Sayyiduna `Umar ibn al-Khattab’s Iman

Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam Performing Salah in Haram and the Anger of the Quraysh
April 25, 2016
The incident of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr’s Iman
April 25, 2016

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Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn al Khattab’s Iman


I have established Sayyidina Abu Bakr’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. I will now discuss Sayyidina ‘Umar al Faruq’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. Everyone is aware that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was concerned day and night about the progress of Islam and how people could enter into its fold. He was not negligent about this for a second. He would not hesitate to implement every plan to accomplish this goal. Notwithstanding his tireless efforts, only a handful of Muslims numbering less than forty embraced Islam in the first six years. Finally, Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam looked at this small group and supplicated to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to increase it and make such a person a Muslim whose awe and honour will grant strength to this group and support to Islam and whose presence will make Islam shine very quickly. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam only thought of two people from his clan who fulfil these requirements, viz. Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn al Khattab radiya Llahu ‘anhu and Abu Jahl. These two personalities were highly respected, honoured and eminent. However, they had deep hatred for Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and schemed day and night to obliterate Islam. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam supplicated to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to strengthen His din with one of these two men and to give iman to either ‘Umar or Abu Jahl. Consequently, Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala accepted this supplication in favour of Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu and blessed him with iman.

The brief incident regarding Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman is that Abu Jahl who had deep hatred for Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told his cronies, “Whoever will kill Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and bring me his head, I will give him a thousand red camels and ample gold and silver coins.” Accordingly, Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu took responsibility and went out to assassinate Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu began walking one side while one the other side (it is as if) Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala commanded the angels, “Pull him to My side and put him at the feet of the one he wishes to slay. See the spectacle of My power! He sets out wretched and will return blessed. He goes as a disbeliever and will come back a pure believer. He leaves harbouring hatred for Us but will fall in the trap of Our love. He walks happily to slay our beloved and We will forcefully appoint him to kill the disbelievers. Descend to the earth and hold his hand and bring him into din.”


گرنیاید بخوشی موۓ کشایش آرید

If he does not come happily, bring him (forcefully) by his forelock.


Thus, when Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu girded the sword to his neck and set out towards Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in a fit of rage, the angels began chanting and reciting these couplets:

راست شد کارے کہ من می خواستم

آمد آں یارے کہ من می خواستم
ہم بہ نہجارے کہ من می خواستم

رفتہ رفتہ می رودآں سوۓ دام

The friend I desired has come

My desired work has been accomplished

He is slowly entering the trap as per my wish


Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu saw many miracles en route. He met a Muslim, who intended to kill but was told to first sort out his sister and brother-in-law who have embraced Islam, and then worry about others. Accordingly, Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu went to his sister’s home. He found the door shut and he heard the voice of recitation of the Qur’an. He continued listening from outside. He then knocked at the door and his sister opened. He asked her to hand over to him what they had been reciting but she refused. He began assaulting his sister and brother-in-law. When his sister saw this oppression, she shouted: “O ‘Umar! Listen! We have accepted iman and entered into the true faith. I testify that there is no deity save Allah and I testify that Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is the Rasul of Allah. Do whatever you please.” Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu calmed down and bade them to recite some Qur’an. They recited Surah Taha to him. He swooned over its eloquence and brilliance and was convinced that this is certainly the Speech of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala. He immediately recited the kalimah and accepted iman and intended to present himself to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When the news reached the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum that Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu is coming, they were struck with awe for they were well aware of his valour and intent. When Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu reached the door, no one had the courage to open it. Sayyidina Hamzah radiya Llahu ‘anhu — the uncle of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam — stood up declaring: “He is one man. If he came with a good intention, well and good. Otherwise his own sword will be used on his head.” Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu entered. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam himself stood up and embraced him with his mercy with such force that his eyes popped out. He then smiled at him and was pleased. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu shouted with sincerity at the top of his voice: “I testify that there is no deity save Allah and I testify that Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is the Rasul of Allah.” All the Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” out of happiness and praised and glorified Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for his Islam. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu proposed: “O Rasulullah! Idols are being worshipped openly whereas Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala is worshipped in secret. This cannot be. Let us go to the haram and perform salah in public.” Accordingly, Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam accepted his request and Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam with the Sahabah marched to the Ka’bah with glory and splendour. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu stood in front of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When the disbelievers who were awaiting the head of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saw this, they asked in astonishment, “O ‘Umar! What is this?” and Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu proclaimed, “I have accepted iman and become the follower of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Whoever obeys, well and good. And whoever opposes, here is my sword ready to slice off his head.” He showed his authority to the few present there and performed salah behind Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in the haram.

