radiya Llahu ‘anhu also has a similar meaning.
[2] Bihar al Anwar, vol. 22 pg. 309 (Dar Ihya al Turath al ‘Arabi) A Hadith recorded in Sahih al Bukhari (2509) and in Sahih Muslim (2533) also have a similar meaning.