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جاءنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن مصطجعين في المسجد، وفي يده عسيب رطب، فضربنا، وقال: أترقدون في المسجد؟! إنه لا يرقد فيه أحد. فأجفلنا وأجفل معنا علي بن أبي طالب. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تعال يا علي، إنه يحل لك في المسجد ما يحل لي، يا علي ألا ترضى أن تكون مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا النبوة؟ والذي نفسي بيده إنك لتذودن عن حوضي يوم القيامة رجالا، كما يذاد البعير الضال عن الماء بعصا معك من عوسج، كأني أنظر إلى مقامك من حوضي.
The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam came to us while we were lying down in the masjid. In his hand was a branch of fresh dates. He nudged us with it and said, “Are you lying down in the masjid? No one is to lie down in the masjid.” We jumped up and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib jumped up with us. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Come, O ‘Ali. What is permissible for me in the masjid is permissible for you. O ‘Ali, are you not pleased that you are unto me as Harun was to Musa, excluding Prophethood? By Him in Whose hand my soul is, you will drive away men from my Hawd (Cistern) on the Day of Resurrection just as a stray camel is driven away from water with a stick of boxthorn (Lycium) you will have. It is as if I can see your place by my Hawd (Cistern).”
Ibn ‘Asakir narrates — from Haram[1] ibn ‘Uthman — from ‘Abdul Rahman and Muhammad, the sons of Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah — from their father, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah al Ansari.[2]
Haram ibn ‘Uthman is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Al Albani and al Dhahabi say the hadith is munkar jiddan (extremely weak and contradicting authentic reports).[3]
[1] His name appears as Hizam in the printed edition. However, the name is as I have mentioned.
[2] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/139.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/4937; al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 1/469.
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جاءنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن مصطجعين في المسجد، وفي يده عسيب رطب، فضربنا، وقال: أترقدون في المسجد؟! إنه لا يرقد فيه أحد. فأجفلنا وأجفل معنا علي بن أبي طالب. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تعال يا علي، إنه يحل لك في المسجد ما يحل لي، يا علي ألا ترضى أن تكون مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا النبوة؟ والذي نفسي بيده إنك لتذودن عن حوضي يوم القيامة رجالا، كما يذاد البعير الضال عن الماء بعصا معك من عوسج، كأني أنظر إلى مقامك من حوضي.
The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam came to us while we were lying down in the masjid. In his hand was a branch of fresh dates. He nudged us with it and said, “Are you lying down in the masjid? No one is to lie down in the masjid.” We jumped up and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib jumped up with us. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Come, O ‘Ali. What is permissible for me in the masjid is permissible for you. O ‘Ali, are you not pleased that you are unto me as Harun was to Musa, excluding Prophethood? By Him in Whose hand my soul is, you will drive away men from my Hawd (Cistern) on the Day of Resurrection just as a stray camel is driven away from water with a stick of boxthorn (Lycium) you will have. It is as if I can see your place by my Hawd (Cistern).”
Ibn ‘Asakir narrates — from Haram[1] ibn ‘Uthman — from ‘Abdul Rahman and Muhammad, the sons of Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah — from their father, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah al Ansari.[2]
Haram ibn ‘Uthman is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Al Albani and al Dhahabi say the hadith is munkar jiddan (extremely weak and contradicting authentic reports).[3]
[1] His name appears as Hizam in the printed edition. However, the name is as I have mentioned.
[2] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 42/139.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/4937; al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 1/469.