This is the incident of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. I have mentioned two vital points therein, viz. the supplication of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam for Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman and the incident of his acceptance of iman. I will verify these two points from Shia books. It is vital to write before proving the first point that majority of Shia mujtahidin and scholars have rejected this supplication and labelled it a Sunni fabrication. One mujtahid’s text reads:


فاروق عزتے در عرب نداشتہ پس ایں احادیث را عملاۓ سنیاں از پیش خود بر تافتہ اند و حاشا کہ جناب پیغمبر صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم ایں دعا کہ مخالف عقل و نقل ست بر زبان مبارک آوردہ نباشند

‘Umar al Faruq had no honour among the Arabs. The supplication to strengthen Islam by his embracing Islam has been fabricated by Sunni scholars. This supplication is in direct conflict to rational and narrational proofs. It could have never ever been uttered by the blessed tongue of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


This rejection is only to deceive people and protect their masses from finding out the evil of their creed. Many Shia muhaddithin and scholars have acknowledged its authenticity. Accordingly, it has been authenticated by Fadl ibn Shada, Sheikh al Tusi, ‘Alim al Huda and Sheikh al Mufid[1]. Nonetheless, I will reproduce the acknowledgement of Mulla Baqir Majlisi with a sanad from his book Bihar al Anwar — whose name is more honoured on Shia tongues than the book of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala. Mulla Baqir Majlisi narrates from Mas’ud ‘Ayyashi in vol. 14 of Bihar al Anwar which is called Kitab al Sama’ wa al ‘Alam:


روى العياشى عن الباقر عليه السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال اعز الاسلام بعمر بن الخطاب او بابى جهل بن هشام

Al ‘Ayyashi narrates from al Baqir rahimahu Llah that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam supplicated: “Grant honour to Islam by either ‘Umar ibn al Khattab or Abu Jahl ibn Hisham.”


What can we say regarding those mujtahidin who denied this supplication and deceived their masses? We can only present their rejection and Mulla Baqir Majlisi’s acknowledgement before their followers and ask them to judge for themselves as to whether their former or latter mujtahidin were liars.

Regarding the second aspect, i.e. the incident of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman, I will quote some couplets from Hamlah Haydariyyah and ask the sound minded to ponder deeply over it’s every word and decide for themselves. The author has written such glowing words notwithstanding his enmity and hatred. No one should think that Hamlah Haydariyyah is an unreliable book. In fact, Mujtahid — the Qiblah and Ka’bah of the Shia — has authenticated it and Sayed Muhammad has edited it and added footnotes to it. The edition published by Sultani publishers in Lucknow thanks to the efforts of ‘Ali Darughah has this caption on it and has these praises in the preface:

کہ ہر بیت آں بیت معمور ہست

عجب کتابے پر از نور ہست
سخن از حلاوت شود لب گزاں

بہ بزمے کہ خواںد فصلے ازاں

دل از نور ایماں منور شود

مشام محباں معطر شود
کہ آوردہ ہر نکتہ را بر محل

تعالی اللہ آں باذل بے بدل

براہ دیانت قدم میزن

بوفق روایت رقم میزند
بروں نیست از جادہ احتیاط

بہ ترجیح اخبار دارد مناط

کہ افتادہ در جان اعداء قلق

بہ نہجے گرفت ست ایراد و دق
کہ پیچیدہ دروے ہوای بہشت

عجب دفتر دل کشای نوشت

معنبر چوں باد بہارست ایں

معطر چوں مشک ٹارست ایں
زہر نکتہ اش مے شود تردماغ

زہر نکتہ سازد معطر دماغ

جگر خستگاں را مسیحاست ایں

دل آشفتگاں راتما شاست ایں
کہ گردیدہ مقبول سلطان دیں

بس ست از نعوت و صفاتش ہمیں

ز حق حجت و آیتے بر عباد

فرازندہ رایت اجتہاد
کہ نام و نشاں محمد ازوست

طریق شریعت موید ازوست

کہ ہندوستاں سبزہ زارست ازو

دل سنیاں داغدارست ازو

An amazing book filled with brilliance. Its every couplet is a Bayt al Ma’mur. In whichever gathering a portion of it is recited, its sweetness causes the lips to stick, fragrances their noses and brightens the light of iman in their hearts. Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala is great! There is no one like ‘Allamah Badhil. He has mentioned every point at the right place. He writes in accordance to narrations and chooses the trustworthy reliable path. He is an expert in giving preference to narrations and does not step out of the boundaries of caution. He is so proficient in objecting and reprimanding that the enemy (nasibi/Sunni) is utterly baffled. He wrote such an amazing and striking treatise which has the wind of Jannat in it. Fragrant like musk and pleasant like the spring breeze. Its every point perfumes the mind and its every dot brightens it. It’s a spectacle for the disturbed heart and a messiah for the weary liver. Sufficient in praise of it is that it is the favourite of Sultan Din (Sultan al ‘Ulama’). It raises the flag of ijtihad and is the proof and sign of the truth against bondsmen. The path of shari’ah gains support from it and the name of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is elevated by it. Sunni hearts are torn by it and India has become a spring owing to it.[2]


I will demonstrate the light of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman from the book which enlightens the believers’ hearts. Whoever is not blind will witness it. I will spread Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu Islam with the book which fragrances and perfumes the minds of the lovers. Whoever has a mind will smell it. I will prove this narration from the statement of that researcher who writes in accordance to narrations and treads the path of honesty. And with the acknowledgement of he who has caused sorrow to Sunni hearts, I will cause the Shia sorrow. I will wound Shia hearts with the same speech which is a balm for their wounds. And with the authentication and acceptance of Mujtahid who has wounded Sunni hearts, I will wound the hearts of his followers.

