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The matter of appointment and dismissal has been presented with clarity to the readers. This much is enough to understand the theme of the matter. Nonetheless, we present few other discussions at this juncture. If the readers do away with prejudice and partiality, and ponder over them with fairness, solace will be brought to the heart, Allah willing, and they will prove extremely beneficial to realise the innocence of Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu.
The critics state:
قسم الولايات بين أقاربه
‘Uthman divided the departments of state among his relatives.[1]
In short, Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu gave his brethren high posts they were unfit for and made wrong allocations due to which an environment of tribalism and discrimination spread. At the end, this was the cause of fitnah and turmoil and led to the martyrdom of Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu.
In relation to this accusation, five discussions will be presented to the readers.
Firstly, the number of offices given to the relatives of ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu which are the basis of criticism should be ascertained. Moreover, how many posts were given to others besides them. Similarly, how many relatives of Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu were appointed as governors and how many besides them were appointed as governors in various areas.
Secondly, it should be clarified as to what kind of people were the ones who were given these offices and posts. What type of behaviour did they have? Was the religion adversely affected due to them? Was Islam destroyed? Or were they, to the contrary, good people? They had immaculate behaviour. They were bearers of many virtues. The religion of Islam benefitted tremendously through their beings. The religion developed, the flag of Islam flew aloft, and the voice of Islam reached the pinnacle of the world.
Thirdly, worthy to note is whether consideration of granting offices to family members and relatives was only found in the ‘Uthmani era or whether it was present in the former and later eras as well. It is befitting to evaluate the ‘Uthmani era with other eras in this regard so that a judgement may be reached as regards to the ‘Uthmani era being worthy of criticism or not.
Fourthly, if Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu favoured his relatives with an abundance of wealth, then it needs to be ascertained whether this action of his was sanctioned in the Shari’ah or not and what sort of favouritism this was. This will be discussed rationally and textually, and will prove beneficial in removing all misconceptions.
Fifthly, the final discussion will be whether favouritism of relatives (whether by appointment to office or giving wealth) during the ‘Uthmani era led to tribalism and discrimination between tribes and finally tribulations in the final days, or were there other causes that led to the troubles and problems? Allah willing, this will be investigated thoroughly in the final discussion in the light of the actual happenings of the time.
Now, a detailed discussion on all these five themes will ensue.
[1] Minhaj al Karamah of Ibn al Mutahhar al Hilli al Shia, pg. 66, Lahore print, under the accusations against ‘Uthman, the rebuttal of which was penned by Ibn Taymiyyah al Harrani and titled Minhaj al Sunnah.