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قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حين رجعت من جنازة قولا، ما أحب أن لي به الدنيا جميعا.
(‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said:) After returning from a janazah (funeral), the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told me something that I would not exchange the entire Dunya for.
Abu Ya’la narrates — ‘Abdul Samad ibn ‘Abdul Warith narrated to me — Shu’bah narrated to me — Fudayl narrated to me — from Abu Hurayz — from al Sha’bi — from ‘Ali,[1] who mentioned the hadith.
Abu Hurayz’s name is ‘Abdullah ibn al Hussain al Azdi al Basri and there is a difference of opinion regarding his status, some deeming him a thiqah (reliable) and others deeming him unreliable.[2]
Fudayl ibn Maysarah is a saduq (sincere). However, ‘Ali ibn al Madini says — I heard Yahya ibn Sa’id say, “I said to Fudayl ibn Maysarah, ‘(What about) the hadith of Abu Hurayz?’ He said, ‘I heard them from him; however, my book disappeared, and then I (eventually) received the hadith from another person (who received the hadith from Ibn Hurayz).’”[3]
This is the ‘illah (hidden impairing defect): Fudayl received his ahadith after going through a majhul (unknown) person, who received it from Abu Hurayz.
[1] Abu Ya’la: Musnad Abi Ya’la, hadith no. 359.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Tahdhib al Tahdhib, 5/164.
[3] Al Hafiz al Mizzi: Tahdhib al Kamal, 5/164.
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قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حين رجعت من جنازة قولا، ما أحب أن لي به الدنيا جميعا.
(‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said:) After returning from a janazah (funeral), the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told me something that I would not exchange the entire Dunya for.
Abu Ya’la narrates — ‘Abdul Samad ibn ‘Abdul Warith narrated to me — Shu’bah narrated to me — Fudayl narrated to me — from Abu Hurayz — from al Sha’bi — from ‘Ali,[1] who mentioned the hadith.
Abu Hurayz’s name is ‘Abdullah ibn al Hussain al Azdi al Basri and there is a difference of opinion regarding his status, some deeming him a thiqah (reliable) and others deeming him unreliable.[2]
Fudayl ibn Maysarah is a saduq (sincere). However, ‘Ali ibn al Madini says — I heard Yahya ibn Sa’id say, “I said to Fudayl ibn Maysarah, ‘(What about) the hadith of Abu Hurayz?’ He said, ‘I heard them from him; however, my book disappeared, and then I (eventually) received the hadith from another person (who received the hadith from Ibn Hurayz).’”[3]
This is the ‘illah (hidden impairing defect): Fudayl received his ahadith after going through a majhul (unknown) person, who received it from Abu Hurayz.
[1] Abu Ya’la: Musnad Abi Ya’la, hadith no. 359.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Tahdhib al Tahdhib, 5/164.
[3] Al Hafiz al Mizzi: Tahdhib al Kamal, 5/164.