Brothers! Listen and look at this narration; what a brilliance it has. Smell the fragrance emanating from it. Without doubt, we also recite this couplet regarding this narration:

کہ افتادہ در جان اعدا قلق

بہ نہجے گرفت ست ایرادو دق
زہر نقطہ اش میشود تر دماغ

زہر نکتہ سازد معطر دماغ

معنبر چوں باد بہارست ایں

معطر چوں مشک ٹارست ایں

He is so proficient in objecting and reprimanding that the enemy is utterly baffled. He wrote such an amazing and striking treatise which has the wind of Jannat in it. Fragrant like musk and pleasant like the spring breeze. Its every point perfumes the mind and its every dot brightens it.


I will reproduce this narration verbatim from this book.

بکیفیتے شد عداوت منش

چناں بد کہ بو جہل ازاں سرزنش
نبودش دگر ہیچ فکر و خیال

کہ جز قتل پیغمبر ذو الجلال

کہ آرد کسے گر سر مصطفی

یکے روز می گفت با اشقیا
دو کوہاں سیہ دیدہ و سرخ مو

ہزار اشتراز خود بہ بخشم باد

دگر سیم و زر بخشش چند من

زدیبای مصری و برد یمن
بجنبید عرق طمع در تنش

عمر چوں شیند آں سخن گفتنش

کہ از گفتہ خویشتن نہ گزری

باو گفت سو گند گرمی خوری
بیارم بہ پیشت سر مصطفی

من امروز خدمت رسانم بجا

پس انگاہ زد در رہ کیں قدم

گرفت از ابو جہل اول قسم
یکی گفت با او نداری خبر

بآنکار چوں رفت بیروں عمر

گرفٹ دین محمد بہ پیش

کہ ہمشیرہ ات نیز با جفت خویش
بگفتا بریزم کنون خون او

برآشفت ابا حفص ازیں گفتگو

چوں آمد بنزدیک در پیش رفت

سوی خانۂ خواہر خویش رفت
صداۓ شیندو بآں گوش داد

بیامد بہ پیش درو ایستاد

کلامے کہ نشنیدہ بد مثل او

شیند آنکہ میخواند مرد نکو
ہماں خواہر و جفت او بالتمام

وزد می گرفتند یاد آں کلام

چوں آمد درون شور آغاز کرد

عمر زد در و خواہرش باز کرد
گرفتش ز حلق و بیفشر د تنگ

در افتاد باجفت خواہر بجنگ

گرفتند خصمانہ ہم را بہ بر

در آویخت داماد ہم با عمر
گرفتند خصمانہ ہم را بہ بر

در آویخت داماد ہم با عمر

گہے ایں بزیر آمدے گاہ او

زہم پوست کندند گاہ مو
فگندش بزیر و نشست از زبر

ازو چوں عمر بود پر زور تر

کہ نزدیک شد تا شود قبض جاں

گلویش بہ تنگی فشرد آنچناں
بہ گفتش چہ خواہی زما ای عمر

بیامد دواں خواہرش نوحہ گر

نمودیم دین محمد قبول

اگر شاد گردی زما در ملول
ولے برنگردیم از دین خویش

کنوں گر کشی سر بداریم پیش

بدانست کو بر نگردد دگر

چوں بشنید ازو ایں حکایت عمر
کہ گشتی بد بنش چنیں مبتلا

بگفتش چہ دیدی تو از مصطفی

کہ آرد باو حضرت جبرئیل

بگفتی کلام خداۓ جلیل
کہ ہست ایں کلام جہاں آفریں

شنیدیم گردید برما یقیں

اگر یاد داری بخواں بے ہراس

عمر گفت ازاں قول معجز اساس
عمر گوش چوں کرد حیراں بماند

برو خواہرش آیہ چند خواند

بسو داۓ اسلام سر گرم شد

دلش زاں شنیدن بسے نرم شد
بگفتاد گرنیست زیں می بجام

عمر گفت دیگربخواں زیں کلام

کہ گردید پنہاں چو نامت شنفت

ولے ہست استاد ما در نہفت
بیاریم پیشت کہ خواند ازاں

قسم گر خوری کو کہ نیا بد زیاں

بیا ورد استاد خودرا برش

چو بگرفت سو گندا زو خواہرش
بیا مد بر نزد عمر بے حجاب

بد از اہل اسلام نا مشق خباب

ابا حفص اسلام کرد اختیار

بر و خواند آیات پروردگار
ہمش قول کاہن بخاطر رسید

چوں آیات معجز بیاں راشنید

کہ آں ہم شود راست چوں ایں خبر

بہ اسلام شد رغبتش بیشتر
بنزد رسول خداۓ جہاں

و زاں پس بگشتند باہم رواں

چو در بستہ بد حلقہ بر در زدند

بدولت سراۓ پیمبرشدند
کہ استادہ باتیغ بر در عمر

یکی آمد و وید از پشت در

بماندند اصحاب اندر شگفت

بنزد نبی رفت و احوال گفت
کہ غم نیست بروی کشائید در

چنیں گفت پس عم خیر البشر

و گر باشد اورا بخاطر دغا

گر از راہ صدق آمدہ مرحبا
تنش را سبکبار سازم ز سر

یہ تیغے کہ دارد حمائل عمر

در آمد عمر بالب عذر گو

چو در باز کردند بر روۓ او
نشاندش بجائیکہ بودش سزا

گرفتش بہ بر سرور انبیاء

وزاں بیشتر یافت دیں تقویت

بگفتند اصحاب ہم تہنیت
کہ از خدمت سرور انبیاء

پس اصحاب دیں را شد ایں مدعا

نماز جماعت بجا آورند

بسوی حرم آشکارا روند
ز خیر البشر یافت عز قبول

رسید ایں سخن چوں بعرض رسول

’Umar entered into Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din after a few days. The incident is that such hatred was created in Abu Jahl’s heart that he had no other worry and concern but to assassinate Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. One day, he told the wretched, “If anyone brings Muhammad’s head, I will give him a thousand red camels with two humps and black eyes. I will also gift him Egyptian silk, Yemeni shawls and gold and silver.” When ‘Umar heard this, the veins of greed began swelling and he said, “If you take an oath that you will be true to your word, I will accomplish this task today (i.e. I will bring Muhammad’s head to you).” After taking Abu Jahl’s oath, he left with the intent of killing. When ‘Umar left for the job, someone told him, “Do you know that your sister and brother-in-law have accepted Muhammad’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din?” Abu Hafs was infuriated and promised that he will kill them immediately. He went straight