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This section comprises fifty-eight ahadith, most of which are inauthentic. There is a difference of opinion among the ‘ulama’ regarding a number of them; however, most of them hold the ahadith to be weak. Therefore, I have mentioned them in this section. Whoever authenticated these ahadith have explained the manner in which its meaning conforms to the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah. Therefore, in all instances, the extremists are not able to hold on to their false beliefs.
Let us now list the ahadith in numerical order.
علي مني، وأنا من علي، ولا يؤدي عني إلا أنا أو علي.
‘Ali is from me and I am from ‘Ali. No one except for me and ‘Ali should forswear (a treaty) on my behalf.
This hadith is narrated from Hubshi ibn Junadah, Anas, and Sa’d radiya Llahu ‘anhum.
The best of these chains is narrated by Imam al Tirmidhi, Imam ibn Majah, Imam Ahmed, and Imam al Nasa’i via numerous chains of transmission, from Sharik — from Abu Ishaq — from Hubshi ibn Junadah.[1]
Abu Ishaq explicitly narrates this hadith from al Nasa’i (i.e. he used the term haddathana).
Imam al Tirmidhi says, “This hadith is Hassan gharib sahih (authentic, rare (and) fair).”
Sharik is da’if (weak). Abu Ishaq commits errors (ikhtalata). However, the meaning of the words “No one should forswear on my behalf” means “to forswear a treaty (nabdh al ‘ahd).”[2] The intended meaning is not to discharge debt (qada’ al dayn). Therefore, it is not (sufficiently) authentic to be used as a shahid (witness report).
This hadith has two chains of transmission, both of which are saqitan (wholly unreliable).
Imam al Nasa’i and others narrate this hadith with the wording, “This is my wali and the one who (has the right to) forswear on my behalf.”[3]
This hadith contains the narrator Musa ibn Ya’qub al Madani, of whom there is a difference of opinion regarding his status. Al Albani graded this hadith as Hassan on account of considering all the chains of transmission collectively.[4] He bolstered the hadith with both Hubshi’s and Sa’d’s chains of transmission. I have explained in the original work how the first chain is not suitable to be used as a shahid (witness report).
[1] Imam al Tirmidhi: Sunan al Tirmidhi, hadith no. 3719; Imam ibn Majah: Sunan Ibn Majah, hadith no. 119; Imam Ahmed: Musnad Ahmed, 4/165 and Fada’il al Sahabah, hadith no. 1023; Imam al Nasa’i: al Sunan al Kubra, hadith no. 8091 and Khasa’is ‘Ali, hadith no. 69.
[2] Muhammad ‘Abdul Rahman al Mubarakpuri: Tuhfat al Ahwadhi, 10/152.
[3] Imam al Nasa’i: Khasa’is ‘Ali, 9-94.
[4] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Sahihah, hadith no. 1980.