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He is Sayyidina Harithah ibn Suraqah ibn al Harith ibn ‘Adi ibn Malik ibn ‘Amir ibn Ghanam ibn ‘Adi ibn al Najjar al Ansari al Najjari radiya Llahu ‘anhu. His mother is Rubayyi’ bint al Nadr, the paternal aunt of Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik radiya Llahu ‘anhu. He was martyred on the Day of Badr by Hibban ibn al ‘Araqah with an arrow while he was drinking from a pond. He left as a spectator on the Day of Badr but was struck with an arrow in his throat, thus, becoming the first martyr at Badr from the Ansar. He had no children.
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had contracted brotherhood between him and Sayyidina Sa’ib ibn ‘Uthman ibn Maz’un al Jumahi radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[1]
His entry into Jannat is established in the hadith of Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Al Bukhari, Imam Ahmed, and al Tirmidhi report from Qatadah:
حدثنا أنس بن مالك أن أم الربيع بنت البراء و هي أم حارثة بن سراقة أتت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فقالت يا نبي الله ألا تحدثني عن حارثة و كان قتل يوم بدر أصابه سهم غرب فإن كان في الجنة صبرت و إن كان غير ذلك اجتهدت في البكاء قال يا أم حارثة إنها جنان و إن ابنك أصاب الفردوس الأعلى
Anas ibn Malik narrated to us that Umm al Rubayyi’ bint al Bara’ who is the mother of Harithah ibn Suraqah approached the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and submitted, “O prophet of Allah, will you not inform me about Harithah―he was killed on the Day of Badr when a stray arrow struck him. If he is in Jannat, I will exercise patience. And if it is not so, I will exert myself in crying.”
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “O mother of Harithah. Certainly, it (Jannat) comprises of many gardens and your son has attained al Firdaws al A’la (the highest).”[2]
Al Tirmidhi added:
و الفردوس ربوة الجنة و أوسطها و أفضلها
Al Firdaws is the peak of Jannat, its centre, and finest.
This is also recorded by Ahmed but as Qatadah’s statement.
NEXT⇒ Hudhayfah ibn al Yaman radiya Llahu ‘anhu
[1] Al Tabaqat, vol. 3 pg. 510; al Isti’ab, vol. 1 pg. 91; Siyar A’lam al Nubala’, vol. 1 pg. 163; al Isabah, vol. 1 pg. 614.
[2] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 2654; Musnad Ahmed, vol. 21 pg. 280, Sunan al Tirmidhi, vol. 5 pg. 327.
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He is Sayyidina Harithah ibn Suraqah ibn al Harith ibn ‘Adi ibn Malik ibn ‘Amir ibn Ghanam ibn ‘Adi ibn al Najjar al Ansari al Najjari radiya Llahu ‘anhu. His mother is Rubayyi’ bint al Nadr, the paternal aunt of Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik radiya Llahu ‘anhu. He was martyred on the Day of Badr by Hibban ibn al ‘Araqah with an arrow while he was drinking from a pond. He left as a spectator on the Day of Badr but was struck with an arrow in his throat, thus, becoming the first martyr at Badr from the Ansar. He had no children.
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had contracted brotherhood between him and Sayyidina Sa’ib ibn ‘Uthman ibn Maz’un al Jumahi radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[1]
His entry into Jannat is established in the hadith of Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Al Bukhari, Imam Ahmed, and al Tirmidhi report from Qatadah:
حدثنا أنس بن مالك أن أم الربيع بنت البراء و هي أم حارثة بن سراقة أتت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فقالت يا نبي الله ألا تحدثني عن حارثة و كان قتل يوم بدر أصابه سهم غرب فإن كان في الجنة صبرت و إن كان غير ذلك اجتهدت في البكاء قال يا أم حارثة إنها جنان و إن ابنك أصاب الفردوس الأعلى
Anas ibn Malik narrated to us that Umm al Rubayyi’ bint al Bara’ who is the mother of Harithah ibn Suraqah approached the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and submitted, “O prophet of Allah, will you not inform me about Harithah―he was killed on the Day of Badr when a stray arrow struck him. If he is in Jannat, I will exercise patience. And if it is not so, I will exert myself in crying.”
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “O mother of Harithah. Certainly, it (Jannat) comprises of many gardens and your son has attained al Firdaws al A’la (the highest).”[2]
Al Tirmidhi added:
و الفردوس ربوة الجنة و أوسطها و أفضلها
Al Firdaws is the peak of Jannat, its centre, and finest.
This is also recorded by Ahmed but as Qatadah’s statement.
NEXT⇒ Hudhayfah ibn al Yaman radiya Llahu ‘anhu
[1] Al Tabaqat, vol. 3 pg. 510; al Isti’ab, vol. 1 pg. 91; Siyar A’lam al Nubala’, vol. 1 pg. 163; al Isabah, vol. 1 pg. 614.
[2] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 2654; Musnad Ahmed, vol. 21 pg. 280, Sunan al Tirmidhi, vol. 5 pg. 327.