to his sister’s house and found the door locked. He stood at the door. He heard some voices so he listened to them attentively. He heard an upright man reciting a speech which he had not heard before. His sister and brother-in-law were learning this speech from him. ‘Umar knocked at the door and his sister opened. As soon as he entered, he began screaming and beating and strangling his brother-in-law. ‘Umar began to brawl with the brother-in-law. He threw him down on his face and his back. He kicked him and fisted him. He pulled his hair and skin. He was all over him. ‘Umar was stronger than him so he dropped him and sat on his chest and strangled him so severely that his soul was about to depart. His sister came running, crying and shouting, “‘Umar! What do you want from us? We have accepted Muhammad’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din whether you like it or not. If you wish to kill us, then here is our heads. But we will never forsake our din.” When ‘Umar heard this, he understood that they will not budge, so he asked, “What did you see in Muhammad that you are infatuated with his din?” They responded, “We heard Allah’s speech which Jibril ‘alayh al Salam brings to him and were convinced that this is the speech of the creator of the universe.” ‘Umar bade them to recite some of that miraculous speech. His sister recited some verses which left ‘Umar astounded. His heart softened as soon as he heard that divine speech and Islam entered his mind. ‘Umar asked her to recite more. She said, “I do not remember more. Nonetheless, our teacher hid away as soon as he heard your voice. If you take an oath that you will not harm him, we will bring him out and he will recite for you.” When he took an oath, she brought her teacher out of hiding. He was a Muslim by the name Khabbab. He came in front of ‘Umar and recited the verses of the Almighty hearing which Abu Hafs immediately accepted Islam. When he heard these miraculous verses, the words of the sorcerer came to his mind and his desire for Islam increased. The sorcerer’s words are as true as his information. He then set out to meet Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The door was closed when he reached, so he knocked on the door. Someone peeped from the door and saw ‘Umar standing with his sword. He went to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and informed him of the situation. The Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum were anxious. Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam uncle (Sayyidina Hamzah radiya Llahu ‘anhu) said, “There is no need to worry. Open the door. If he came with a good intention then he is welcome. And if he came with a sinister intention, I will take the very sword hanging on him and severe his head from his body. When the door was opened, ‘Umar came in and apologised. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam caught hold of him and sat him down in a suitable place and the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum welcomed him. Din was strengthened by him. The Muslims desired that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam should proceed to the haram and perform salah in congregation openly. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam accepted their request.


NEXT⇒ Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Performing Salah in Haram and the Anger of the Quraysh

[1]  Muhammad ibn No’man al Abkari Baghdadi was born in 338 A.H. He is known as Sheikh al Mufid in Shia circles since their absent imam gave him this title. (Ma’alim al ‘Ulama’ pg. 101) He is reckoned as a great luminary, sheikh and teacher of the Shia. All the latter scholars have benefitted from him. His expertise in jurisprudence, beliefs and hadith is well-known and accepted. He was the most reliable and the greatest Shia scholar of his time. He has about 200 odd books authored. (Rowdat al Jannat vol. 6 pg. 153) The lofty rank of Sheikh al Mufid according to the Shia can be evaluated from this that their twelfth absent imam would write letters to him which would reach him from an unseen avenue after he went into hiding and after the completion of the minor disappearance. Those letters which the absent Imam wrote to him are present in the major Shia book al Ihtijaj of al Tabarsi which confirm that he was reliable according to the absent imam. He passed away in Baghdad in 413 A.H. Sayed Murtada — the brother of Sharif Radi — performed his Salat al Janazah.

