Hadith 57: O ‘Ali, if you are in charge after me, expel the people of Najran from the Arabian Peninsula.

Hadith 56: ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib issued a ruling and it was mentioned to Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It amazed Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and so he said, “All praise belongs to Allah for granting wisdom amongst us, the Ahlul Bayt.”
September 19, 2018
Hadith 58: O ‘Ali, you are a sayed in the Dunya, a sayed in the Akhirah. Your beloved is my beloved, and my beloved is Allah’s beloved. Your enemy is my enemy, and my enemy is Allah’s enemy. Woe unto that person who hates you after me.
September 19, 2018

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Hadith 57


يا علي إن أنت وليت الأمر بعدي، فأخرج أهل نجران من جزيرة العرب.

O ‘Ali, if you are in charge after me, expel the people of Najran from the Arabian Peninsula.


Imam Ahmed and Ibn Abi ‘Asim narrate — from Qais — from al Ash’ath ibn Sawwar — from ‘Adi ibn Thabit — from Abu Zabyan — from ‘Ali who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

This chain of transmission is da’if (weak). Qais is ibn al Rabi’. He is da’if (weak). His son inserted ahadith (in his father’s collection) which are not his.

Ash’ath ibn Sawwar is da’if (weak).

They both enjoy a tabi’ (parallel narration). ‘Abdul Razzar narrates — Hassan ibn ‘Umarah informed us — from ‘Adi ibn Thabit — from Abu Zabyan who said, “I heard ‘Ali say, ‘The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to me: ‘O ‘Ali, if you are in charge after me, expel the people of Najran from the Arabian Peninsula.’”[2]

However, Hassan ibn ‘Umarah is matruk (suspected of forgery).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 58

[1] Imam Ahmed: Musnad Ahmed, 1/87; ibn Abi ‘Asim: Kitab al Sunnah, hadith no. 1184.

[2] ‘Abdul Razzaq: Musannaf ‘Abdul Razzaq, 6/58, 10/361.

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Hadith 57


يا علي إن أنت وليت الأمر بعدي، فأخرج أهل نجران من جزيرة العرب.

O ‘Ali, if you are in charge after me, expel the people of Najran from the Arabian Peninsula.


Imam Ahmed and Ibn Abi ‘Asim narrate — from Qais — from al Ash’ath ibn Sawwar — from ‘Adi ibn Thabit — from Abu Zabyan — from ‘Ali who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]

This chain of transmission is da’if (weak). Qais is ibn al Rabi’. He is da’if (weak). His son inserted ahadith (in his father’s collection) which are not his.

Ash’ath ibn Sawwar is da’if (weak).

They both enjoy a tabi’ (parallel narration). ‘Abdul Razzar narrates — Hassan ibn ‘Umarah informed us — from ‘Adi ibn Thabit — from Abu Zabyan who said, “I heard ‘Ali say, ‘The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to me: ‘O ‘Ali, if you are in charge after me, expel the people of Najran from the Arabian Peninsula.’”[2]

However, Hassan ibn ‘Umarah is matruk (suspected of forgery).


NEXT⇒ Hadith 58

[1] Imam Ahmed: Musnad Ahmed, 1/87; ibn Abi ‘Asim: Kitab al Sunnah, hadith no. 1184.

[2] ‘Abdul Razzaq: Musannaf ‘Abdul Razzaq, 6/58, 10/361.