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Hadith 60
والله ما كذبت ولا كذبت، ولا ضللت ولا ضل بي، بل عهد من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عهده إلي، وقد خاب من افترى.
(‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said) “By Allah, I did not lie and I was not deceived. I did not stray and I was not led astray. I was promised by the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Unsuccessful is he who lies.”
Abu Ya’la narrates — Ismail ibn Musa narrated to us — al Rabi’ ibn Sahl al Fizari narrated to us — Sa’id ibn ‘Ubaid narrated to me — from ‘Ali ibn Rabi’ah who said, “I heard ‘Ali say on the mimbar (pulpit) when a man came to him and said: ‘O Amir al Muʾminin (Commander of the Faithful), why do I see you inciting and urging the people as a man goads and incites his camel? Is it a promise from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, or something you saw?’”[1] He went on and mentioned the hadith (i.e. the statement of ‘Ali).
The chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable).
Al Rabi’ ibn Sahl ibn al Rukayn ibn al Rabi’ ibn ‘Umaylah al Fizari is da’if (weak). In fact, Ibn Ma’in says he is not a thiqah (reliable). Abu Zur’ah says he is munkar al hadith (unacceptable in hadith).
Al Haythami writes, “Abu Ya’la narrates this hadith with a chain of transmission that contains al Rabi’ ibn Sahl. He is da’if (weak).”[2]
[1] Abu Ya’la: Musnad Abi Ya’la, 1/518.
[2] Al Haythami: Majma’ al Zawaʾid, 9/135.