Hadith 8: As for you, o ‘Ali, you are my bosom and trustworthy (friend).

Hadith 7: (‘Ali said that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to me) “Shall I not teach you some words that if you were to say them, you will be forgiven…
September 6, 2018
Hadith 9: (Abu ‘Abdullah al Jadali said,) I entered the presence of Umm Salamah. She said to me, “Is the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam being cursed (by anyone) among you?” …
September 6, 2018

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Hadith 8


أما أنت يا علي فصفيي وأميني.

As for you, o ‘Ali, you are my bosom and trustworthy (friend).


Imam al Nasa’i, al Bazzar, Ibn Abi ‘Asim, and al Tahawi narrate this hadith from ‘Abdul ‘Aziz — from Yazid ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Had — from Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir — from his father — from ‘Ali who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

‘Abdul ‘Aziz’s name is Ibn Muhammad al Darawardi. The hadith masters have a difference of opinion regarding him.

The chain of transmission appears in contradictory form. Imam al Tahawi narrates from Bakr ibn Mudar — from Ibn al Had — from Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir — from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[2]

Bakr ibn Mudar is more reliable than ‘Abdul ‘Aziz; therefore, his hadith is more authentic. The words in the chain of his transmission “from his father” are dropped. It is, therefore munqati’[3] (broken) since Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir narrates from his father — from ‘Ali. For that reason, the hadith is da’if (weak).

Al Shajari also narrates it with an unreliable chain of transmission.[4]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 9

[1] Imam al Nasaʾi: al Sunan al Kubra, hadith no. 8404 and Khasaʾis ‘Ali, hadith no. 73; al Bazzar: Musnad al Bazzar, hadith no. 891; ibn Abi ‘Asim: Kitab al Sunnah, hadith 1330; al Tahawi: Sharh Mushkil al Athar, hadith no. 3083.

[2] Imam al Tahawi: Sharh Mushkil al Athar, hadith no. 3082.

[3] A munqati’ (broken) chain of transmission in which a transmitter, usually not in the early part of the isnad, cites a source whom he never actually met. [translator’s note]

[4] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/669.

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Hadith 8


أما أنت يا علي فصفيي وأميني.

As for you, o ‘Ali, you are my bosom and trustworthy (friend).


Imam al Nasa’i, al Bazzar, Ibn Abi ‘Asim, and al Tahawi narrate this hadith from ‘Abdul ‘Aziz — from Yazid ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al Had — from Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir — from his father — from ‘Ali who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

‘Abdul ‘Aziz’s name is Ibn Muhammad al Darawardi. The hadith masters have a difference of opinion regarding him.

The chain of transmission appears in contradictory form. Imam al Tahawi narrates from Bakr ibn Mudar — from Ibn al Had — from Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir — from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[2]

Bakr ibn Mudar is more reliable than ‘Abdul ‘Aziz; therefore, his hadith is more authentic. The words in the chain of his transmission “from his father” are dropped. It is, therefore munqati’[3] (broken) since Muhammad ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Ajir narrates from his father — from ‘Ali. For that reason, the hadith is da’if (weak).

Al Shajari also narrates it with an unreliable chain of transmission.[4]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 9

[1] Imam al Nasaʾi: al Sunan al Kubra, hadith no. 8404 and Khasaʾis ‘Ali, hadith no. 73; al Bazzar: Musnad al Bazzar, hadith no. 891; ibn Abi ‘Asim: Kitab al Sunnah, hadith 1330; al Tahawi: Sharh Mushkil al Athar, hadith no. 3083.

[2] Imam al Tahawi: Sharh Mushkil al Athar, hadith no. 3082.

[3] A munqati’ (broken) chain of transmission in which a transmitter, usually not in the early part of the isnad, cites a source whom he never actually met. [translator’s note]

[4] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/669.