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Al Hakim narrates from the chain of Jarir, from al A’mash, from Abu Wa’il, from Masruq who reports:
قالت لي عائشة رضي الله عنها إني رأيتني على تل و حولي بقر تنحر فقلت لها لئن صدقت رؤياك لتكونن حولك ملحمة قالت أعوذ بالله من شرك بئس ما قلت فقلت لها فلعله إن كان أمرا سيسوءك فقالت والله لئن أخر من السماء أحب إلي من أن أفعل ذلك فلما كان بعد ذكر عندها أن عليا رضي الله عنه قتل ذا الثدية فقالت لي إذا أنت قدمت الكوفة فاكتب لي ناسا ممن شهد ذلك ممن تعرف من أهل البلد فلما قدمت وجدت الناس أشياعا فكتبت لها من كل شيع عشرة ممن شهد ذلك قال فأتيتها بشهادتهم فقالت لعن الله عمرو بن العاص فإنه زعم لي أنه قتله بمصر
‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha said to me, “[In a dream] I saw myself on a hill while cattle were being slaughtered around me.”
I said to her, “If your dream is true, there will certainly be a great battle around you.”
She said, “I seek Allah’s protection from your evil. What you said was very nasty.”
I said to her, “Probably whatever it might be, it will be upsetting to you.”
She said, “By Allah, me falling from the sky is more beloved to me that doing this.”
After some time, news reached her that ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu killed dhu al thudayyah (the small breasted one), hearing which she told me, “When you go to Kufah, write the names of those people who witnessed this, from the residents of the city you are familiar with.”
When I reached Kufah, I found people in different groups. So I wrote 10 names from each group for her who witnessed this. I then brought their testimony to her seeing which she commented: “May Allah curse ‘Amr ibn al ‘As. He affirmed to me that he killed him in Egypt.”[1]
This narration may be answered with the following:
Firstly, the narration is shadh (contradictory to authentic narrations). This is due to the fact that Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated this hadith in his Musannaf with the following words:
حدثنا أبو معاوية عن الأعمش عن شقيق عن مسروق عن عائشة قالت رأيتني على تل كأن حولي بقرا تنحر فقال مسروق إن استطعت أن لا تكوني أنت هي فافعلي قال فابتليت بذلك رحمها الله
Abu Muawiyah reported to us from al A’mash, from Shaqiq, from Masruq, from ‘Aisha that she said, “I saw myself on a hill and it was as if cattle were being slaughtered around me.”
Masruq said, “If you are able to make sure that it is not you, then do so.”
He says, “She was tested with this, may Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala shower His mercy upon her.”[2]
This narration has no mention of Sayyidah ‘Aisha cursing Sayyidina ‘Amr radiya Llahu ‘anhum. Following this, the addition in al Hakim’s narration is shadh because Jarir contradicts Abu Muawiyah Muhammad ibn Khazim and Abu Muawiyah is more reliable than Jarir ibn ‘Abdul Hamid in the ahadith they narrate from al A’mash.
Yahya ibn Ma’in says,
أبو معاوية أثبت من جرير في الأعمش
Abu Muawiyah is more reliable than Jarir when reporting from al A’mash.[3]
In fact, Jarir himself says:
كنا نخرج من عند الأعمش فلا يكون أحفظ منا لحديثه من أبي معاوية
We would leave the gathering of al A’mash. None of us would retain his ahadith better than Abu Muawiyah.[4]
Secondly, it is in polarity to what has been transmitted from her and in contrast to her recognised personality. She would overlook and pardon those who wronged her and prohibit others from dealing spitefully with them. The following narration Hisham reports from his father supports this:
أن حسان بن ثابت كان ممن كثر على عائشة فسببته فقالت يا ابن أختي دعه فإنه كان ينافح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم
Hassan ibn Thabit was one of those who spoke against ‘Aisha so I cussed him. But ‘Aisha advised, “O my nephew! Leave him since he would defend Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”[5]
[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 4 pg. 14. Al Hakim comments, “This is a sahih hadith which meets the standards of al Bukhari and Muslim. However, they have not documented it.”
[2] Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah vol. 11 pg. 77.
[3] Al Jarh wa al Ta’dil of Ibn Abi Hatim vol. 7 pg. 247.
[4] Tadhkirat al Huffaz vol. 1 pg. 215.
[5] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3531; Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2488.
