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My projects for Reformation which I request the Shia Imamiyyah to participate in are condensed in the following points:
These are the narrations upon which the Guardian Jurists and Mujtahids take support to incorporate innovations, hollowness, and crookedness in our pure, pristine, illuminating religion. Indeed, these narrations played a destructive role in creating dissension and putting the Shia against the Ahlus Sunnah and vice versa. In these narrations, many aspects are found, all of which work in the favour of the Jurists and confirm their power over us. Likewise, I refer to those narrations that deal with Taqiyyah, Mut’ah, other concocted matters attributed to the Imams, and what appears in the book al Shia wa al Tashih [1]; this serious, mammoth project demands wealth and effort.
Sifting through the books alone will not mean anything except when the books are printed, after thorough revision and rectification, then distributed, so that the popular saying aptly applies: Quality currency removes bad currency from the market. These books exceed well beyond hundreds of large volumes. Without strong financial backing, nothing will be realised.
This is one of the most significant steps to free the Shia from servitude and ideological autocracy represented in their absolute following of the Ayatollahs, Hujaj al Islam (authorities on Islam), and Thiqat al Islam (reliable in Islam) according to the labels and titles these ayatollahs and authorities named themselves, and in which the Shia have no option.
Here I wish to elucidate on a grave matter. These titles were not common in the era of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the pious predecessors, and the first Islamic generations. The title ayatollah is corrupted from a Magian title which the soothsayers would give to the kings of Persia, i.e., Zill Allah (lit. Shade of Allah). It was corrupted to ayatollah to become the title of the Guardian Jurists.
The Shia’s emulation and blind following of Imam al Sadiq ‘alayh al Salam precisely, without detours and evasions, is sounder for them and offering better guarantee for their world and Afterlife. Through this, we save the free Shia Imamiyyah from the ideological prison stretching for twelve centuries. The Guardian Jurists have hitherto enslaved the Shia on the sole basis of them being the transmitters of the Fiqh of Imam al Sadiq ‘alayh al Salam. Undoubtedly, it would be preferable and superior for the Shia to return directly to the original source without having to cough up the great oppressive tax the Guardians imposed upon them.
A questioner asks me, “Why should it not be in one of the Islamic countries because the call is to return to the era of Prophethood, what the pious predecessors were upon, and the Fiqh of the Ahlul Bayt?”
It is necessary to answer this question with one sentence. If I am able to obtain one hand span of earth in the spacious and extensive Islamic lands—which extend from the mountain pass of Jabal Tariq to the ocean of China—where I am able to articulate my message with freedom without police visiting me at the end of the night, or print a single booklet on reformation without an inspector passing by me, I would have chosen that space of earth. However, there is no power nor strength except with Allah.
It indents the soul of every believer in the message of reformation to see an imposing structure built with millions of dollars of Shia wealth in the heart of New York. It is a station to spread disunity and ethnicity firstly among the Shia, then between the Shia and other Islamic sects. In this manner, Shia wealth is spent improperly and incorrectly to demolish Islamic unity and disfigure the image of the Shia rather than spending it on Islamic unity, the benefit of the Muslims, and the projects of reformation.
The affluent and rich Shia as well as active men who believe in the Reformation Movement are summoned to participate in the steps we wish to carry out, each in his capacity and according to his situation. Whoever Allah blesses to join in this project ought to thank and praise Allah for this. It contains goodness for the Shia, as a portion of the Islamic Ummah, and goodness for Islam in its general form. He ought to know that he is participating in helping the Ummah and freeing it ideologically, physically, and materialistically; not only for the generation he is a contemporary of, but for upcoming generations until the appearance of the Hour.
NEXT⇒ Characteristics of the Reformation
[1] An English translation of this book can be downloaded from
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My projects for Reformation which I request the Shia Imamiyyah to participate in are condensed in the following points:
These are the narrations upon which the Guardian Jurists and Mujtahids take support to incorporate innovations, hollowness, and crookedness in our pure, pristine, illuminating religion. Indeed, these narrations played a destructive role in creating dissension and putting the Shia against the Ahlus Sunnah and vice versa. In these narrations, many aspects are found, all of which work in the favour of the Jurists and confirm their power over us. Likewise, I refer to those narrations that deal with Taqiyyah, Mut’ah, other concocted matters attributed to the Imams, and what appears in the book al Shia wa al Tashih [1]; this serious, mammoth project demands wealth and effort.
Sifting through the books alone will not mean anything except when the books are printed, after thorough revision and rectification, then distributed, so that the popular saying aptly applies: Quality currency removes bad currency from the market. These books exceed well beyond hundreds of large volumes. Without strong financial backing, nothing will be realised.
This is one of the most significant steps to free the Shia from servitude and ideological autocracy represented in their absolute following of the Ayatollahs, Hujaj al Islam (authorities on Islam), and Thiqat al Islam (reliable in Islam) according to the labels and titles these ayatollahs and authorities named themselves, and in which the Shia have no option.
Here I wish to elucidate on a grave matter. These titles were not common in the era of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the pious predecessors, and the first Islamic generations. The title ayatollah is corrupted from a Magian title which the soothsayers would give to the kings of Persia, i.e., Zill Allah (lit. Shade of Allah). It was corrupted to ayatollah to become the title of the Guardian Jurists.
The Shia’s emulation and blind following of Imam al Sadiq ‘alayh al Salam precisely, without detours and evasions, is sounder for them and offering better guarantee for their world and Afterlife. Through this, we save the free Shia Imamiyyah from the ideological prison stretching for twelve centuries. The Guardian Jurists have hitherto enslaved the Shia on the sole basis of them being the transmitters of the Fiqh of Imam al Sadiq ‘alayh al Salam. Undoubtedly, it would be preferable and superior for the Shia to return directly to the original source without having to cough up the great oppressive tax the Guardians imposed upon them.
A questioner asks me, “Why should it not be in one of the Islamic countries because the call is to return to the era of Prophethood, what the pious predecessors were upon, and the Fiqh of the Ahlul Bayt?”
It is necessary to answer this question with one sentence. If I am able to obtain one hand span of earth in the spacious and extensive Islamic lands—which extend from the mountain pass of Jabal Tariq to the ocean of China—where I am able to articulate my message with freedom without police visiting me at the end of the night, or print a single booklet on reformation without an inspector passing by me, I would have chosen that space of earth. However, there is no power nor strength except with Allah.
It indents the soul of every believer in the message of reformation to see an imposing structure built with millions of dollars of Shia wealth in the heart of New York. It is a station to spread disunity and ethnicity firstly among the Shia, then between the Shia and other Islamic sects. In this manner, Shia wealth is spent improperly and incorrectly to demolish Islamic unity and disfigure the image of the Shia rather than spending it on Islamic unity, the benefit of the Muslims, and the projects of reformation.
The affluent and rich Shia as well as active men who believe in the Reformation Movement are summoned to participate in the steps we wish to carry out, each in his capacity and according to his situation. Whoever Allah blesses to join in this project ought to thank and praise Allah for this. It contains goodness for the Shia, as a portion of the Islamic Ummah, and goodness for Islam in its general form. He ought to know that he is participating in helping the Ummah and freeing it ideologically, physically, and materialistically; not only for the generation he is a contemporary of, but for upcoming generations until the appearance of the Hour.
NEXT⇒ Characteristics of the Reformation
[1] An English translation of this book can be downloaded from