[2]Hamlah Haydariyyah vol. 1 pg. 2 preface.

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Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn al Khattab’s Iman


I have established Sayyidina Abu Bakr’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. I will now discuss Sayyidina ‘Umar al Faruq’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. Everyone is aware that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was concerned day and night about the progress of Islam and how people could enter into its fold. He was not negligent about this for a second. He would not hesitate to implement every plan to accomplish this goal. Notwithstanding his tireless efforts, only a handful of Muslims numbering less than forty embraced Islam in the first six years. Finally, Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam looked at this small group and supplicated to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to increase it and make such a person a Muslim whose awe and honour will grant strength to this group and support to Islam and whose presence will make Islam shine very quickly. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam only thought of two people from his clan who fulfil these requirements, viz. Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn al Khattab radiya Llahu ‘anhu and Abu Jahl. These two personalities were highly respected, honoured and eminent. However, they had deep hatred for Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and schemed day and night to obliterate Islam. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam supplicated to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to strengthen His din with one of these two men and to give iman to either ‘Umar or Abu Jahl. Consequently, Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala accepted this supplication in favour of Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu and blessed him with iman.

The brief incident regarding Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman is that Abu Jahl who had deep hatred for Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told his cronies, “Whoever will kill Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and bring me his head, I will give him a thousand red camels and ample gold and silver coins.” Accordingly, Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu took responsibility and went out to assassinate Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu began walking one side while one the other side (it is as if) Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala commanded the angels, “Pull him to My side and put him at the feet of the one he wishes to slay. See the spectacle of My power! He sets out wretched and will return blessed. He goes as a disbeliever and will come back a pure believer. He leaves harbouring hatred for Us but will fall in the trap of Our love. He walks happily to slay our beloved and We will forcefully appoint him to kill the disbelievers. Descend to the earth and hold his hand and bring him into din.”


گرنیاید بخوشی موۓ کشایش آرید

If he does not come happily, bring him (forcefully) by his forelock.


Thus, when Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu girded the sword to his neck and set out towards Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in a fit of rage, the angels began chanting and reciting these couplets:

راست شد کارے کہ من می خواستم

آمد آں یارے کہ من می خواستم
ہم بہ نہجارے کہ من می خواستم

رفتہ رفتہ می رودآں سوۓ دام

The friend I desired has come

My desired work has been accomplished

He is slowly entering the trap as per my wish


Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu saw many miracles en route. He met a Muslim, who intended to kill but was told to first sort out his sister and brother-in-law who have embraced Islam, and then worry about others. Accordingly, Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu went to his sister’s home. He found the door shut and he heard the voice of recitation of the Qur’an. He continued listening from outside. He then knocked at the door and his sister opened. He asked her to hand over to him what they had been reciting but she refused. He began assaulting his sister and brother-in-law. When his sister saw this oppression, she shouted: “O ‘Umar! Listen! We have accepted iman and entered into the true faith. I testify that there is no deity save Allah and I testify that Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is the Rasul of Allah. Do whatever you please.” Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu calmed down and bade them to recite some Qur’an. They recited Surah Taha to him. He swooned over its eloquence and brilliance and was convinced that this is certainly the Speech of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala. He immediately recited the kalimah and accepted iman and intended to present himself to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When the news reached the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum that Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu is coming, they were struck with awe for they were well aware of his valour and intent. When Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu reached the door, no one had the courage to open it. Sayyidina Hamzah radiya Llahu ‘anhu — the uncle of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam — stood up declaring: “He is one man. If he came with a good intention, well and good. Otherwise his own sword will be used on his head.” Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu entered. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam himself stood up and embraced him with his mercy with such force that his eyes popped out. He then smiled at him and was pleased. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu shouted with sincerity at the top of his voice: “I testify that there is no deity save Allah and I testify that Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is the Rasul of Allah.” All the Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” out of happiness and praised and glorified Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for his Islam. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu proposed: “O Rasulullah! Idols are being worshipped openly whereas Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala is worshipped in secret. This cannot be. Let us go to the haram and perform salah in public.” Accordingly, Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam accepted his request and Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam with the Sahabah marched to the Ka’bah with glory and splendour. Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu stood in front of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When the disbelievers who were awaiting the head of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saw this, they asked in astonishment, “O ‘Umar! What is this?” and Sayyidina ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu proclaimed, “I have accepted iman and become the follower of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Whoever obeys, well and good. And whoever opposes, here is my sword ready to slice off his head.” He showed his authority to the few present there and performed salah behind Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in the haram.