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Al Hakim narrates from the chain of Jarir, from al A’mash, from Abu Wa’il, from Masruq who reports:
قالت لي عائشة رضي الله عنها إني رأيتني على تل و حولي بقر تنحر فقلت لها لئن صدقت رؤياك لتكونن حولك ملحمة قالت أعوذ بالله من شرك بئس ما قلت فقلت لها فلعله إن كان أمرا سيسوءك فقالت والله لئن أخر من السماء أحب إلي من أن أفعل ذلك فلما كان بعد ذكر عندها أن عليا رضي الله عنه قتل ذا الثدية فقالت لي إذا أنت قدمت الكوفة فاكتب لي ناسا ممن شهد ذلك ممن تعرف من أهل البلد فلما قدمت وجدت الناس أشياعا فكتبت لها من كل شيع عشرة ممن شهد ذلك قال فأتيتها بشهادتهم فقالت لعن الله عمرو بن العاص فإنه زعم لي أنه قتله بمصر
‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha said to me, “[In a dream] I saw myself on a hill while cattle were being slaughtered around me.”
I said to her, “If your dream is true, there will certainly be a great battle around you.”
She said, “I seek Allah’s protection from your evil. What you said was very nasty.”
I said to her, “Probably whatever it might be, it will be upsetting to you.”
She said, “By Allah, me falling from the sky is more beloved to me that doing this.”
After some time, news reached her that ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu killed dhu al thudayyah (the small breasted one), hearing which she told me, “When you go to Kufah, write the names of those people who witnessed this, from the residents of the city you are familiar with.”
When I reached Kufah, I found people in different groups. So I wrote 10 names from each group for her who witnessed this. I then brought their testimony to her seeing which she commented: “May Allah curse ‘Amr ibn al ‘As. He affirmed to me that he killed him in Egypt.”[1]
This narration may be answered with the following:
Firstly, the narration is shadh (contradictory to authentic narrations). This is due to the fact that Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated this hadith in his Musannaf with the following words:
حدثنا أبو معاوية عن الأعمش عن شقيق عن مسروق عن عائشة قالت رأيتني على تل كأن حولي بقرا تنحر فقال مسروق إن استطعت أن لا تكوني أنت هي فافعلي قال فابتليت بذلك رحمها الله
Abu Muawiyah reported to us from al A’mash, from Shaqiq, from Masruq, from ‘Aisha that she said, “I saw myself on a hill and it was as if cattle were being slaughtered around me.”
Masruq said, “If you are able to make sure that it is not you, then do so.”
He says, “She was tested with this, may Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala shower His mercy upon her.”[2]
This narration has no mention of Sayyidah ‘Aisha cursing Sayyidina ‘Amr radiya Llahu ‘anhum. Following this, the addition in al Hakim’s narration is shadh because Jarir contradicts Abu Muawiyah Muhammad ibn Khazim and Abu Muawiyah is more reliable than Jarir ibn ‘Abdul Hamid in the ahadith they narrate from al A’mash.
Yahya ibn Ma’in says,
أبو معاوية أثبت من جرير في الأعمش
Abu Muawiyah is more reliable than Jarir when reporting from al A’mash.[3]
In fact, Jarir himself says:
كنا نخرج من عند الأعمش فلا يكون أحفظ منا لحديثه من أبي معاوية
We would leave the gathering of al A’mash. None of us would retain his ahadith better than Abu Muawiyah.[4]
Secondly, it is in polarity to what has been transmitted from her and in contrast to her recognised personality. She would overlook and pardon those who wronged her and prohibit others from dealing spitefully with them. The following narration Hisham reports from his father supports this:
أن حسان بن ثابت كان ممن كثر على عائشة فسببته فقالت يا ابن أختي دعه فإنه كان ينافح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم
Hassan ibn Thabit was one of those who spoke against ‘Aisha so I cussed him. But ‘Aisha advised, “O my nephew! Leave him since he would defend Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”[5]
[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 4 pg. 14. Al Hakim comments, “This is a sahih hadith which meets the standards of al Bukhari and Muslim. However, they have not documented it.”
[2] Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah vol. 11 pg. 77.
[3] Al Jarh wa al Ta’dil of Ibn Abi Hatim vol. 7 pg. 247.
[4] Tadhkirat al Huffaz vol. 1 pg. 215.
[5] Sahih al Bukhari Hadith: 3531; Sahih Muslim Hadith: 2488.