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يا علي إن الله جعل فيك مثلا من عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام: أبغضته اليهود حتى بهتوا أمه، وأحبته النصارى حتى ادعوا فيه ما ليس له بحق. ألا أنه يهلك في محبتي مطر يصفني بما ليس في، ومبغض مفتر يحمله شنآنه لي على أن يبهتني، ألا وإني لست بنبي، ولا يوحى إلي، ولكني أعمل بكتاب الله ما استطعت، فما أمرتكم من طاعة الله عز وجل فواجب عليكم، وعلى غيركم، طاعتي فيه، وما أمرتكم، أو أمركم غيري من معصية الله، فإنه لا طاعة لأحد في معصية الله، إنما الطاعة في المعروف.
“O ‘Ali, surely Allah has made in you an example from ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam: The Yahud (Jews) hated him such that they slandered his mother; The Nasara (Christians) loved him such that they avowed for him that which he is undeserving of.” (‘Ali said) ‘Indeed, a person that displays excessive love towards me such that he describes unto me qualities I do not possess will be ruined because of me; and a person that displays excessive hate towards me such that his hatred will even carry him to slander me (will also be ruined because of me). Verily, I am not a Nabi and I do not receive wahi (revelation); however, I act upon the Book of Allah as much as possible. Therefore, whatever form of Allah’s obedience I order you to do, it is obligatory upon you and others to obey me therein. And whatever form of Allah’s disobedience I order you to do, or someone other than me orders you to do, then no one is to be obeyed in the disobedience of Allah. Obedience is only in good (deeds).”
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi narrated to me ijazatan (i.e. he gave me permission to transmit) — Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Talhah al Nahwi informed them — Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn al Fadl ibn al Jarrah narrated to us and Muhammad ibn al Qasim narrated to us — Ahmed ibn al Haythan narrated to us — Abu Gassan Malik ibn Ismail narrated to us — al Hakam ibn ‘Abdul Malik narrated to us — from al Harith ibn Hasirah — from Abu Sadiq ibn Rabi’ah ibn Najid — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said: ‘The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
I have yet to see anyone deem his teacher (Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi) and his teacher’s teacher (Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Talhah al Nahwi) a thiqah (reliable).
The preponderant opinion regarding Ahmed ibn ‘Ubaid ibn Nasih al Baghdadi is that he is da’if (weak).[2]
Al Hakam ibn ‘Abdul Malik is da’if (weak).
Al Shajari narrates — from Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Marwazi — Musa ibn Ibrahim al Marwazi al A’war narrated to us — Musa ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to me — from his father, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father, Muhammad ibn ‘Ali — from his father, ‘Ali ibn al Hassan — from his father — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[3]
Musa ibn Ibrahim al Marwazi al A’war is either majhul (unknown), or his name is Abu ‘Imran al Marwazi. Yahya ibn Ma’in deemed him a kadhdhab (liar). Al Daraqutni and others say he is matruk (suspected of forgery).[4]
I could not trace Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Marwazi.
Al Ashnani is da’if (weak). His name will come soon.
In short, the hadith is inauthentic. Its two chains of transmission are batil (baseless).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 104.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Tahdhib al Tahdhib, 1/52.
[3] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/669.
[4] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 4/199.
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يا علي إن الله جعل فيك مثلا من عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام: أبغضته اليهود حتى بهتوا أمه، وأحبته النصارى حتى ادعوا فيه ما ليس له بحق. ألا أنه يهلك في محبتي مطر يصفني بما ليس في، ومبغض مفتر يحمله شنآنه لي على أن يبهتني، ألا وإني لست بنبي، ولا يوحى إلي، ولكني أعمل بكتاب الله ما استطعت، فما أمرتكم من طاعة الله عز وجل فواجب عليكم، وعلى غيركم، طاعتي فيه، وما أمرتكم، أو أمركم غيري من معصية الله، فإنه لا طاعة لأحد في معصية الله، إنما الطاعة في المعروف.
“O ‘Ali, surely Allah has made in you an example from ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam: The Yahud (Jews) hated him such that they slandered his mother; The Nasara (Christians) loved him such that they avowed for him that which he is undeserving of.” (‘Ali said) ‘Indeed, a person that displays excessive love towards me such that he describes unto me qualities I do not possess will be ruined because of me; and a person that displays excessive hate towards me such that his hatred will even carry him to slander me (will also be ruined because of me). Verily, I am not a Nabi and I do not receive wahi (revelation); however, I act upon the Book of Allah as much as possible. Therefore, whatever form of Allah’s obedience I order you to do, it is obligatory upon you and others to obey me therein. And whatever form of Allah’s disobedience I order you to do, or someone other than me orders you to do, then no one is to be obeyed in the disobedience of Allah. Obedience is only in good (deeds).”
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi narrated to me ijazatan (i.e. he gave me permission to transmit) — Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Talhah al Nahwi informed them — Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn al Fadl ibn al Jarrah narrated to us and Muhammad ibn al Qasim narrated to us — Ahmed ibn al Haythan narrated to us — Abu Gassan Malik ibn Ismail narrated to us — al Hakam ibn ‘Abdul Malik narrated to us — from al Harith ibn Hasirah — from Abu Sadiq ibn Rabi’ah ibn Najid — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said: ‘The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
I have yet to see anyone deem his teacher (Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Sahl al Nahwi) and his teacher’s teacher (Abu al Qasim ‘Ali ibn Talhah al Nahwi) a thiqah (reliable).
The preponderant opinion regarding Ahmed ibn ‘Ubaid ibn Nasih al Baghdadi is that he is da’if (weak).[2]
Al Hakam ibn ‘Abdul Malik is da’if (weak).
Al Shajari narrates — from Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Marwazi — Musa ibn Ibrahim al Marwazi al A’war narrated to us — Musa ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to me — from his father, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father, Muhammad ibn ‘Ali — from his father, ‘Ali ibn al Hassan — from his father — from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[3]
Musa ibn Ibrahim al Marwazi al A’war is either majhul (unknown), or his name is Abu ‘Imran al Marwazi. Yahya ibn Ma’in deemed him a kadhdhab (liar). Al Daraqutni and others say he is matruk (suspected of forgery).[4]
I could not trace Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Marwazi.
Al Ashnani is da’if (weak). His name will come soon.
In short, the hadith is inauthentic. Its two chains of transmission are batil (baseless).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 104.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Tahdhib al Tahdhib, 1/52.
[3] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/669.
[4] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 4/199.