This is the incident of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman. I have mentioned two vital points therein, viz. the supplication of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam for Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman and the incident of his acceptance of iman. I will verify these two points from Shia books. It is vital to write before proving the first point that majority of Shia mujtahidin and scholars have rejected this supplication and labelled it a Sunni fabrication. One mujtahid’s text reads:


فاروق عزتے در عرب نداشتہ پس ایں احادیث را عملاۓ سنیاں از پیش خود بر تافتہ اند و حاشا کہ جناب پیغمبر صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم ایں دعا کہ مخالف عقل و نقل ست بر زبان مبارک آوردہ نباشند

‘Umar al Faruq had no honour among the Arabs. The supplication to strengthen Islam by his embracing Islam has been fabricated by Sunni scholars. This supplication is in direct conflict to rational and narrational proofs. It could have never ever been uttered by the blessed tongue of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


This rejection is only to deceive people and protect their masses from finding out the evil of their creed. Many Shia muhaddithin and scholars have acknowledged its authenticity. Accordingly, it has been authenticated by Fadl ibn Shada, Sheikh al Tusi, ‘Alim al Huda and Sheikh al Mufid[1]. Nonetheless, I will reproduce the acknowledgement of Mulla Baqir Majlisi with a sanad from his book Bihar al Anwar — whose name is more honoured on Shia tongues than the book of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala. Mulla Baqir Majlisi narrates from Mas’ud ‘Ayyashi in vol. 14 of Bihar al Anwar which is called Kitab al Sama’ wa al ‘Alam:


روى العياشى عن الباقر عليه السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال اعز الاسلام بعمر بن الخطاب او بابى جهل بن هشام

Al ‘Ayyashi narrates from al Baqir rahimahu Llah that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam supplicated: “Grant honour to Islam by either ‘Umar ibn al Khattab or Abu Jahl ibn Hisham.”


What can we say regarding those mujtahidin who denied this supplication and deceived their masses? We can only present their rejection and Mulla Baqir Majlisi’s acknowledgement before their followers and ask them to judge for themselves as to whether their former or latter mujtahidin were liars.

Regarding the second aspect, i.e. the incident of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman, I will quote some couplets from Hamlah Haydariyyah and ask the sound minded to ponder deeply over it’s every word and decide for themselves. The author has written such glowing words notwithstanding his enmity and hatred. No one should think that Hamlah Haydariyyah is an unreliable book. In fact, Mujtahid — the Qiblah and Ka’bah of the Shia — has authenticated it and Sayed Muhammad has edited it and added footnotes to it. The edition published by Sultani publishers in Lucknow thanks to the efforts of ‘Ali Darughah has this caption on it and has these praises in the preface:

کہ ہر بیت آں بیت معمور ہست

عجب کتابے پر از نور ہست
سخن از حلاوت شود لب گزاں

بہ بزمے کہ خواںد فصلے ازاں

دل از نور ایماں منور شود

مشام محباں معطر شود
کہ آوردہ ہر نکتہ را بر محل

تعالی اللہ آں باذل بے بدل

براہ دیانت قدم میزن

بوفق روایت رقم میزند
بروں نیست از جادہ احتیاط

بہ ترجیح اخبار دارد مناط

کہ افتادہ در جان اعداء قلق

بہ نہجے گرفت ست ایراد و دق
کہ پیچیدہ دروے ہوای بہشت

عجب دفتر دل کشای نوشت

معنبر چوں باد بہارست ایں

معطر چوں مشک ٹارست ایں
زہر نکتہ اش مے شود تردماغ

زہر نکتہ سازد معطر دماغ

جگر خستگاں را مسیحاست ایں

دل آشفتگاں راتما شاست ایں
کہ گردیدہ مقبول سلطان دیں

بس ست از نعوت و صفاتش ہمیں

ز حق حجت و آیتے بر عباد

فرازندہ رایت اجتہاد
کہ نام و نشاں محمد ازوست

طریق شریعت موید ازوست

کہ ہندوستاں سبزہ زارست ازو

دل سنیاں داغدارست ازو

An amazing book filled with brilliance. Its every couplet is a Bayt al Ma’mur. In whichever gathering a portion of it is recited, its sweetness causes the lips to stick, fragrances their noses and brightens the light of iman in their hearts. Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala is great! There is no one like ‘Allamah Badhil. He has mentioned every point at the right place. He writes in accordance to narrations and chooses the trustworthy reliable path. He is an expert in giving preference to narrations and does not step out of the boundaries of caution. He is so proficient in objecting and reprimanding that the enemy (nasibi/Sunni) is utterly baffled. He wrote such an amazing and striking treatise which has the wind of Jannat in it. Fragrant like musk and pleasant like the spring breeze. Its every point perfumes the mind and its every dot brightens it. It’s a spectacle for the disturbed heart and a messiah for the weary liver. Sufficient in praise of it is that it is the favourite of Sultan Din (Sultan al ‘Ulama’). It raises the flag of ijtihad and is the proof and sign of the truth against bondsmen. The path of shari’ah gains support from it and the name of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is elevated by it. Sunni hearts are torn by it and India has become a spring owing to it.[2]


I will demonstrate the light of Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu iman from the book which enlightens the believers’ hearts. Whoever is not blind will witness it. I will spread Sayyidina ‘Umar’s radiya Llahu ‘anhu Islam with the book which fragrances and perfumes the minds of the lovers. Whoever has a mind will smell it. I will prove this narration from the statement of that researcher who writes in accordance to narrations and treads the path of honesty. And with the acknowledgement of he who has caused sorrow to Sunni hearts, I will cause the Shia sorrow. I will wound Shia hearts with the same speech which is a balm for their wounds. And with the authentication and acceptance of Mujtahid who has wounded Sunni hearts, I will wound the hearts of his followers.

