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إن الله عز وجل أنزل قطعة من نور، فأسكنها في صلب آدم، فساقها حتى قسمها جزئين: جزء في صلب عبد الله، وجزء في صلب أبي طالب، فأخرجني نبيا، وأخرج عليا وصيا.
Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala sent down a portion of nur (light). He made it settle in the backbone of Adam. He carried it until he divided it into two portions: a portion in the backbone of ‘Abdullah, and a portion in the backbone of Abu Talib. He brought me out (of ‘Abdullah’s portion of nur) as a Prophet, and He brought ‘Ali out (of Abu Talib’s portion of nur) as a wasi (appointed heir).
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu Ghalib Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi informed us — Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Ukht Mahdi al Saqati al Wasiti narrated to us imlaʾan (he dictated the hadith to us) —; Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Qawariri al Wasiti narrated to us — Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit narrated to us — Muhammad ibn Musaffa narrated to us — Baqiyyah ibn al Walid narrated to us — from Suwaid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz — from Abu al Zubair — from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah — from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…”[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and its chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable).
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
I have not seen anyone regard his teacher—more famously known as Ibn al Khalah and Ibn Bushran—as a thiqah (reliable).
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit is a kadhdhab (liar) and a dajjal.
Muhammad ibn Musaffa, Baqiyyah and Abu al Zubair are all mudallisin[2] (obfuscate when they narrate).
Suwaid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz is da’if (weak).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 132.
[2] For an explanation of this term, Click Here [translator’s note]
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إن الله عز وجل أنزل قطعة من نور، فأسكنها في صلب آدم، فساقها حتى قسمها جزئين: جزء في صلب عبد الله، وجزء في صلب أبي طالب، فأخرجني نبيا، وأخرج عليا وصيا.
Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala sent down a portion of nur (light). He made it settle in the backbone of Adam. He carried it until he divided it into two portions: a portion in the backbone of ‘Abdullah, and a portion in the backbone of Abu Talib. He brought me out (of ‘Abdullah’s portion of nur) as a Prophet, and He brought ‘Ali out (of Abu Talib’s portion of nur) as a wasi (appointed heir).
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu Ghalib Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi informed us — Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Ukht Mahdi al Saqati al Wasiti narrated to us imlaʾan (he dictated the hadith to us) —; Ahmed ibn ‘Ali al Qawariri al Wasiti narrated to us — Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit narrated to us — Muhammad ibn Musaffa narrated to us — Baqiyyah ibn al Walid narrated to us — from Suwaid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz — from Abu al Zubair — from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah — from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…”[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated) and its chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable).
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
I have not seen anyone regard his teacher—more famously known as Ibn al Khalah and Ibn Bushran—as a thiqah (reliable).
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit is a kadhdhab (liar) and a dajjal.
Muhammad ibn Musaffa, Baqiyyah and Abu al Zubair are all mudallisin[2] (obfuscate when they narrate).
Suwaid ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz is da’if (weak).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 132.
[2] For an explanation of this term, Click Here [translator’s note]