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إن لك لأضراسا ثواقب، أمرت بتزويجك من السماء، وقتلك المشركين يوم بدر، وتقتل من بعدي على سنتي، وتبرئ ذمتي.
Verily you exceptional accolades; I was ordered to conduct your marriage from the Heavens; and your killing of the mushrikin (polytheists) on the Day of Badr; and (the fact that) you will be killed following my Sunnah after me; and you will fulfill my covenant.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Makhlad al Bazzar — Abu al Fadl ‘Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz narrated to them — Ahmed ibn Ibrahim said — ‘Ali ibn ‘Abdullah informed us — Muhammad ibn Yunus narrated to them — Sa’id ibn Idris narrated to us — Qais ibn al Rabi’ narrated to us — from al ‘Amash — from ‘Abayah ibn Rib’i — from Abu Ayub al Ansari who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib…”[1]
Qais ibn al Rabi’ al Asadi is da’if (weak).
I could not trace Ahmed ibn Ibrahim and ‘Ali ibn ‘Abdullah; too many people carry this name.
Muhammad ibn Yunus is al Kudaymi. He is da’if (weak) and is accused of lying.
Sa’id ibn Idris could not be traced.
In the second chain of transmission that Ibn al Maghazili narrates, he names the above narrator as Sa’id ibn Aws.[2] He is a shia about whom there is a difference of opinion. Most hadith critics regard his as a thiqah (reliable).
The chain of transmission also contains the narrators Muhammad ibn Yunus, Qais, and ‘Abayah. They are all da’if (weak).
It also contains the narrator Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn al Hussain ibn al Tayyib al Sufi. I could not trace him.
Ibn al Maghazili also narrates this hadith in another place with lengthier wording.[3]
It contains the narrators Qais and ‘Abayah. They are both da’if (weak).
It also contains the narrator Abu Muhammad Jafar ibn Nasir al Khuldi. I could not trace him.
It also contains the narrator Hussain ibn Hassan al Ashqar. He is da’if (weak). Some have even accused him of lying.
According to me, there is no doubt that this hadith, with this wording, is one of the greatest lies.
In short, the hadith is a fabrication and a lie.
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 142.
[2] Ibid., hadith no. 143.
[3] Ibid., hadith no. 144.
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إن لك لأضراسا ثواقب، أمرت بتزويجك من السماء، وقتلك المشركين يوم بدر، وتقتل من بعدي على سنتي، وتبرئ ذمتي.
Verily you exceptional accolades; I was ordered to conduct your marriage from the Heavens; and your killing of the mushrikin (polytheists) on the Day of Badr; and (the fact that) you will be killed following my Sunnah after me; and you will fulfill my covenant.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Makhlad al Bazzar — Abu al Fadl ‘Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz narrated to them — Ahmed ibn Ibrahim said — ‘Ali ibn ‘Abdullah informed us — Muhammad ibn Yunus narrated to them — Sa’id ibn Idris narrated to us — Qais ibn al Rabi’ narrated to us — from al ‘Amash — from ‘Abayah ibn Rib’i — from Abu Ayub al Ansari who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saying to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib…”[1]
Qais ibn al Rabi’ al Asadi is da’if (weak).
I could not trace Ahmed ibn Ibrahim and ‘Ali ibn ‘Abdullah; too many people carry this name.
Muhammad ibn Yunus is al Kudaymi. He is da’if (weak) and is accused of lying.
Sa’id ibn Idris could not be traced.
In the second chain of transmission that Ibn al Maghazili narrates, he names the above narrator as Sa’id ibn Aws.[2] He is a shia about whom there is a difference of opinion. Most hadith critics regard his as a thiqah (reliable).
The chain of transmission also contains the narrators Muhammad ibn Yunus, Qais, and ‘Abayah. They are all da’if (weak).
It also contains the narrator Abu al Hassan ‘Ali ibn al Hussain ibn al Tayyib al Sufi. I could not trace him.
Ibn al Maghazili also narrates this hadith in another place with lengthier wording.[3]
It contains the narrators Qais and ‘Abayah. They are both da’if (weak).
It also contains the narrator Abu Muhammad Jafar ibn Nasir al Khuldi. I could not trace him.
It also contains the narrator Hussain ibn Hassan al Ashqar. He is da’if (weak). Some have even accused him of lying.
According to me, there is no doubt that this hadith, with this wording, is one of the greatest lies.
In short, the hadith is a fabrication and a lie.
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 142.
[2] Ibid., hadith no. 143.
[3] Ibid., hadith no. 144.