Brothers! Listen and look at this narration; what a brilliance it has. Smell the fragrance emanating from it. Without doubt, we also recite this couplet regarding this narration:

کہ افتادہ در جان اعدا قلق

بہ نہجے گرفت ست ایرادو دق
زہر نقطہ اش میشود تر دماغ

زہر نکتہ سازد معطر دماغ

معنبر چوں باد بہارست ایں

معطر چوں مشک ٹارست ایں

He is so proficient in objecting and reprimanding that the enemy is utterly baffled. He wrote such an amazing and striking treatise which has the wind of Jannat in it. Fragrant like musk and pleasant like the spring breeze. Its every point perfumes the mind and its every dot brightens it.


I will reproduce this narration verbatim from this book.

بکیفیتے شد عداوت منش

چناں بد کہ بو جہل ازاں سرزنش
نبودش دگر ہیچ فکر و خیال

کہ جز قتل پیغمبر ذو الجلال

کہ آرد کسے گر سر مصطفی

یکے روز می گفت با اشقیا
دو کوہاں سیہ دیدہ و سرخ مو

ہزار اشتراز خود بہ بخشم باد

دگر سیم و زر بخشش چند من

زدیبای مصری و برد یمن
بجنبید عرق طمع در تنش

عمر چوں شیند آں سخن گفتنش

کہ از گفتہ خویشتن نہ گزری

باو گفت سو گند گرمی خوری
بیارم بہ پیشت سر مصطفی

من امروز خدمت رسانم بجا

پس انگاہ زد در رہ کیں قدم

گرفت از ابو جہل اول قسم
یکی گفت با او نداری خبر

بآنکار چوں رفت بیروں عمر

گرفٹ دین محمد بہ پیش

کہ ہمشیرہ ات نیز با جفت خویش
بگفتا بریزم کنون خون او

برآشفت ابا حفص ازیں گفتگو

چوں آمد بنزدیک در پیش رفت

سوی خانۂ خواہر خویش رفت
صداۓ شیندو بآں گوش داد

بیامد بہ پیش درو ایستاد

کلامے کہ نشنیدہ بد مثل او

شیند آنکہ میخواند مرد نکو
ہماں خواہر و جفت او بالتمام

وزد می گرفتند یاد آں کلام

چوں آمد درون شور آغاز کرد

عمر زد در و خواہرش باز کرد
گرفتش ز حلق و بیفشر د تنگ

در افتاد باجفت خواہر بجنگ

گرفتند خصمانہ ہم را بہ بر

در آویخت داماد ہم با عمر
گرفتند خصمانہ ہم را بہ بر

در آویخت داماد ہم با عمر

گہے ایں بزیر آمدے گاہ او

زہم پوست کندند گاہ مو
فگندش بزیر و نشست از زبر

ازو چوں عمر بود پر زور تر

کہ نزدیک شد تا شود قبض جاں

گلویش بہ تنگی فشرد آنچناں
بہ گفتش چہ خواہی زما ای عمر

بیامد دواں خواہرش نوحہ گر

نمودیم دین محمد قبول

اگر شاد گردی زما در ملول
ولے برنگردیم از دین خویش

کنوں گر کشی سر بداریم پیش

بدانست کو بر نگردد دگر

چوں بشنید ازو ایں حکایت عمر
کہ گشتی بد بنش چنیں مبتلا

بگفتش چہ دیدی تو از مصطفی

کہ آرد باو حضرت جبرئیل

بگفتی کلام خداۓ جلیل
کہ ہست ایں کلام جہاں آفریں

شنیدیم گردید برما یقیں

اگر یاد داری بخواں بے ہراس

عمر گفت ازاں قول معجز اساس
عمر گوش چوں کرد حیراں بماند

برو خواہرش آیہ چند خواند

بسو داۓ اسلام سر گرم شد

دلش زاں شنیدن بسے نرم شد
بگفتاد گرنیست زیں می بجام

عمر گفت دیگربخواں زیں کلام

کہ گردید پنہاں چو نامت شنفت

ولے ہست استاد ما در نہفت
بیاریم پیشت کہ خواند ازاں

قسم گر خوری کو کہ نیا بد زیاں

بیا ورد استاد خودرا برش

چو بگرفت سو گندا زو خواہرش
بیا مد بر نزد عمر بے حجاب

بد از اہل اسلام نا مشق خباب

ابا حفص اسلام کرد اختیار

بر و خواند آیات پروردگار
ہمش قول کاہن بخاطر رسید

چوں آیات معجز بیاں راشنید

کہ آں ہم شود راست چوں ایں خبر

بہ اسلام شد رغبتش بیشتر
بنزد رسول خداۓ جہاں

و زاں پس بگشتند باہم رواں

چو در بستہ بد حلقہ بر در زدند

بدولت سراۓ پیمبرشدند
کہ استادہ باتیغ بر در عمر

یکی آمد و وید از پشت در

بماندند اصحاب اندر شگفت

بنزد نبی رفت و احوال گفت
کہ غم نیست بروی کشائید در

چنیں گفت پس عم خیر البشر

و گر باشد اورا بخاطر دغا

گر از راہ صدق آمدہ مرحبا
تنش را سبکبار سازم ز سر

یہ تیغے کہ دارد حمائل عمر

در آمد عمر بالب عذر گو

چو در باز کردند بر روۓ او
نشاندش بجائیکہ بودش سزا

گرفتش بہ بر سرور انبیاء

وزاں بیشتر یافت دیں تقویت

بگفتند اصحاب ہم تہنیت
کہ از خدمت سرور انبیاء

پس اصحاب دیں را شد ایں مدعا

نماز جماعت بجا آورند

بسوی حرم آشکارا روند
ز خیر البشر یافت عز قبول

رسید ایں سخن چوں بعرض رسول

’Umar entered into Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din after a few days. The incident is that such hatred was created in Abu Jahl’s heart that he had no other worry and concern but to assassinate Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. One day, he told the wretched, “If anyone brings Muhammad’s head, I will give him a thousand red camels with two humps and black eyes. I will also gift him Egyptian silk, Yemeni shawls and gold and silver.” When ‘Umar heard this, the veins of greed began swelling and he said, “If you take an oath that you will be true to your word, I will accomplish this task today (i.e. I will bring Muhammad’s head to you).” After taking Abu Jahl’s oath, he left with the intent of killing. When ‘Umar left for the job, someone told him, “Do you know that your sister and brother-in-law have accepted Muhammad’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din?” Abu Hafs was infuriated and promised that he will kill them immediately. He went straight to his sister’s house and found the door locked. He stood at the door. He heard some voices so he listened to them attentively. He heard an upright man reciting a speech which he had not heard before. His sister and brother-in-law were learning this speech from him. ‘Umar knocked at the door and his sister opened. As soon as he entered, he began screaming and beating and strangling his brother-in-law. ‘Umar began to brawl with the brother-in-law. He threw him down on his face and his back. He kicked him and fisted him. He pulled his hair and skin. He was all over him. ‘Umar was stronger than him so he dropped him and sat on his chest and strangled him so severely that his soul was about to depart. His sister came running, crying and shouting, “‘Umar! What do you want from us? We have accepted Muhammad’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam din whether you like it or not. If you wish to kill us, then here is our heads. But we will never forsake our din.” When ‘Umar heard this, he understood that they will not budge, so he asked, “What did you see in Muhammad that you are infatuated with his din?” They responded, “We heard Allah’s speech which Jibril ‘alayh al Salam brings to him and were convinced that this is the speech of the creator of the universe.” ‘Umar bade them to recite some of that miraculous speech. His sister recited some verses which left ‘Umar astounded. His heart softened as soon as he heard that divine speech and Islam entered his mind. ‘Umar asked her to recite more. She said, “I do not remember more. Nonetheless, our teacher hid away as soon as he heard your voice. If you take an oath that you will not harm him, we will bring him out and he will recite for you.” When he took an oath, she brought her teacher out of hiding. He was a Muslim by the name Khabbab. He came in front of ‘Umar and recited the verses of the Almighty hearing which Abu Hafs immediately accepted Islam. When he heard these miraculous verses, the words of the sorcerer came to his mind and his desire for Islam increased. The sorcerer’s words are as true as his information. He then set out to meet Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The door was closed when he reached, so he knocked on the door. Someone peeped from the door and saw ‘Umar standing with his sword. He went to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and informed him of the situation. The Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum were anxious. Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam uncle (Sayyidina Hamzah radiya Llahu ‘anhu) said, “There is no need to worry. Open the door. If he came with a good intention then he is welcome. And if he came with a sinister intention, I will take the very sword hanging on him and severe his head from his body. When the door was opened, ‘Umar came in and apologised. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam caught hold of him and sat him down in a suitable place and the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum welcomed him. Din was strengthened by him. The Muslims desired that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam should proceed to the haram and perform salah in congregation openly. Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam accepted their request.


NEXT⇒ Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Performing Salah in Haram and the Anger of the Quraysh

[1]  Muhammad ibn No’man al Abkari Baghdadi was born in 338 A.H. He is known as Sheikh al Mufid in Shia circles since their absent imam gave him this title. (Ma’alim al ‘Ulama’ pg. 101) He is reckoned as a great luminary, sheikh and teacher of the Shia. All the latter scholars have benefitted from him. His expertise in jurisprudence, beliefs and hadith is well-known and accepted. He was the most reliable and the greatest Shia scholar of his time. He has about 200 odd books authored. (Rowdat al Jannat vol. 6 pg. 153) The lofty rank of Sheikh al Mufid according to the Shia can be evaluated from this that their twelfth absent imam would write letters to him which would reach him from an unseen avenue after he went into hiding and after the completion of the minor disappearance. Those letters which the absent Imam wrote to him are present in the major Shia book al Ihtijaj of al Tabarsi which confirm that he was reliable according to the absent imam. He passed away in Baghdad in 413 A.H. Sayed Murtada — the brother of Sharif Radi — performed his Salat al Janazah.

[2]Hamlah Haydariyyah vol. 1 pg. 2 preface.